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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. It's on the spread everywhere.. even Temagami. Wade and pull by the roots when nobody's looking....
  2. 15 cm... we call that a dusting up here Bruce !
  3. I'm guess there'll be another 5 year ban on OFC bookings though... lol
  4. ..as long as nobody needs a rubber, we should be good !
  5. Great stuff fella.... ..when did you pick up the stutter??
  6. A beautiful young blonde woman was so depressed that she decided to end her life by throwing herself into the ocean. But just before she could throw herself from the docks, a handsome young man stopped her "You have so much to live for," said the man. "Look, I'm a sailor, and we're off to Europe tomorrow, and I can stow you away on my ship. "I'll take care of you, bring you food every day, and keep you happy." With nothing to lose, combined with the fact that she had always wanted to go to Europe , the woman accepted. That night the sailor brought her aboard and hid her in a lifeboat. From then on, every night he would bring her three sandwiches and make love to her until dawn. Three weeks later she was discovered by the captain during a routine inspection. "What are you doing here?" asked the captain. "I have an arrangement with one of the sailors," she replied. "He brings food and I get a free trip to Europe .." "I see," the captain says. "Plus," she adds, "He's screwing me." "He certainly is," replied the captain. "This is the Newfoundland Ferry."
  7. Thanks Lincoln... looked like a GREAT time. Next time try to remember it all would ya... FYI for next time... as I know how long that took to put together... Do your whole report in Word.. enter it into the post new thread upload box.. hit preview. It will show you how many pics will come up and then cut the rest off.. so you cut it off there.. copy the remaining overload and then delete it from the box.. paste that into a reply post box.. preview again.. see what it cuts off.. copy and cut the extra.. post... repeat and you can usually get them all in before anyone replies to put the thread all in one place.
  8. LOL Joey.. you don't miss a beat do you>!??!! That is the only time this truck has ever been boosted (plug in fridge left on while we all gossiped).. and it still has the original battery in it. That's how good this truck has been to me...and why I went with another one.
  9. Nothing special G.. was a Super Crew XLT, 4.6lt V8 Triton, box liner, toneau cover, hitch, electric brake module (that they probably didnt' even see or take into consideration), no rips or tears.. 130k.. tires have about 25K on them... rusting pretty good on the door bottoms.. running board pads held down with elect tape so they don't flap... a few scratches on the right quarter behind the window from sliding my hut up on top of my sled... 0% on F150's is a one month deal at this point on 2011 F150's.. as they were late coming in on the lots.
  10. I pick it up Thursday as they have to install my electric brake control module. Traded in my 2003.. got $8000 for it (+ the 13% tax savings) so can't complain.. it was starting to rust.. my ABS just started pulsing again last week meaning I need a new speed sensor hub on the other side now.. and the engine has puffed some blue smoke when starting a few times the last couple months. Picked up a fresh off the delivery truck, came in on Saturday, 2011 F150 4x4 Super Crew XLT with optional chrome grill/boards/wheels package on it.. full tow package (10,000 lbs towing) and the 5.0 Coyote all aluminum V8 engine x 360HP. Paid less for it..almost $10,000 less.. than I paid for my 2003 !! And the best part.. I used Fords money @ 0% financing..
  11. Just in time to do donuts in my new truck...
  12. LOL Buck... If you're gonna do it right and run production quantities.. a 4 cavity mould for even the smallest part generally hits 18 to 30 K. This one is automatically at least 2 cavities.. one for each side of the spreader.... I'm like Raf though... I've never used a spreader in my life, but if people wanna buy them ....
  13. Did ya want me to have a nurses outfit delivered bud??? (or does she already have one..)
  14. I thought you were gonna say you drank the cupboard dry... Still gotta read the rest..
  15. It'll be some hard thought.. moulds aren't cheap..only savour is that I should have a free (read someone else paid for it years ago) tool base around somewhere that might work. Still talking thousands of dollars though in tool room expenses....
  16. Well Doc.. no matter what they show on TV..you can't weld in a T-shirt and bare hands!
  17. http://www.anglersatlas.com/lakes/25323/ Jamie.. if you don't have an account or can't open it to print it out.. PM me an email address.. You can also buy it laminated for $7.99
  18. I hinted at it the other day, but those of us that know have all kept quiet. Dano's been fighting an infection in his leg since late last winter. He wasn't able to come to the lake over the summer and hasn't been able to basically work since spring. He's had an IV pic in him since spring and was on one anitibiotic drip that he was going in once or twice a day to have administered. Everytime his leg seemed to be clearing up they'd take him off the drip and next day he'd be right back in emerg swollen and red again and the best they could tell him is that it was an MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacterium responsible for several difficult-to-treat infections in humans). They did a biopsy.. pics attached.. and then determined he was on the wrong drug. So since November he's been on something else.. three times a day he had to go in and have a bag hooked up. We'll FORTUNATELY for Dan he also has an annual colonospy and when having it done last week the Dr that was doing so realized that he was allergic to what they were giving him for the infection and Dan was within a few days of dying from it! Dan is currently lying in the hospital texting me back and forth.. he's even had a priest in today to lay his hands on him (and I checked with him to make sure it wasn't a catholic priest..) The drug they had him on... turns out he was allergic to that as well. They have tried a few other things the last two days and he's now too sensitive, so they have to let his system flush before they try anything else. Dano is the best fishing partner a guy could ever ask for... he cooks and does dishes.... so please folks, like I asked in another thread recently, a few prayers, thoughts or howling at the moon as we want the lad healthy so he can get back to running his business and out for a long deserved bit of fishing! Wayne
  19. Give it a LIGHT tap with a hammer...
  20. The subject title states "Great things" Geoff !
  21. That remind me.. I have some puck board under the bench.. I'll see what I have Brian/Terry..
  22. Mine has a valve below the fuel tank.. just a knob to turn ccw to open.
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