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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Told ya smoking wasn't good for you Marty....
  2. I knew where I was and what the shorelines consistency was..... just didn't think I'd turned in towards it. Seeing the sand confirmed it and why I didn't power down before turning left. I knew the Rock pile was another 1000 feet forward!
  3. We were looking to see if there's still a public ramp in there.. is there?
  4. We was lookin for you.. and even went in the HH Par.. marina area on the way in and didn't see your boat at the docks!
  5. Had Glen out today on the Bay. Fog was a tad thick.. . So we dogged it a bit around Midland Harbour waiting for some visibility. Trolled the elevator and docks and around the shoal and by then the fog had lightened up a bit and we headed for the gap... and then it came back in heavy.....where we caught ourselves (in time luckily) running 40 MPH in 3.3 FOW. Got that gut feeling we was a tad close to shore and looked down to see sand... turned left.. looked at finder to see 3.3 ' on the screen. Didn't slow down or it would have been a prop... Got to where we wanted to be and I had glen reeling this one in... an hour and 30 minutes after launch. His first GBay Muskie.. so the monkey lifted from him as well. 41" or better.. thick and healthy. Had the police boat pass us by around 4pm... heard it throttle back and we waved.. .and they throttled back up. Conversation probably went " stay the hell away from him... last time that bugger had us locked in the cabin !"
  6. Don't do it too much kid... one day you'll wake up and look like this...
  7. Maybe it will be warm... I'll just sleep in the truck back seat and Dano can drive to the boat !!
  8. At least it's not a walker bud ! I think he's got a hand off arranged with Lex...
  9. Maybe the Atlantics are just smarter than the rest and don't come back to the rivers to be snagged during spawn !! Great stuff Mike... good to see a young lad participating in this and not spending the week doing what most of the students were... Oh... you did that too, well that's all right !
  10. Some nice fishies there Matt
  11. Does anyone die or get their pickup truck back??
  12. Like Jasper and the goal is a close up of the bear...
  13. I think growing up with the Rideau River flowing past our back yard had a lot to do with it. We swam in it or fished it almost every day. Really wonder what we were thinking swimming in it 40 years ago... It's, somewhat, cleaner now...
  14. Hey Marty.. I've got no real issues with Bruce. He's a fine lad... just can't handle his fishing muskie with a conservation license speech... nor can some of his fellow CO's I've talked with that have been in his presence when he launched into it on some poor bugger. He's doing his job and protecting the resources... I just wish there were more of them out there. The only thing that bugs me... is spending the fuel money for the HMS Coffin to be way up in a back bay, hoping to find someone fishing.. vs sitting in the main channel and getting everyone that comes thru or does the final loop around snake... but then again I can see as well that they're making sure everyone is on the up and up with no extra lines, etc. with the element of the BFNW surprise !
  15. That's good... then only I know the spot...... oh and Andy, as I told him where it was !
  16. Hope he didn't end up as one of the thousand.. chained at the bottom of the ocean.... Miss joking with the bugger... he'll turn back up at some point.
  17. Probably the most dependable listed so far...
  18. I sure wouldn't be ashamed to show my face holding that one... NICE !!
  19. Terry was quick to add it to his way points though....
  20. Limited storage space... blow the dough and by a Stowmaster folding net. You won't regret the decission and you will leave it in the boat even when fishing pan fish... and then you'll be prepared in case some monster comes calling unexpectedly.
  21. Your buddies do drugs Matt.. or is it me... lol
  22. TJ !!! YOU shot a Wolf ?? I can hear high heels clacking and silicon swinging towards her keyboard...
  23. If they were ours.. the front face of the box is weatherstripped.. plastic vbarrier goes over top and the snap ring holds the vapour barrier tight to it... and you cut out the rectangle of plastic over the box. The foam on the outer face of the sealing ring just sits against the drywall/panelling etc. Although it pretty much does there is no need for it to seal perfectly.. that's the vapour barriers job. Thomas and Betts inferior.. lighter plastic junk.. can't speak for them ! Snag... get him for 10% as an advisor! lol
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