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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. No problem... steps are on the left side (tire.. step.. hand hold in center of windshield.. step up.. onto bracket on nose.. bracket on roof and onto wing.... stay inside the red lines.. you can walk on those ones.
  2. LOL Bigugli... we got all pissed up at the Lee Hotel in Smiths Falls on the Friday night and put the groom on the train (handy.. right across the street) to Thunder Bay with no money in his pocket. Thunder Bay was picked because that was as far as we could get him with all the money we could scratch together and told the conductor to take good care of him. Was hillarious at the time... but wasn't overly funny standin at the front of the church without him the next afternoon.....
  3. They'z doin their thing right in front of the two war birds tied down beside the sock.
  4. Yah.. well be QUIET !. Tom's still doing their dance in the mornings over by the windsock. Remember... no holes in da airplanes...
  5. DANG.. now I know what's taking Goran so long to get married!! ! LMAO !!! ..but ya..what he said ! lol
  6. It's the unit right beside my 8 track player Raf !! Channel 3 or 4 to match the VCR as previously stated.
  7. Saw a nice big Tom at 7:40 this morning !!!
  8. Yep.. like Ted says you're gonna need the factory.. or custom bracket like I had on my Glastron.
  9. I have nothing wrong with the second rivet from the left...it's a sealed tank rivet. But if you can access both sides do it right and use solid rivets.. not pull rivets. Driving/bucking rivets isn't a mystical science..... heck even I can do it !
  10. Thanks Brian and Betty for sharing your 27th with us... from a couple that will hit that number as well in August. A rare occassion in todays society! Mr and Mrs Blowes Linda, douG, Leah and Joey Paul (Tybo) and Terry The man of the hour Misfish (most of his late night babbling on OFC should stop for a while now... ) The "gang". Now with 3 hours to kill what do OFC'rs do... lol Got some strange looks and even some comments on the dock. Joey just put them straight.."we're killing time" ! Yep.. she can read a book anywhere. Not many wives out there that would do this... guess explains how we've survived 27 years as well ! lol (I asked if she wanted me to bring a rod and she said no... I don't want you upset that I caught more fish... I caught 10 or 11 of these. A couple a good size. Joey got into a few... but with the high winds almost got blown off the dock in this outfit .. so had to go get changed! About 4:15 the sky got ugly and we bolted for our vehicles and drove over to the banquet hall to wait for dinner time. Rain almost stopped so we lent Paul some cover... Lets get this party started.. Rob (memart) and his wife Anne? I missed what was said.. but they were probably making fun of me or something...or Paul ! lol Paul and Joey takin a spin I'll work on that video now....
  11. Great stuff Brian... old school on a nice little spinning rod ! Can't beat that...
  12. We went pier fishing in it.... Joey/Paul/Leah/Terry and I !
  13. Did ya want our addresses for cigars Steve?? Congrats to you and the Mrs.. and them two other fine young lads of yours, on the new arrival.
  14. If you can access both sides... then those aren't the rivets to be using !
  15. Great to see you out Chris.. been a long winter for ya... and a nice bonus Brown there to boot!
  16. Great stuff Paul.. another one's hooked !
  17. I'm tooo pist to post... ... but I did get some good blackmail video....
  18. We always try to buy when we hit town... if you don't the store might not be there the next time when you really need it for mix ! ..and you'd be surprised at the meat cuts in there solo... walk over next time you're hitting the Temagami LCBO ! lol
  19. I was told, by an OPP officer, the rubber keepers weren't legal either.. had to be mechanically closed hooks! The solution is to throw a camper insert into the box of your truck (that's right.. add some more weight!!!). Then neither the truck, nor the trailer (if under 4501kg rating)require an annual inspection!!!
  20. Nah.. I 'm just sayin I've watched OFC'rs dock their boats and I KNOW there are many with scratches needing touch up !!
  21. Too many flaws in what they present and what you get charged with. Here's the best example. Been told for 6 or 7 years that open chain "S" hooks are illegal and subject to, I believe, a $150 fine. 2009 MTO website show what... http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/pubs/recr...s/part4.shtml#b The apparent need for annual inspections for pull vehicle and trailer if you are over 4500KG GVWR combined truck and trailer.. and then they give you this on their website to determine RGW. So which is it.. illegal for a guy with a 3000kg truck GVWR... that doesn't exceed that amount on the scale with the added tongue weight of the trailer on... that only weighs 2000 kg?... or is he illegal because his trailer has a 3180KG rating?.. for a total of 6180 KG GVWR?? http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/trucks/re.../trailers.shtml
  22. For sure... but you wouldn't be in violation of the requirement for annual inspections on both the tow vehicle and the trailer. You'd only be over the max capacity of the civic.. and not sure if there's a fine for that one.. other than the common sense law.
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