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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. I find it a good thing that it crashes actually ! You can almost see progress in the shop...
  2. Damn good thing the border guard was quick with the cavity search tonight... or the place would have been closed before he got there!
  3. I think Solo makes up false weather reports just to rule the water.....
  4. Sounded like you were stating we didn't need anything to hunt with a bow. If you have to take a hunters course then you should be good. Can you imagine if we needed to take an extra fishing course to get our licence if we wanted to jig vs troll?
  5. Brian.. look up.. it was a serious question!
  6. Brian are you saying that if I already have a bow... that I don't need a hunting course/PAL/whatever and I can go down to Minnising, as a land owner, and just get a tag to bag that HUGE buck Marty's chasin around down in the swamp??
  7. What is the neighbours wife wearing these days Cliff???
  8. Unless when the regs come out the exceptions section states no ice fishing as in the past....
  9. Thanks Ron... the odd one is the "keep" slot for Pickeral that seems to be the reverse of every other zone, where you can't keep in the slot.
  10. That's the problem you're going to run into with many bungalo operators. As they get older.. like all of us they get lazier.. and the bungalo gets placed once and only once, in a spot for extraction convenience and not because it's on a good fishing spot.
  11. Gittin old sucks eh bud...
  12. Yah.. and you never did scrub the stain out of my casting deck from that stinky thing. What you doing tomorrow...
  13. I have a guy here in Midland that turns my starter rebuilds around in a day.. two max. Doesn't matter if it came off the JD410, the Zetor Tractor or an airplane. Usually no more than $50 or $60 either including a new solenoid.
  14. No Woodsman... there is always THREE sides to every issue. The employee.. the employer.. and the real facts somewhere in the middle.
  15. Okay... just figured the price looked right for a new or overhauled!
  16. Even without the fish... a great outing! Envy the company you keep...
  17. Yah.. but those lollypops beside him, that Dano and I bought, sure brought out the Napanee gals..
  18. http://shop.ebay.com/?_from=R40&_trksi...-All-Categories
  19. I'm with WSB... 100 + holes per tank of fuel.. light weight to throw over shoulder and run and gun. Runs/drills like a charm.
  20. And to think that bugger Joe had to call me on the cell with every fish they caught... yah rub it in bud ! Great seeing you lads... is it time yet???
  21. Left home around 1 on Thursday to pick Terry up for 2:15 and Dano for 3. Was a little early getting Terry so we ended up hitting Bass Pro around 2:30 to find Dano stocking up on ICE FISHING gear ! lol Put that hut down bud.... Down to Napanee about 6pm just as Lloyd was coming back from his boat... meeting at the motel within a few minutes of each other. Threw our stuff in the room and headed for supper at Shoeless Joe's. Last time we'll probably go there... in case anyone wants our $20 gift certificate that they were kind enough to give us after all was said and done! Back to the motel for some laughs and "imbibement"... and to bed early because Lloyd o'clock comes way tooo damn early (4:45). Up and off to Timmies for Breakfast and the 24 hr grocery store for lunch provisions. Then down to the boat and floating out the harbour before 6:10 am to be the VERY first boat to get a crack at them fish. As much as I (we) complain about this "Lloyd o'clock"... I'm sure Terry can tell you that he's fine with it. Look at this BOQ surprise... going 11lbs - 14 ounces! This thing came out of the water like a ballistic missile at least 10 times. Had no like at all for the stern of the boat.. I was up next... we were going in order of age and I had a 10lb + pickeraleye all the way to the boat, but it was tangled in another one of our lines... then that Lloyd guy lost it playing with the line! Dano was up next and he added to the species list.... took two of them to get this thing over the stern.. We told him that was it for his turn and he started to pout.. so we put him in the penalty box. Then we put Terry on rod watch for hours... Even got a few of my brothers buddies to go out scouting for us.. Dano still in the penalty box and making the best of it. Coming for more cement.. As you can see the weather was just absolutely brutel this time around. And Terry bags another Walleye.. ..and then I did the same. 11lb 3 oz ..and 31" long. That put an end to the fishing on Friday and we headed to Guss's for supper for a GREAT meal and then back to Napanee. Decided to drive out to Perfect View to visit Joe and Mike but there wasn't anything much that I could really take a picture of out there and post Up early the next morning and Dano was right onto the fish... oh.. oh.. what's the chances of that. Guess he'd better change his handle to Danwhitebass.. That was it for Saturday fish... Terry on watch for 10 hours! and nadda. Even Lloyd had enough and I drove us all over the Adolphus Reach in search of a fish. The end of another day on the water came and we went to Guss's again for supper with Ailegoby and Peter in tow. douG had kindly invited us to JJ's for 7pm.. but nobody wanted to kill 2 hours before supper and then go all the way back to Napanee. Next year I think we're all going to stay in the Harbour Inn so we can get the G2G part back in line on this trip. Sunday Lloyd o'clock came once again at 4:45 and the drive from Napanee to Picton was terrible. Could see 2 dashes on the road ahead in the fog. So we launched a bit later than usual... 6:20 ! Tooting the air horn as we went and following GPS we got to our spot and threw out the boards. Found about 4 boats jigging with lots of room to spare thanks to everyone knowing to toot back and forth for location fixation. Visibility got a little better around 9:30... when we could finally stop having three guys on "boat watch" and one on rod watch. The sun poked out brightly for a few minutes just shy of noon and just as it did... Terry was lucky that it was his turn! lol This one was one nasty looking thing with the big scab and the fin half rotted off. Pulled the lines at 1PM and headed in to pack everything up... load the boat on the trailer and deliver it to Lloyd's laneway in Port Hope...and home from there. Another BOQ expedition in the books for the 4 of us. A couple Muskie trips yet to come, hopefully, and then the works of us will be drilling ice...
  22. Damn I look fat ! Should have weighed me Paul ! lol Thanks for the cradle hand off and great to see you again. Trusting the boat load went flawlessly...
  23. Good stuff Simon.. nothing wrong with fishing for Muskie with a guy named Lew ! lol
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