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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Have fun..and don't forget your woolies and your rain coat !
  2. Suckers born every day my friend..
  3. Good stuff Brian !.. I sold a truck today, in less than 24 hours!
  4. And to think I got some Pistilli hand tied flies before he was famous!
  5. LMAO... just wanted to make sure you were gonna be good to go each morning... no being a pussy and staying behind...
  6. You're gonna leave your vagina at home though.. right Joe...
  7. The DRIFT... where's the drift coming from?????????
  8. Thanks Fella ! Wait 'till I get to August and tell you Mom's gone now too... But like she would have wanted... we made the most out of what we could this summer.
  9. Leah happy to be back in her sunny spot.. May 19th 2009. Just what she needs to keep her lungs working. Water a tad high.. free firewood toooooo ! This years project.. the bathroom.. Anyone still think a paper dust mask would protect your from SARS ?? Completed.. new floor, dual flush toilet and new sink (paint, lights, etc) Does this mean I can drink in my boat now?? Leah with wood.. Changing props to try and scrape up some more short back lake performance. More food for the Lynx ! New baby bunny hiding in the lylock bush. One of the better fishermen on the lake. Lands on our dock daily. June started off great ! First visitor of the season.... Moosebunk... how can you beat that!?? Well find him some fish in the first 10 minutes! I even got to reel one in ! Unfortunately Bunk was just blasting thru town and couldn't stay for more than 4 hours! Our daughter and her friend showed up the day Bunk was there and met briefly. Next day we took the girls to Sandy Inlet for a beach explore under the shadow of a huge electrical storm. Then the common pigs amongst us appear... not even a good choice of beers! and some of natures beauty in the same spot. A shot for the gals of me on Father's day. Sorry didn't mean to make you lose your supper! Ours was great though! Next day Leah let me go play on my own. First real test of the canoe loader/unloader and man does it work slick. Siderock lake for stocked Brookies... nobody home but what a great day out! June 25th we scrambled to go to Lakair as a last minute decission and decided to just take the 12' tinny and load it in the back of the truck. Leah praying we don't sink! Took the stove I'd rigged for the pursuit tracks. Worked great. I'd removed the legs so had no choice but to use the mounts. Joey and Pauls beauty new ProV with Bassmastermike uglying up the picture! Lucky to spend two outings out with Lew in his new boat hunting Musky. Caught and pulled the baits away from a lot of pike... but no Muskie unfortunately. Leah fishing off the dock for pike during the Saturday Pike tourney. Measure in time! We left Lakair on Sunday to get things ready for John and Barbara's arrival Monday for their all inclusive vacation (that I'd put up for auction on the Fishing for Tyler Auction last year). Wasn't long finding them some Lakers to play with. Barbara with her first Laker. Two months later and my thumb is still an open sore from lipping that little bugger! John and Barbara left on Canada Day and a few days later Moosebunk was on his way back North and was able to stay overnight for a more relaxed pace. The next day my Mother and Step-Father arrived and a couple days later we got out on the lake, July 8th, and got Mother her very first (and unfortunately last) Laker. Three hours after all these smiles I had to tell her that her daughter was dead. Unfortunately we had to pack up at the lake and head for home to deal with the sudden death of my sister, and her estate, that put the first 23 day dent into the summer and our hearts. Arrived home to find that our property is overrun with Fishers! Will try to get late July, August and September up tomorrow.
  10. Yah...we're bringing full face respirators with us this year for your cabin Dan !
  11. Another one under the Musky trance now... lol
  12. Gee .... that isn't gonna go too far when everyone that voted greets you at the door to BPS.....
  13. Working like a charm as is Tony. It's 5 times easier to load and unload on the water than it was in the hangar on jack stands.
  14. We were actually packing up and getting ready to put the canoe back on the airplane when Lloyd said "grab a rod and drop the bait in between the floats". 2 monsters hiding in the shade of the airplane.
  15. Anybody still wanna ask why there are no prizes in the OFC fishing tourney????
  16. Issue with many of these "back" lakes in the Temagami area John is no matter what the huggers say... there are roads EVERYWHERE!
  17. First picture is a stocked speck lake we had good results in during the winter... nadda from shore though after walking the portage into it. The second picture of a spot we flew into and fished from the canoe.... the lake shall remain forever nameless! (but we'll be back.. over and over and over again! )
  18. That's why you drank my beer instead of yours... couldn't read the label aye.....
  19. Roy with a fishing post. What the heck happened while I was gone...... Great stuff Roy.. glad to see you out and about !
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