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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. If you ever see Mike walking to the river.. you'll notice he has a hard sided 6 pack cooler with him. It contains his Pet fish... it swims out and finds some bigger cousins for Mike to play with.
  2. Welcome aboard BL ! Incidental catches.. cutting the line and leaving a hook in their yap isn't the way to go.. Land it.. unhook it and return it... no different than we do with most fish we catch during the winter. Especially considering you say you are going to fish in a hut, there should be no issues of eye's freezing over etc. The lads and I have pulled many a Laker/whitefish up from 70 feet... taken pictures and release no worse for wear in -32C weather. Since you're fishing 11 to 14' of water there isn't any chance of Pickeral with their bladder out their yap.
  3. Fresh fuel mix and a battery... and I bet it runs ! First time I've seen a forest growing in a boat..
  4. lol and there's nothing magic about them ! Looked like some good time spent on the water Louis !
  5. I'm thinkin maybe just sell and move into Cliff's basement.. Dock for the plane even...
  6. Keep demanding and seaching fella! I'm sure you've googled it to no end... but here's a link to testing/etc. http://www.mefmaction.net/Patients/Symptom...64/Default.aspx
  7. What a great 1st Simon !!! ..and what Joey said! lol
  8. Yes...believe in Feb. I'll ask Jen tomorrow as she just went out the door to a party. She's home to go to a CCFC seminar in Barrie tomorrow.
  9. Gee Bill.. the crazy glue held just long enough eh... Nice fish fella.. proves you should never give up no matter how much the odds stack up against you..
  10. Quit singing Newfy lullabyes in the stand.. and they'll come !
  11. Well if you think it was snagged... then legally they couldn't keep it.. no matter what the release outcome.
  12. Don't know about Ganaraska.. but while SImcoe County forests do allow hunting.. they prohibit target practice.
  13. From the OMNR website Live release isn't probably considered discarded or wasted..... but because you molested it it will count against your daily possession limit. The guy that was selling brown trout roe was from a commercial trout farm.. with a licence to do so.. or so he stated.
  14. Probably safer over here... hey's not gonna get any brownie points for handling technique on the General Discussion section..
  15. I would actually use all 4... twist the red/yellow together and the black/blue together. That way you have the insurance that it will work even if a wire is broken in a run somewhere.
  16. Yep, you're missing the fact that the water flows OUT of the great lakes into the river system in question in Chicago.
  17. Yah that was kind of sad when Carolina kicked it in themselves! Figured the Leaf's coach would have been jumping up and down and screaming over that.. but no.. I guess he's given in to this being the norm for his team.
  18. Overpaid in who's world Johnny... That doesn't go far in todays society. Do you pay a mortgage/property taxes/hydro/phone and feed a family of four, or are you still living at home letting Mom do that? I'd be damned if for $32 an hour I'd be walking into the woods with a 9mm on my belt to confront some hillbilly hunting with a 30 aught 6 !
  19. A nightmare that I know all too well Steve. Give our best to Bernadette and her extended family, which I'm sure you know includes you.
  20. I'm trying to remember whose place he was at Geoff... Wanna think ecmiley's??.. but not certain.
  21. I can't understand why folks throw out fictious numbers in this day and age and then argue about it.... when Google can tell you the facts in a few minutes What they promise kids at Fleming Job posting 2100 hour 9 - 5 year would be $70 K at $32.89/hr + overtime + employers match of CPP + employers 1.4 x employee amount of EI + vehicles upkeep/fuel + training expenses + equipment +++ Easily $100K per officer and probably closer to what Harrison started this thread at when you add all the bosses above them and building expenses to house everyone. There is no money being made off the inside workers that out number the CO's greatly. Harrison did state $175,000 / CO including support staff. Oh.. and I missed the OPSEU union.. add the cost of negotiations etc.
  22. We're talking about the border guard here right...
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