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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Heck.. there might be so much moon tidal pull out there the river will be running backwards.... Thanks for the info Dawg... it was pretty large last night as well around 5PM
  2. COLD FX ! Suck it up bud... I've got a surprise in the boat so it won't be that bad! lol
  3. That picture is from a -29C morning were none of our sleds, terry's 4 wheel or my truck wanted to start Goran!
  4. PM sent back to you Jose ! Trailering cover is on... truck's attached and ready to go at 4am ! Man.. why do we do these things ! lol
  5. Aile Goby... as stated a page back... I had/have a spot available. I already got a PM though from someone that wanted it... but he hasn't totally confirmed yet. If he backs out do you wanna go? I'm going down the 427.. across the QEW so could pick you up at a major intersection if he backs out.
  6. Oh I know I've got money into it Goran... but it was already on the boat, so only EXTRA cost to go ice fishing, a battery and a plastic case. Worked okay with the transom transducer.. just hoping it works perfect with the ice fishing transducer that I got off ebay for $80 brand new. Just wanted to know if there was something about these Vex/Marcum units that makes them unique for ice fishing.
  7. As I said in my Pm to you the other day Rob... we can only hope Chris will be shown God's best fishing holes. Hang in there fella and continue to reflect on the memories.
  8. Thanks for that Roy.. best part of the thread !
  9. Motor under warantee??... you're good !
  10. So why are these better than my Lowrance 102C Goran? It puts out 2400 W P/P and I bought an ice fishing transducer for it to narrow the cone and to get better returns than using my transom puck on a stick.
  11. Okay.. I'll bring me stove ! Any tips or pointers a first timer on the upper should know.... before drifting down over the falls ?
  12. +8C and Rain for Monday.. ain't gonna help that bit of ice. But is should help knock some snow down or at least hopefully saturate it so it can become slush ice instead of insulation.
  13. Mine's that way too Dan... just hard to chase them buggers around the whole tank. I never use the item I mentioned above... it gets used to hold the pee bucket! I use the bow livewell for minnows, the few times a year that I even use them.
  14. I used to just stick my yellow plastic bait bucket in the live well.. as well. My current boat has a sliding bucket in the livewell. Almost looks like a bathroom garbage bucket with holes drilled in it. It sits in an aluminum ring.. that slides along the live well lid. I can take a pic tomorrow if you'd like Rob... when I'm gettin the boat ready to go to Niagara.
  15. Yes for a meal Lew ! You cooking the musky burgers or do ya suppose the restaurant will whip them up for us?
  16. Well.. here in the "buckle" of the snow belt I've darn near run out of places to push it already. 39" of heavy packed snow on the pool deck.
  17. Terry and I will be there with my boat guys. Looks like snow up here Saturday am.. but not down there so we're gonna go for it. Monday +8C and rain.. so I can wash the mess off the rig them before storing. I have one spot in the boat available if there's an OFC'r with there own gear that wants to go.... or can even accomodate if they don't. Let me know.. can pick up if on the route or meet at the ramp. So the Marina.. hope to be there by 7:45.. Lew will you have your cell phone on?
  18. Beat by a newbi on his first post Danbo.....that's gotta hurt ! lol
  19. Lexx has got them.. and no damn electric locks either! Makes it harder to break in with a coat hanger! LOL
  20. Yes you are WJ... CTC money is as close to legal tender as it comes with play money ! My issue with them is after almost 20 years with a CTC business card they went from their own corporate card to using Mastercard to do their work for them. Then this summer they decided mid stream that current cards where invalid and you had about 20 days to resign up with them under a different account name. That's when I decided I had enough "plastic" in my wallet.
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