You'd think that since they end the Laker season, in March, on a weekend.. that they could at least open it .. say Midnight friday.. 2nd weekend in Feb..not on a Tuesday !
So you'll be fishing Whities and Pickeral... find some flats in 40 to 50 FOW.. drill and give it an hour tops. Nothing.. move. We've found 45 feet or so to be the best whitie water over the last 6 years. Pickeral.. we've found them during the day when fishing for lakers/whities.. in 70 FOW believe it or not, but with the slot it's a real gamble if pickeral is what you're targeting. They'll be dead on arrival from that depth. Other great spots.. shoals/points etc as the sun lowers.
Where are you staying??? Will give some light as to how to help you out.