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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. As Bernie says.... yes they are Native... but not on the Northern lakes. Ruger semi-auto 22 and a good scope keeps the Lake T birds in check ! lol
  2. Good stuff Cookslav... as for the carpet.. different colours/styles in each room give a house character !! Get them to cut it right where your door closes and tape/glue the seam to your new carpet. Guess you'd hate Leah's Burgandy dining room with hardwood... the striped blue front sitting room beside it thru the french doors with carpet.... or the yellow smooshed living room that we enter our brown walled, light gray carpeted bedroom from. lol
  3. Hopefully he's returned in one piece... but it appears he'd better find a better vocation !
  4. I was down at the dock lunch today at 2PM.. there are some open holes in the bay straight out from the docks. If you don't know where the springs/current are in there... stay off it. Good thing is, is that the rain +9C this morning knocked ALL the snow down... so it's freezin up tight as I type.
  5. Water is an amazing thing on how it can get in without finding the spot ! That said since it isn't effecting your ceiling... Do you have a plumbing vent stack in that wall?? and water gets in around it's rubber roof seal and runs down into the wall. Do you have any water pipes in that wall ?? Drywall screw into a pipe...that's been a snow leaker and has now grown!
  6. "His" site has been down since early last night Ben.
  7. Was just a thread on this last week Rich. Dano had a one man one... used it up at my camp 3 times before we heard a lotta noise....looked over to see that Dan was on his in the snow. Tubes broke.. and Dan ain't a big man.
  8. Ya.. good 'ol "what's his name" ! Thanks for the chuckle Dave... good to see you back. Now Roy... did ya get your sweeties car runnin bud?
  9. Countryman’s Cooking, by W.M.W Fowler circa 1965. Cormorant Recipe Having shot your cormorant, hold it well away from you as you carry it home; these birds are exceedingly verminous and the lice are said to be not entirely host-specific. Hang up by the feet with a piece of wire, soak in petrol and set on fire. This treatment both removes most of the feathers and kills the lice. When the smoke has cleared away, take the cormorant down and cut off the beak. Send this to the local Conservancy Board who, if you are in the right area, will give you 3/6d or sometimes 5/- for it. Bury the carcase, preferably in a light sandy soil, and leave it there for a fortnight. This is said to improve the flavour by removing, in part at least, the taste of rotting fish. Dig up and skin and draw the bird. Place in a strong salt and water solution and soak for 48 hours. Remove, dry, stuff with whole, unpeeled onions: the onion skins are supposed to bleach the meat to a small extent, so that it is very dark brown instead of being entirely black. Simmer gently in seawater, to which two tablespoons of chloride of lime have been added, for six hours. This has a further tenderising effect. Take out of the water and allow to dry, meanwhile mixing up a stiff paste of methylated spirit and curry powder. Spread this mixture liberally over the breast of the bird. Finally roast in a very hot oven for three hours. The result is unbelievable. Throw it away. Not even a starving vulture would eat it.
  10. They drop most of the lakes in Zone 11, and most places for that matter... Temagami gets dropped about 3 feet... Cassels gets lowered as much as 18 feet. They're all open for fishing.
  11. For sure sinker... did the casing break or just the inner cable. Easy to fabricate a new one if just the inner.
  12. The reversed guide is getting exactly what they want.... FREE ADVERTISING !!!
  13. Most likely a cottage association that had pull at the time....
  14. I don't know Roger... I just peeked thru all our Ottawa and St.Lawrence Muskies from the last 2 years.. and most have spots on their fins... many have rounded fins.. many have similar vertical "bars"... and I"m darn sure every one of them were pure Musky.
  15. Is that what you were running yesterday Steve ?
  16. Why do I always see red x's from myfishingpictures uploads? Good to see you and Peter again Dan.
  17. I hear ya Dawg..... that's why I bought that house down the street and across from you with the For Sale sign on the front lawn!
  18. I think Outlaw is happy just sitting at home playing with his wood HF !
  19. Probably a GM motor that threw a rod thru the block.. rupturing the hull Rich. Gaspumper... Edit.. Dang.. had another look, it's an outboard. Must have been one of those "inferior" offshore bilge pumps!
  20. Yah.. she's a keeper leechman... I was supposed to go get our daughter, but she told me to go to Niagara instead! Back to you Tom.... cold yet? ... get the beer truck emptied so it was easier to push?
  21. Probably gonna take her 6 hours. Not sure how much snowfall we've got in accumulated total...but based on how many times I've plowed 6" or more..probably 8 to 10 feet by now. It's come off the roof once before already. Pool deck has over 3 feet of compacted snow on it. Yard, because the ground isn't frozen and snows melting from beneath, is still a good 2 feet deep. Our property is the highest point of land on the Penninsula of land between Penetang and Midland harbours. We are in direct line of a North wind coming across the open waters of Georgian Bay and the lake is 580 above sea level... we are 760 and it seems the cloud/squall hooks and stays here!
  22. Are you trying to convince us... or yourself... that you made the right move to go to SK HF?
  23. I hear ya there jedi !! .. but you do know that you can legally drag 4 spoons around on one line in Ontario aye ?
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