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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Thanks Rob.. Erik! I've gotta say we've got a great community here. There are another select few here that I've got to thank for sending me Pm's and sharing their own personal battles with me. A few here fighting their own cancer battles that should be proud considering the dignity and courage that they've shown to me! Thanks from the bottom of my heart for all involved.
  2. Thanks for all the donations so far! Jen will get around to sending you a thank you direcly in due time, but for now please accept my THANKS! on her behalf! Jon.. you shouldn't have... but again MUCH appreciated!
  3. Let me shoot it Junior.. no it's my gun...
  4. They all swam into the harbour and deleted the oxygen. The guy with the dumpster with plastic lining has an idea i think !! LOL
  5. VERY nice Tyler!!! Very nice!
  6. I always say.. it's easier to beg forgiveness than to ask permission. At least that's how it's worked for all them porqupines anyhow......
  7. Thanks guys and Albert x 2.. Ketch I hear yah and know what you're saying. We'd discussed that and remember what I said, taking comfort in the fact she's proud of the family she's raised and the life she's lived.
  8. Felt compelled to update those that truely seem to care here on OFC. We're 3 days into Chemo #6.. 3 days to go. Then 4 more chemo's ending late into May. Surgeon has been in and spent an hour or more with us late Monday night. Willing to work around the first wedding Jennifer "needs" to be at in June and then he must get on with surgery about 3 weeks into June and hopes she's healed enough to be maid of honour for a wedding in September. Because her bone tumour is covering most, if not all of her right pelvic bone and also crossing the "line" into her sacrium (sp) bone.. they must remove all of the r pelvic and as much of the sacrium as they can without hitting the nerves beside the spine. This leaves nothing to bolt anything to.. so there will be no replacement of any kind. It is expected that the scar tissue and the existing muscles will hold the leg on and that hopefully in time she will be able to put her body weight on the right leg. Looking like 4 to 8 weeks in hospital after surgery.. lots of rehab.. maybe walking with weight on leg in 6 months or so. In the mean time a walker.. then polio style crutches.. then crutches. then hopefully cane and then god please walking with a lift in her shoe. A real hard kick for someone with a gymnastics background and 3 times per week volleyball playing up until this started. But she can't play if she's dead either. Something that she's definitely not ignorant to the fact of. Happy that it sounds like there'll be no radiation and she has a great chance of still being able to have kids. Going to be interesting without half a pelvic bone, but it sounds like it can be done with supports. We now know that she's definitely in the best hospital for cancer surgery in Canada. We know that as her next door neighbour Monday/Tuesday and until this morning was "Mr Smith".. aka Jack La yt on and he could go anywhere he wanted. Was hoping to talk heath care with Jack this morning, but he was discharged early this am. As much as I can't stand the guy I wish Jack the best, he left on crutches this morning which suggest his prostate cancer has spread to elsewhere requiring more surgery that he had either last week or over the weekend. He was already there when we arrived Monday am. Just when you think you have your emotions in check and your head wrapped around all this this afternoon they posted another death notice, on the sarcoma unit cork board, for a young girl from Belleville. Succumed to her osteosarcoma on Feb 10th. just 6 week shy of her 16th birthday.. it's just not right. Thanks for your shoulders folks!
  9. It could, but there might be some people really ticked when their dogs are sterile as well. They use to drop right across my property and I had to be alert to go out and pick up the little plastic packs (I could usually find about 8 in the width of my place) and then go dispense them elsewhere in the woods. Otherwise my purebred lab would find them and chew on them.
  10. Looks great Ryan and I would love to get there and participate, but I don't think it's in the cards. Let me know if I can help in any other capacity.
  11. And if you fall off said ATV rack and bonk your noggin... does said "guide" service have liability insurance to cover the lawsuit?
  12. Well her surgery is scheduled for around the third week of June, so she'll be walking these for sure! After surgery she won't be walking for quite some time. Thanks to all that have donated to this great cause.
  13. I wish that the only problem we had this week was how we got our sushi !
  14. Guess you could call those Business Cards Bud !
  15. I also should clarify.. that is only Lakers that close on the 20th.. other species remain open beyond that!
  16. I wanted the pull out mirrors too Doug. Found the ones on the truck aren't 100% but better than the stocks on my '03 by a landslide. Will probably still buy extensions but will see how the view is with the boat on. The enclosed trailer's the worst and like I said it wasn't that bad for view ripping up to Temagami and back last week. Remember to do a power turn in the snow... you have to reach up and tap that traction control off button!
  17. Temagami is open 'till the 20th!!!
  18. Nice Doug !!! Just like mine, only mine is platinum/gray. Those saying you'd better hope the price of gas stays down.. well my 5.0 litre 2011 gets better milage than my 2003 x 4.6 litre got, especially towing. Drove from Penetang to Toronto Sunday night (@ 118km/hr) on 11.2 l/100km Wait 'till you tow with it and see all the neat things it does. If you didn't already... and tow anything with electric brakes.. blow the $469 installed and get the factory controller that goes in that hole in the dash below the 2h/4h/4l selector.
  19. Aren't you glad that you had your own so young, that you still have the energy to chase these ones!!!
  20. Then I'd have to call you a poacher Bob like my neighbour up the road!
  21. Nothing wrong with their eyesight in that pouring rain. Did you see them all simultaniously lift their heads. That was one of them seeing me in the window. I could set my watch by these guys movements every day. Anywhere I plow snow, they scratch up the grass and eat all the way from the gate to behind hangar. They start at one end and work their way to the other and then back again. Also much easier to make a turkey fly in the winter.. in summmer they'll run for 2000 feet with you running behind them. In winter you just have to say booo and they're airborne.
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