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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Oh Ronnie... Leah wants an autographed copy of picture number 8 in the newspapers article !
  2. Okay, I'm gonna bump this one more time as a reminder to those that said they'd be in closer to the date. Well the date is upon us and I'm probably gonna have to live up to my word in the very first post and push her in a wheel chair. She'll be fresh out of a full week of chemo on Saturday afternoon (June 4th) and it's pretty doubtful she'll be able to walk more than a few feet on the 5th for the Barrie event. Hopeful that she can do the whole thing the following weekend in Toronto on the 12th... but we'll have the chair ready there as well. Thanks to all that have and will donate to this important cause. Wayne Pledge link: https://secure.ccfcfindthecure.ca/ParticipantPage.aspx?PID=13536&L=2&CCID=95&GC=GTv2
  3. Exactly why I posted it.. Angling is using a line, what you put on the end is up to you.
  4. What a coincidence that a reporter was tending lines with you! lol Give'm hell Ron and you know my offer is irrevocable!
  5. From the regs: Angling – Angling means fishing with a line that is held in the hand or attached to a rod that is held in the hand or closely attended. Artificial fly - An artificial fly means a hook dressed with silk, wool, fur, feathers or similar material, but does not include other types of artificial lures. Artificial Lure – An artificial lure means a spoon, plug, jig, artificial fly or other such device that is designed to catch fish by means of angling.
  6. So casting a practice plug is illegal?? Says you can angle with a single line and up to 4 hooks. Does it say anywhere you can be stupid and try to catch fish with NO hooks?
  7. A heads up for you Ron... with my Town Councillor son looking over my shoulder... when the DFO handed the pier over to the Town... the water "lease" would have gone with it which gives the town the right to control any activity in their "water lot", just like many posted Marinas that least crown land(water), similar to fly in fishing camps have lease permits for the land. Crown land or not.... you can be charged with tresspassing if you refuse to leave their leasehold camp. Penetang's town pier has always been posted No Fishing from pier... and council has to amend the bylaw for the day of the kids fishing derby and bag the signs.
  8. So not only were you fishing.... you were using live "bait"! LMAO
  9. But you were fishing in Provincially legislated waters.. NO?? I'm in for the first $100 of the lawyers bill.. who's next?
  10. I'd be happy for the dam breach! I've never seen a lake where bass population declined.... they breed like rabbits!
  11. I was under the impression that Shimano stopped their "over the counter" replacement policy. Still lifetime but must go back to Peterborough. As for how it broke... I remember Lew telling about how he was scolded for making up a tale.. "just tell me you slammed the trunk lid on it".. and here's your new rod !
  12. Just bring some sunshine with you Joe! (and no that's not Art's new nickname!)
  13. I haven't seen any of that this year, myself.. personally...
  14. Didn't care if you caught another fish all day??? You couldn't... your friggin knees were shaking too hard to cast!
  15. Wait for the weight... to set the bait!! Now if I could just follow that myself.. lost track of # of fish I've pulled the bait away from, with their open yap staring at me above the water.
  16. And here I thought your were gonna say anything that pulled up beside you Paul !! lol
  17. Very NICE Jamie... I see why the tulips grow so well in the Capital !
  18. It's like free use of a tax payer funded and designed dog park, yet having to pay to launch your boat in the same park. Me Son's working on that one here...
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