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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Na lightning strike while the two daughters and I were on the front porch watching a storm...
  2. Needed to get the winter storage oil circulated and the engine up to temp... no point in just wasting fuel !
  3. Yep..like Dara. The kids aren't as dumb as you think. We had a door flapper franklin when the first two kids were under 2 and a few weeks old and have had them ever since. It's like the stove in the kitchen.. teach them to stay away from it. Kitchen stove is probably more dangerous than a fireplace or woodstove.
  4. Is this how they did the election voting in Iraq?
  5. Speed wouldn't be an issue in this country if people actually drove properly and we all followed proper protocol with merging, lane changes etc. No passing on the right etc. Wales/England.. 50 MPH is the limit ON WINDING SINGLE LANE HEDGE ROW LINED goat trails. 70 MPH is a suggestion on the M4/ M5.. other than the video speed traps that are all in the GPS data base that beeps at you when entering. Traffic on the multilane flows lovely... everyone in the slow lane.. out to pass and back in. No weaving.. or slow folks in the rail lane etc. Saw very few damaged cars over there. Picked up in Manchester by my brother's buddies wife. On the M5 and I glanced at her speedo of her Nissan SUV and thought to myself.. we're going along pretty good for 88 ! Then I saw the MPH in big letters.. KPH in small ! The norm and a non-issue over there.
  6. Yep... another scandal... http://www.cbc.ca/canada/edmonton/story/20...e-flu-shot.html
  7. Yah but the prime fishing is right in your back yard... so you don't need to rush to get there Dan !
  8. I tink he was a little more South of the flag pole and a smiggin east...
  9. No fresh tracks in the North ends mud today either Marty... Figured I was down wind so I went for a look around 3.
  10. Lloyd does these "OFC" trips for the cost of fuel, just to keep himself out on the water when he has no customer bookings... so he doesn't lose track of where the fish are sitting idle like most charter guys do. On the other hand if you don't want to be disappointed by waiting for a spot that doesn't open up..... you can contact him and book a charter. Can't be too many openings left as this weekend and next week are his last charters. We wrap up his season Friday the 13th (oh man!) Saturday and Sunday and then haul his boat home for the winter.
  11. He know if he gets a deer and needs help to come and get me... so I think all is well.
  12. He said he was staying out ALL day... so I'm not gonna blow his cover. Wind isn't in favour of me walking in. Now if the truck parking exceeds his meter limit I'll get me 10 million candle power flashlight out!
  13. Spooked has been down in the back field since before sun up... pouring rain.. hailing.. blowing..half expected him to come in and hug the wood stove in the shop long ago...... but I just checked for his truck and it's still there... so he must be waiting for sun down... OR fell asleep !
  14. http://www.quintefishing.com/make_your_own...aner_boards.htm
  15. Hey Dave... stop sending this lad money! He's got way toooo much spare time for a seriously studying post secondary student..... (great stuff Matt!)
  16. Gonna be hard to visit I guess. Joe and the lads are still there... I have my full face air mask ready ! Lex is at the Picton Inn... so we may have to visit there.. go for supper.. visit the view.. etc. Lex any word on my cradle hand off from John? Lloyd keeps his boat at the Tip dock. Hoping we don't visit with each other on the ramp in last years Sunday fashion....
  17. Nope.. I heard bang... bang..bang.bang ! Guy was taking a piss in the stand.. and of course it walked by.. missed on the first shot ..lol.. but he got it with the next one's.
  18. Lads got a buck out of the field next door at 10am this morning .
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