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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. I can still make'm Albert.. well I could if I was allowed! Son is Vice President of Spamassasin... http://spamassassin.apache.org/news.html
  2. I'll see if my son has room on either his Canadian servers or the ones that he has in Houston TX Dave. How much room/GB you using? High traffic site or?
  3. Dang.. I think I just opened the wrong door and walked into a P3TA meeting..
  4. We've broken too much stuff leaving it in our sleds/huts and pounding the hard ice surface.. we now all ride with our finders strapped down on the passenger seat or a mount elsewhere on the snowmobile. Worth the work to make something up when you consider the costs of replacement parts.
  5. Jack already owns a boat... his father just doesn't know it yet!!!
  6. Yep... that first picture shows only 0.6volts left before that puppy shuts down! I had lots of really weird things happen with my Lowrance...like lines similar to yours.. constantly having decending lines across the screen.. including the screen going totally black if you put it near the static of the tent or your hand. Wouldn't allow going beyond about 83% without going black as well. Figured it was the transducer and changed from transom to iceducer... same deal.. no change. Worked around it and kept using it for the last 2 years. Have a different set of batteries in it right now... worked like a charm the last 5 days..with none of the old issues.
  7. You might even be smart to go behind our island and the next one up as well.. going out and coming back. Nice and smooth back there..
  8. Yep... it was the last one!! Didn't have to shovel the roof... but it did take me 4 hours to get the deck/walk shovelled and everything carried up. That damn snow fence.. I mean wind wall.. of Leah's!
  9. Hard bare frozen lake.. now with drifts from 80K winds yesterday.... and lots of hard frozen slush troughs from when folks were getting around back during the melt down that flash froze one night. Only smooth running (and even it has drifts now) is sticking within 20 feet of the North Shoreline, and I mean right from town to the hub. Like I told Lloyd.. hug my point of land on the way out (not the camp.. the 26 acre point).. right around the tip of it, around behind the cottage off the point and run the shoreline. Once you get close to the brooms (just after Axe Narrows) stay to the right and run up between the island rows again sticking tight to the North shore (well it will be the south shore of the islands.. lol) and after the brooms just keep staying against that shore. Into the hub.. tight to shore and go behind Ketcheneny Lodge... don't head for the ice road. It's a longer route hugging the shore... but it's quicker and your gear might stay in one piece getting up to Kokoko.
  10. You won't need them Terry... but you'll have to run tight to the North Shoreline if you want anything you own to survive!
  11. See... just like I told you last week !! (but I'm not paying her Tuition!!!)
  12. Not sure how or why this got moved Paul.. I put in Announce for a reason.. so nobody would name the pick up person! lol The pick up man has already offered to cover the cost of Mike making new baits... I appreciate his "straight up" personallity but something I could never hold him to.
  13. You know my thoughts Ryan, as we talked before I left.... and you know the story of our "lost baby" that is currently doing her Masters in Architecture at Waterloo. Hope all went well yesterday and all are doing FINE ! Wayne
  14. My designated pick up person was almost run down by a vehicle while walking to his truck at fishing for Tyler. He jumped into the ditch and they ran over his auction prize and when he got to his truck he realized my 6 muskie bucktails where missing. He ran back and they were gone! Hoping an honest OFC'r picked them up for safe storage. PM me if you did so. THANKS!
  15. Might not matter Hun... marked nothing for 5 days! Weather/changes are nuts.. and hope it settles before you get there. 90K winds yesterday... Well I lie.. I marked one fish... and Walleyemaster and his buddies laughed when I said so(as I was in 15 fow) and then I threw the laker on the ice!
  16. Read the TC regs before going off half co cked guys. Guide/leader boat only of paid/commercial operations. None of the boats following it need to be registered nor does yours. Been there since 2007 and similar to charter boat tracking/registering. Another way of tracking legitament businesses....
  17. There's some cheap housing in Arizona Bud. Deal with it or move...
  18. It's gotta go down Bay St.. 'cause that's where Joe and Geoff store the baracades !!!
  19. That's wasn't a "happy about it post" Lloyd. I made my auction donation as I was gonna be absent... and if we can make it 'till 9am I will be, absent... Hope everyone has a ball and raises lots of money for Tyler.
  20. Be proud you took the high road Cliff.. the ones you mention that couldn't or wouldn't are one of the many reasons our taxes are so high. Municipality of Temagami... population 1000.. "social benefits" portion of the tax expenditure pie chart.. over 20% of all expendatures. $1,334,525 out of a total expenditure of 5.8 million! I hear ya on the rest of it.. I pay $1200 a MONTH for property taxes in this little town they call Penetang.. and it's time to pack up, sell and move.. but to where? A similarly valued property in Mississauga would pay $2100 a YEAR. We're about 7 times the mill rate of Mississauga here.
  21. Well I'm gonna jinx myself and say I have a green light to go in the am, with Jen's chemo fever apparently in check again. Should be up there by 1 or 2pm, or so, and have another green light to stay 'till Thursday at the latest.. as I have a customer coming from White River on Friday and have to be back! So again.. the offer is there.. anyone that wants to get out for even a day this weekend or early next week..PM me tonight if you think you might wanna drop by.... or 411.ca for my hard line # if I'm already gone.
  22. Not if you buy their beer! We won't hold Randy against you... welcome aboard!
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