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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Another interesting thing was a guy painting frantically on the back of the stage throughout his concert. Found this about him http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol...icle3547410.ece I taped that clip Shawn... not sure how long it will stay up on youtube considering copywrite laws.
  2. <object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=" </param> <embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object> If you did... what are your thoughts. First time I've gone to a concert and had a band playing before "gate" time. The opening.. opening act came on at 6:55 ! Everest were good and should take the actual opening band, Wilco's, spot for the rest of Neil's concerts. Everest's website. http://everestband.com/ Played for a good 40 minutes or so... Wilco played, unfortunately, for about an hour.. Neil did 2hr-15 or so.. with the concert ending at 11:30PM 4 1/2 hours of entertainment at a concert is pretty much unheard of anymore! Neil was GOOD... I wouldn't say great.. but VERY good. Still got more energy at 63 than I have now! LOL
  3. I bet ya could Glen... just try touchin one !
  4. I decided to do this this weekend Bill... included some pre-drinking, drinking and post drinking... lol
  5. Overnight... Johnny B brings his "Buddy" that likes to cuddle ! ....and what Cliff said !
  6. A beautiful Mills fish... and a good picture that shows it's length. There is another shot available that shows just how fat she was as well. Foot and a half of new snow in the last 36 hours here in the buckle of the snow belt. Don't think I can find a usable launch...
  7. Good stuff Dave! Cute little bugger...
  8. Floater suits are considered "Life Jackets" under the approval act... not PFD's...and I think what Forrest was gettin at. PFD's can be any colour... where as "Life Jackets", that are required on commercial vessels, have to be red/orange or yellow.
  9. Danbo... is there anything in your link that says to protect your eyes? Line #2... there's more than one way to clean a boat!
  10. One drop in your eye will also blind you in ~15 seconds if you don't get it rinsed out immediately.....and why I don't have any in my shop... ;O)
  11. Like the others have said... leave home or leash until you've taught her that YOU are the alpha dog.
  12. I think that's what Avery said yesterday.... As for the Carp.. You eat what you have available.. as simple as that.
  13. Long live Harry bigugli... and I'll be seein Neil on Friday night !
  14. I did not end up in the dog house Bernie.... but it sure hurt when she pulled that ladder out from under me!
  15. Guatemala and Nicaragua civil war Paul.
  16. If ya wanna head in that direction Brian..
  17. No it doesn't Ramble... looks like August 21st... day I flew to Marathon and skipped the scenary !
  18. They didn't lose the dart.... solo is using it as a spear tip up in Quebec !
  19. Depends what background you're using... still double clicking on the blue/white default background..as well as the club background and it gets annoying.
  20. I know cranksbait picked up a manual auger for someone. Also faintly remember someone grabbing a extra power auger as well. They were hard to get... Midland only had one.. and it was tucked away in the back when I grabbed it on the Friday night.
  21. I picked the auger up myself...the night before the sale started. That works great at CTC it seems... Crankbaits picked up the Frabil Trekker for me in GananaQ.. and dropped it at my mothers in Smiths Falls. Haven't seen a post from him since spring
  22. My Jiffy has a decompression button on it as well Dan. Got mine... 2HP - 9" @ 1/2 price during CTC's late winter clearance last season.
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