Before this one gets too far out of hand and locked... are your facts actually factual and correct? The hair raises a tad on my back when I see a brand new member graveling for support. I already see error in your stated land mass vs the "save the lake" websites numbers. Do you have pictures outlining property lines to physically show they have gone against the agreed municipal guidelines. If you say they indeed needed MOE studies etc before proceeding very few would fire up a dozer. Just hoping that you are truely concerned and not just another GTA moved to the Northern lake NIMBY like I'm currently dealing with, as the owner of the oldest deeded piece of patent land on a prestine Northern lake. I've seen all to personally that those opposed fail to look in their own yard... to see that they are throwing stones in a glass house. In our case that the cottage association on the lake told all their members at an AGM, to feed the fear mongering, that we were building a hotel on our property.... vs a cottage tucked way up in the trees, with a highly modern septic system 450' back from the lake... vs their own island bedrock properties that they have no issue expanding right to waters edge with holding tanks that are one impact, or pump out gone wrong, away from environmental disaster. The old ...we have our paradise, now that we've cut down the trees to build our place, and how dare anyone else come and do the same syndrome.