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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. I think he hit that nail right on the head Lew ! If they're that bad.. take them to jail.. otherwise leave them alone! I think it cost my old GF's Dad, in 1978, $25 a head to get me and 6 of her brothers one morning.... lol
  2. As it should be DH !! I have my water pressure memorized.. 3.5psi idling/trolling for Muskie.. + side of 11 psi motoring along at speed. I'll wait 'till I see it faulter before I pull anything apart on my 275.
  3. Dang Marc... you get better looking every time I see you !
  4. A no brainer Jim! A big rouge wave on Erie that fills you to the brim.... level floatation will be the difference between staying with craft and swimming (or drowning)
  5. +C temps Sunday/Monday/Tuesday.. might even get one more kick at the Muskie on GBay come Tuesday !!
  6. Will do Cliff.. and I'll call Groch as well, or is that considered insider trading! lol
  7. What's that... i hear productivity just went up at CTC ! lol
  8. You have a trade Andy... I thought it was fishing !
  9. Ron.. just go old school and buy a nice Panasonic Tau HD 37" flat screen TUBE. Gonna cost you three times as much probably..and weight 200 lbs..... but it will still be working for your grand kids, just like the 27 year old RCA console I have in the basement.
  10. Guess there's no way to listen to HIS music. Hit the link and thought.. this sure ain't country playin.. lol
  11. Looks like ya's be screwed for engine repairs as well with a bad impellor.. I guess the only arguement is if it failed and you can prove it wasn't any of the 4 items that caused it. ..but like many here are stating, I've never changed the impellor in a motor in the time I've owned it. My '98 5 HP honda sat attached to the back of my Motorhome for the last 5 years.. I took it off and used it this summer without issue. I have a 9.8 merc in the boat house that's probably a '76 and bet it still has the original in it.
  12. Na.. I'm more akin to brown or a little lighter shade...
  13. You're losing me there John... they don't pay the 8% in the first place so why would they be reducing their prices by 8%? They are PST exempt when they buy from the wholesaler. The only one paying the 8% PST right now is the end consumer along with 5% gst.... and the store remits it to the government after you've bought the item. So now the fact that they will have to pay the wholesaler 13% HST and claim it back on their HST return.. the end user is still paying the same taxes as they leave the store.. the store still has to remit the same 13% they did previously to the government.. just to one place now and not two. There is no savings for the store....other than doing one HST return vs a GST return and a PST return. If anything there is an added expense of having to pay the HST 13% (vs the 5% gst only) to the wholesaler in advance of the sales from the retail store and then wait to get it back on their next periods HST return to the government... so if anything, IMHO, that just adds to the overhead and if nothing else the before tax prices of items just went up. Then there are all the items that never had PST charged on them in the first place! In the grand scheme of things I think they're just trying to put an end to X province shopping to save PST and trying to get every province on board!
  14. What "savings". All the wholesale manufacturers are PST exempt to start with and while we have to charge GST in each step of sale through to the last manufacturer... everone gets it back after the fact... so the only one at the end of it all that has to pay out of pocket for the HST is the end retail buyer. I only see it as an added expense to business... now instead of sending the goverment 5% in advance (before the person I sold it to pays their invoice) I have to send the government 13%. So bank costs for any business running a line of credit just went up to cover the "prepaying" of the next wholesalers HST in advance of them actually paying the guy they bought it from. I don't know whom your "very successful businessmen" are.. or how they see a gain in all of this, but I sure don't and I dont' consider myself some smuck that just builds airplanes. Our plastics plant is still running through all of this ecomomic depression and we've done 10+ a year in sales... for over 24 years.
  15. Yah.. but he does drive a truck and trailer..
  16. The only business that it helps John are those that weren't buying wholesale in the first place with a PST exempt #. The only ones it may help are the small shop that was cheating and going into Walmart to by 2 litre pop at $1.00 and then putting it back on their shelves for $2.39. Now they can claim back the PST portion thru the HST rebate program... that they couldn't claim back before thru the pricks in Oshawa. Anyone else it's gonna hurt. Labour bills just went up by 8% to the end user. All the labour work I do rebuilding airplanes only has GST on it. Parts have both taxes.. so now everyone is going to pay the extra 8% on everything. I don't see a benefit to the whole HST period.. at any point other than goverment collection end. They already got rid of Ontario Corporate tax returns ( and now it's just a Federal T2) and now HST gets rid of the PST department in Oshawa as well I guess. They think the "bartering system" is hard to police now... wait 'till July !
  17. I can land the airplane on ice and it will stay up.. and when I step out I will go thru !! Why my buddy always carried a large hatchet on a rope! 1600 lbs / 24 square feet of ski = 66.7 lb/sq ft pressure on the ice. Me at 220lb / 0.5 sq ft per boot = 440 lbs/sq ft pressure. Same stupidity when the OPP drove out in their 8000 lb suburban to tell my neighbour he was a threat to public safety with his wide track old John Deer dozer on the ice. The dozer had a lighter "foot print" than the OPP truck that pulled up RIGHT beside him!
  18. You serious... it's a way of life for MANY.
  19. What are you apologizing for Cliff ! Family comes first.. and I mean your real one. Us, we'll I sure hope so anyhow, all understand that! Glad to hear things are on the up and up and that Sue's adjusting to the cards she was, unfortunately, dealt and trying to get back to a normal routine.
  20. 9 inches is just right.. I'd just like to shoot those that drill two side by side and knock the center out. Memart just about busted his leg off stepping out of Lloyd's van last Fishing for Tyler event !
  21. If the carpet hadn't been red.. I would have been down to the border to meet you the next morning !
  22. We got about 6" of very wet snow.. drifts around trucks and buildings are/were over 1.5 feet. Took 2 hours to plow that crap vs the usual 45 minutes... but I found my snowshoes!! lol Temp has jumped to 3C... making things SLICK. Now clouding over for part two... supposed to get as much as 35 cm here tonight and tomorrow. Guess I should go work on moving my wood pile in while I still can!
  23. Can't see the dealer ripping you off for an impellor if it is a warrantee covered theromostat that's causing the problem. Dealer gets paid for all their parts and labour regardless for warrantee work. It doesn't come out of their pocket, they invoice Merc and get paid. I have an email into a contact on this one.. don't see how the impellor isn't covered under warrantee if it's before it's "time".. If the water pump went on my truck during warrantee.. it would be N/C.
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