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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Pretty sure I saw all of that on my downtown walks today!!! #2 was presented to me right on the counter top at W Burger Barn. I was a gentleman and turned around while she put them back in her top. (I won't say how long it took to turn around)
  2. If all you're looking for Geoff is a kiss... I'll give you one!
  3. Great stuff Drew ! I've heard some of this before over a beer or a Laker... the rest completes the tale! Thanks for that! OH.. and the fish !! I really do need to come "home"!
  4. After three brisk walks for food today.. Mount Sinai to various places on Young St and back... I'll take -30C any day just like Dan !! Pretty sure I need a shower right now.. but don't have the energy! MIND YOU... the scenery was MUCH MUCH better today than it would be on a -30 day, so maybe I'll change my position!!
  5. Thanks guys! Another good day... 2 bags of blood, 3 varieties of chemo and she still wanted to get unhooked and go out for supper. Walked all the way to Young/Gould (and back), in the 40C humidex, and even had to slow down so Leah could keep up!! 4 days to go.. done by 4pm on Saturday.
  6. Thanks Guys... and Paul it really does make you sit back and wonder why we complain about stupid little things that we have no control over like the weather, price of gas or the bite on any certain day! Albert.. thanks! Not sure what all is in store for this week or the spare time we'll have. We usually only get out/away from the hospital for one lunch during a week treatment and that one day is already tied up in picking up a wheel chair and walker. Our youngest daughter is also coming in on the bus, either Wed or Thurs, so until we get her game plan everything is up in the air. Once surgery is upon us... we'll be in the city for at minimum a month and a half (could be 5 months), suspect there'll be lots of lunch opportunities with that!
  7. Chemo #10 ( should be the final one!) underway after a hair pulling morning. Someone dropped the ball and didn't book her MRI for 8am this morning to get the final picture before surgery. Blood work a "barely passed" with low hemoglobin but going ahead with chemo, while at the same time getting a blood transfusion each morning to get her red count up. Sent for an X-ray... first come.. first served and that delayed getting her chemo going by almost 3 hours, but she's still up beat and day one's chemo is in the books and a night of Mesna IV started. 4 more days of chemo and she can kick the "habit" for ever!! Or that better be how it goes... One of the very few patients Dr. Blackstein has ever had that managed to never fail a blood test and do all 10 treatments on schedule!!! MRI now booked for next Monday am at 7am.. Surgeon consult at 9:30 and then pre-op testing later that day. Surgery date to follow.. suspecting week of the 20th, but we should know in 6 days for sure!
  8. So sad.. the days of trying to get up the nerve to call and ask a girl out to the show on Friday night, because her father might answer, are gone!!!!
  9. Jennifer's last insurance drug claim, for $4900, made it to Sun Life on Friday and my tractor starter part showed up last Wednesday.... so we're good. Hydro One can find another way to send me my monthly hydro bill! Sorry Steve.. but your fellow crohneys are gettin greedy.
  10. Thanks George!! Just remember: All ticks are blood sucking parasites, but all blood sucking parasites are not necessarily ticks!
  11. Thanks Folks! Now at over $2500 thanks in part to the wonderful people here. Now if some previously promised donations come in, and a bit of hope, she'll reach her goal.
  12. Last lunch, with Phil, we got to hear you were going on the show and we had to stay HUSH..... so this week I should get to hear what happened and SHHHHH again!
  13. It's a wonderful place!!! .. that's for sure. Last time I was there it cost me $800 in fuel to get there from Temagami, to fish for only 9 hours total. I'd go back in a heart beat !!
  14. Use a new "pair" that you made. Why would you put those old inferior ones back in?
  15. If we were all smart we'd go back to the rotary dial phone! They are what they are... a FOR PROFIT business. I try to give them as little as I can. I've had a total of THREE cell phones since 1985. The first one cost me $1799.99 + tax in 1985. I retired it.. or should I say the rain that leaked thru the motorhome windshield at Lakair in 2006 put it out of commission. Replaced with a 10 cent hersheybar phone off ebay and then Rogers went GSM and gave me a free phone that I'm still using.
  16. Good job Emil... a dab of sealant on mating seams and you're golden. What ever sealant you have will work.. it's just forming a gasket for you when it comes right down to it.
  17. I can burn a steak just as good on what you have Chris.. as i can on the new one the kids bought me last Father's Day!! Get as much time out of it as you can... it's not gonna blow up and the money saved getting another season out of it buys you some new tackle!
  18. LOL... I put a 25 gallon barrel of them out every week for recycle !
  19. Find a chunk of plastic/aluminum drill the appropriate sized hole to fit the pump and then cut the "chunk" in half with a band saw/ hand saw at the correct angle. I may have some round stock in Delrin at home with the hole already bored... but I won't be there until at least next Monday night.
  20. Man Lightfoot better have been great ! LMAO !!
  21. It's a nice campground! lol Have spent many a night in it... I'm trying to remember the site number that has a private launch that we always camped on with the motorhome. 54 I think.. I'll check the campground reservation site to clarify. Directly across from the campsites there is a weed bed that goes from the Bailey bridge to the next point to the South (it's the bay you see from the highway just before pulling into the park). I've always had some luck along that weed edge. The best pickeral I ever caught there in all the years came from trolling under the bridge. Picked it up from the deep hole that not many know about.. the water flows under the bridge and then tumbles into a hole on the NORTH side of the brige. Other than that... it's a tough river/lake to crack! Here's a photo series on the river from the Rock Pine Motel in pic # 1 to the outlet dam into Red Cedar in #12 A couple shots of Red Cedar Lake Be careful not to get lost on it!
  22. LOL.. I wanna come in 9th or 10th then!!!
  23. Use caution with "insulating foam". I used it once to fill a float plane ventral fin to help it keep it's shape.. all those air pockets that get made when the stuff expands collect/hold water!
  24. THANKS Guys!!! She's gonna be one tired cookie by weeks end. She's running the money table at her best friends (Jen is her Maid of Honour in Sept) Buck and Doe tonight until 1am (that we just left) in Elmvale. All of us back to TO tomorrow for noon, then a full week of chemo starting 8am Monday, ending Saturday afternoon. A bridal shower for another Friend Saturday night in Toronto (that we suspect she'll last about an hour at being fresh out of the Sarcoma unit) and then this walk Sunday am. Don't get too excited if she misses the Sunday event, as that also involves a drive up to Barrie to do so and then she has to be back in Toronto for a Pre-op appointment Monday at 9:30am. Mind you... I don't know where she finds half the energy she does, so it may go ahead as planned. The walk a week later in Toronto is for certain. Walk or wheelchair.
  25. Best damn thing I ever sold you !!! lol Glad you got out... wish I had the free time to do so myself and we could get out in my boat (that's just sitting in the hangar keeping mice comfy!)
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