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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Great stuff Instructor!!!! ..to the others, it's a fish... get over it !
  2. Did ya grab that fish for supper?? We have a way of dealing with them on Temagami.. not gonna type it here!
  3. MAKE ME FEEL LIKE A WOMAN !! On a transatlantic flight, a plane passes through a severe storm. The turbulence is awful, and things go from bad to worse when one wing is struck by lightning One woman, in particular, loses it. Screaming, she stands up in the front of the plane. 'I'm too young to die,' she wails. Then she yells, 'If I'm going to die, I want my last minutes on earth to be memorable! Is there anyone on this plane who can make me feel like a WOMAN?' For a moment there is silence. Everyone has forgotten their own peril. They all stare, eyes riveted, at this desperate woman in the front of the plane. Then a cowboy from Alberta stands up in the rear of the plane. He is handsome, well built, with dark brown hair and blue eyes. He starts to walk slowly up the aisle, unbuttoning his shirt, one button at a time. No one moves. He removes his shirt. Muscles ripple across his chest. She gasps. He whispers . . 'Iron this. Then get me a beer.
  4. Na.. this kids got me beat Ketch, but you are right... whether they go post secondary or work at McDonald's there is something in each and everyone of them that we should be proud of! Not sure where she got it from.... Desk she built her mother in Grade 10 or 11.. and some other furniture she's thrown together. She paints pretty good toooo... She has an eye for detail that I'll never have!
  5. My favourite FULL synthetic... is the one that stays sitting on a store shelf ! (but of course you already knew that.... )
  6. Congrats to you and yours Dan !!! I have 13 years of University tuition/rent/etc into my three and it will be nice to get a break.. even if it is for just a year. She's already applied to do her Masters at a few schools (deadline was yesterday for the fall 2011 starting year at Wat).. and is hoping she can get into Waterloo where it will not only give her a different angle on things.. it's only a year there, where as it's two every where else!
  7. She'll have her own show soon Ryan.. know any good video editors??
  8. Will it be like interest on your tax return.. you have to claim it as taxable income next year???? I guess my postman must be using my cheque as a book mark... in my fishing magazine that he hasn't delivered yet!! (sorry Steve.. couldn't resist!)
  9. On Thursday morning our youngest officially received her Bachelor of Architecture degree, with Distinction, from Carleton University in Ottawa. Four long hard years for her with minimal social life (anyone that's done arch knows what I mean), and Dad's pocket about $90k lighter! Watching her walk across the stage yesterday... the expense slipped our minds for a short moment while we beamed ear to ear! The youngest of all the Grandchildren and the only one's graduation that Mom missed, but my Step father did a great job of sitting in and giving her the necklace that Mom had already purchased before she passed last year. She worked hard to achieve this degree and had four firms negotiating for her to work for them after seeing her capabilities that she presented in her portfolio. She is currently employeed by an Architectural firm in Barrie and is working for a year to get practical experience before going back to get her Masters. Man.. where do the years go??!
  10. Some more quality stuff there Jack !!
  11. Yes the fireban was lifted in the North Joey! Currently at Moderate caution...
  12. She hasn't raised near as much as previous years.. but she's almost filled the goal she set. Here's the link again.. https://secure.ccfcfindthecure.ca/ParticipantPage.aspx?PID=9890&L=2&CCID=82&GC=GTv2
  13. Heard about it on the radio Wednesday, while on the way to Ottawa! Not one of mine... appears to be a take off accident.. only way you can clip hydro lines and end up in a front yard on Blue Bird.
  14. TJ..Do you know how to use the search function...
  15. Everyone knows Jon's a Scotch kinda guy...
  16. In most of our cases.. we are actually licencing out boats, not registering them. Registering is when you register a name for the vessel and generally done on much larger vessels.. like the HMS Tom Coffin etc. The licence 29E23456 etc is not a "title", but is all that is needed to show "ownership" to the OPP when being spot checked. Service Canada website for those that need the declarion under oath to get things legal. http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/sc/boats/pcl.shtml Also note that when trailering, it's a good idea to have a copy of the trailer ownership and pleasure craft licence in the tow vehicle... as the OPP are asking to see both now when you get pulled over. A great effort to try and curb theft! (and it will save you from undoing that trailering cover and trying to find the glove box!)
  17. You will have to print their document and go to a Notary to have stamped/signed to swear you own the boat, before they will issue registration for it. Mind you.. if it has numbers on it now, then they should be able to search the registration and print you a new one anyhow!
  18. Be "dead" alright.. pressure switch behind the upper unit !
  19. Dave... you need to just quit your job and browse the trader full time. Buy. .keep the "deal" to yourself and resell here! lol
  20. Yep.. they claim the 10 year requirement to renew is to keep updated information in the event of finding an overturned boat or the likes! But you know it's really a plan to start charging for transfers.. kinda like that FREE gun registry started out!
  21. LOL.. like I said, all the new ones are just a full sheet of 8.5 x 11 folded in half! They don't use the old forms they had to hand write on anymore. Hell.. change the spacing in your address and get a brand new one!
  22. Bacardi is only $52.20 / 60 ! ($11.35 in St. Marteen)
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