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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Hopefully someone confirms with you hth...I'm already 4 at this point a far as I know. 7 is about as early as we head out...but some hit the water about 6:15/6:30 as the sun's comin up. Maybe be there a 1/2 hr earlier and stand on the dock with rod in one hand..thumb out on the other ! So Shawn/Kevin...did Kevin sort out his motor peein issue?
  2. That's good Gnoddy... was startin to think I may have to find the fish on my own. Good to hear I've still got a boat to follow ! LOL
  3. Not that cheap..bought it once in CTC and had the wife return it after I decided there was no where on my glass boat I wanted to drill the holes for it. I think it was $32.99 or something.... STILL CHEAPER than West Marine.
  4. You wouldn't have been alone Shawn...if you look in the hook ups Headhunter wanted to know if anyone was solo for Friday! Otherwise he's in with us for 4 in the boat..which is just fine none the less. If anyone is boatless at this point SPEAK UP so someone can take you in...know you are coming so they don't leave the dock without you. As once everyone is there and starts hittin the water at day break..it's late to try and get a spot in a boat. We had guys fishin off the wall at the ferry last year and I'd hope we don't see that again this year.
  5. We have one in Midland...I use it as an absoute last resort for parts that aren't readily available anywhere else when in a hurry. They cater to the yacht "club" and if you don't have a members card to collect points...well ya ain't .... !
  6. You'll find that they are dipped...using nothing but an aluminum rod the size you want. Next you will find that it's cheaper to buy the monster tubes from RedOctober than buying chemicals/plastisol etc. Unless you want to have some custom to you only colours. I was hot to do it myself and even have a source for plastisol right here in town...but then just bought enough from RedOctober to last me quite some time for the cost of a gallon of plastisol and some colourant . Lots of info here... http://www.tackleunderground.com/index.php
  7. FYI... for anyone doing this.... you really should use Tal-Strip II (Aircraft coating remover) on aluminum....not the standard stocked "Tal-Strip" as it's for metal and really shouldn't be used on aluminum.
  8. Bet them pages are worn out already too !! LOL
  9. Sounds good.. I'm bringin mine and no they don't bother me at all after a few days of gettin use to it.
  10. We can arm wrestle over it when we get there Gerritt. It'll be in the truck ! YOu buy those things I suggested to give a whirl ? Roy...!
  11. Find me and I'll have a gallon jug in the truck. Worth $31 and no use to me. Wayne Percher...matrix covers are in the truck as well.
  12. GREAT report Grimace! What I'd do to be able to fish with my old man...gotta settle for Dano and Terry I guess ! LOL
  13. I run 30 lb powerpro on my baitcasters. Can't see changing to anything else..anytime soon...other than maybe Spiderwire Stealth.
  14. Lake for sure Joey...you not notice the waterfall comin out of it (Lake of the Mountain I believe)
  15. Hell no Rizzo. Lew goes fishin every day...he sends his honey to work ! LOL
  16. I gotta use that tact for the airplanes that have been dropped off for winter storage. "why's the hangar spot $2500 a month this winter instead of $250"... Well it's an important measure to keep you aircraft prestine and you need the spot! Joey..were these shaft seals..or just the washer for under the fill and drain screws? Seals... probably double what they're really worth retail, washers FLEECED and folded.
  17. Did you try pulling the hose off the block to make sure it's not just plugged?
  18. Have you got extra water flooding out of the muffs...and they're in the right intake spot... I'd let it run for awhile...not gonna cook the motor at these temps in a hurry. Take the cowling off..follow the "pee" line. Does it go into a housing before the engine itself..if so that's a thermostat...and like I said my old 9.8 doesn't pee in the fall until it warms up and opens...but then again it could be baffed as well...lol
  19. Some mercs have a thermostat and it don't pee till it warms up. My old 9.8 is that way. You haven't been running it without water have you...
  20. Was I that polite Mike ? First word stated with F and second word was 'Tards
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