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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. LOL Dara.. I have to make it up as I go along these days. Had to wait 'till "chemo kid" passed her blood test, was admitted and wait to find out if there was any schedule changes or surgery plans.
  2. Yes Dave.. next Wednesday thru Sunday or Monday.... and why I decided to post tonight, to give guys Friday to talk to bosses if necessary. (thanks for questioning that.. just realized I put the 25th.. edited now.. minds not all here)
  3. Naaa.. some spots may not get shared the first time around!! lol
  4. Boss won't know Geoff.. he's a "can't go" as well.. lol
  5. Work is getting in the way for the usual clowns guys and this will be the third time this winter that I've tried to go North to check the camp and do some ice fishing and everyone is unavailable for a boys trip. This time I'm going with or without them! What I'm looking for is a few guys, that have their own sleds and towable huts, that can get away from next Wednesday the 23rd until either Sunday afternoon or Monday the 28th. As this is our summer home, that we've worked hard to renovate over the last 6 years, I'm looking for some responsible lads that can respect their surroundings. I'm not looking for any uncontrollable booze hounds... but we aren't running a Christian Bible camp either! This is my short escape from reality... it's gonna be enjoyable and relaxing. We'd be fishing Lake Temagami for sure and pending conditions a few back lakes as well. One a stocked Brookie lake if there's enough snow to get in, if not we turn around out of there and head into Kokoko. There'll be at least one other small group of members up there at the same time, staying on Bear Island, that I've already made arrangements to meet up with if I was going alone, so it'll be a mini meet and greet as well. So if there are any lads here that would like to take me up on this offer, I have room for one guy and his sled and hut in my enclosed trailer for the trip up Wednesday morning. Me leaving from Penetanguishene.. you load here or I can pick you up on the way (12 to 11 or 12/69/124/11). Any others would have to find their way to Temagami themselves and note we can drive right to my dock and I have our neighbour plowing me a parking lot. For those that care.. I'm 48 and the usual gang stretches from their late 30's to mid 50's. That said when we all have the same interest, fishing, age isn't a big deal, but see paragraph 3 again. Generally one guy buys the groceries (to negate repetition) and everyone pitches in for their share.....and the usual gang always gives me a "by" since I provide the accoms/heat/hydro. Beverages/snacks and any special "wants" are your own responsibilties. For any that are interested to go, we can work that all out when the time comes as the joint grocery thing may not work for a new gang. Space is limited to about 4 guys, 5 max. If you are interested and can do such a trip.. please PM me and we'll work out the details. I'm not currently at home... so I'll do my best to communicate as necessary. Wayne
  6. Sounds like there's some untold/unknown history, like the house on fire - shot thread.
  7. Thanks Bud! She left the President a little bewildered at the meeting last Thur night... when he wanted to end the meeting with "well everything should go just like last year.. everyone has it down pat". Leah said "you might wanna rethink that as I will not and have not spent the last 4 months canvasing/collection items for the silent auction as I've been a tad busy". Hoping someone stepped up to the plate and filled the gap.
  8. Thanks for the post Brian!!! Unfortunate that this year we won't be able to attend. Can't bring Jen home 'till late tomorrow night and then it's a good week + that we have to keep her away from the general population. Have fun.. buy lots of stuff!! Jen... and all her fellow "Crohnies"... appreciate any and all effort!
  9. They come with an off button RC !!
  10. Just sittin here watching Grays .. waiting for homecare to come buy and dispense the now legendary $2700 anti-infection needle..
  11. TJ.. I'm handicapped not being at home.. all I have access to is pictures I've uploaded to my website. If you want any of these full resolution..just let me know, I'll be back home Friday night. Wayne
  12. Thought you guys had a corner office Geoff...
  13. Thanks guys... it's great to have somewhere to blow off a little steam... what better place than here during Winternet!
  14. Well a day that was both disappointing and humbling, filled with lots of (Sorry to the few I haven't called back today, I'm not in the mood) Disappointment... with today being the second time in 3 weeks we were promised that the surgeon would fill Jennifer (and us) in on what the surgery plan was and when... only to have the surgeon come into her room quickly... have his phone ring and then blow us off telling her that she couldn't expect him to explain it to her in a minute, so to call his receptionist and have her book a time slot for him during the next time Jen is in for Chemo on March 7th... so put off for another 3 weeks to worry about it. Humbling part 1.. watching her usual roomy.. a women that is 4 months younger than myself with sarcoma in her leg. She had surgery first and then was supposed to have 5 chemo sessions. She's had 3.. and the 3rd almost killed her dropping all her blood counts including platlets to zilch. She was told her body can't handle anymore chemo and to go home... with the hope that 3 sessions was enough to put it in remission. Humbling part 2.. watching the 21 year old girl straight across from Jen get the news that the chemo isn't killing the sarcoma in her arm and they will have to amputate her left arm/shoulder and partial rib cage. She also found a lump in her sternum area yesterday and if this weeks biopsy finds that to be cancer has spread to her lungs, then there will be no surgery.. she' ll be sent home to get her things in order.
  15. Some Judges don't need a law background either... ours in Midland was the post master in his "past life".
  16. I'll be searching for some new fishing buddies that aren't effected with that "can't go" virus called work!
  17. Whities on flats.. lakers on structure or deep
  18. 9C and rain for Friday Jon... - 6 Saturday.
  19. Always love to see guys jinxing themselves for the season...
  20. You're just lucky that thing didn't hydraulic on you Darsky.... Had an employee that filled the 350 on the one ton van that way... "hell lets just dump in 2 gallons of oil... Wayne said it used some from time to time.. 8 quarts + 5 already in there... =
  21. Terry doesn't have to buy her chocolates.. she's just glad to hear he's leaving for the day/week/month..
  22. Shouldn't be any different than the other 364 days if you're doing things right !
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