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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. You certainly can! Heed GB's advice and spud your way out.
  2. Not sure if Terry did... but I did! LOL
  3. Quite the pet store you've got going there... Glad you didn't run out of propane last night .. lol
  4. At that age Pete.. you can take them anywhere and they'll have a great time. They won't remember it later in life anyhow.
  5. Thanks for taking the lead again Brian!!.. and Roy....
  6. A word of advice.. and I need to do it in my own finder/battery box.. put a piece of SM/styrofoam under the battery to insulate it from the ice. That way, when you're in your heated hut the battery won't lose power by getting chilled sitting on the ice. Other option is to just carry a piece of SM in the tobogan and sit the whole unit on it. I also have a cord made up for mine so that I can plug it into the finder box, to charge the batteries while moving locations on the sled... using my heated helmut jack.
  7. Couldn't drag the old man out again eh... Nice shootin for some food...
  8. Sounds like a broken wire to the trans.. hopefully someone close has one you can hook up and test to see if it's that simple.
  9. Hope you can get out again this year .... many here (including myself)could learn from the drive that you have !!
  10. First place Terry tried to light his hut heater....
  11. We can launch it next week and do some ice fishing if you want Paul... I have a chain saw to cut the hole!
  12. Fish came off and he snagged the edge of the ice.
  13. If someone catches just one more fish.. I mean ONE more fish before I do.. I'm gonna have a breakdown.. ...and THANK GOD he did!!
  14. Joe... you enjoying the scenery Bud??? lol
  15. Times are good in the marble business I see !! LOL Why no auger mount Rob??
  16. I had the same issue trying to find them for my 8" a couple years back.. http://www.wholesalesports.com $22.95 for the 6" set
  17. You guys walk or sled out there?
  18. What.. Lloyd didn't have a 30*C hut that you could go in for a bit?
  19. Well that was a Perch Peach of a report Terry!
  20. Flip over... about 75% of the time that I have ice fished in the last 6 years you would have been Mary Poppins trying to set up one of those Tents before you'd even got it screwed down..
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