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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Something about.. "the older you get, the wiser you get"!
  2. The carbon foot print to make the stuff is far worse than just burning 100% gasoline. The entire deal was nothing but a smoke and mirror show that simply raised the price of corn and made a few folks richer... and many others poorer. Collingwoods plant is in receivership.
  3. No arguement Darsky... just speaking out loud. Never been in a ditch in my life.. have always got home.. motored up to Tremblant from Montreal thru 16" of snow that hadn't been plowed. Use to do the back way in from Hull on that windy road.. (yah I know.. just jinxed myself).. but maybe growing up in the Ottawa Valley and always making it to ski hills BEFORE the roads were plowed or the lifts had even been started taught me how to drive in the winter! (and that was with cars that my old man didn't even know what an "all season" tire was!)
  4. Not sure what I'm missing guys, but it probably wouldn't be the first time. I get nailed with more snow than most here do, sitting on the high ridge (180 feet) above wide open Georgian Bay and the first to "catch a cloud" and get dumped on with snow. We can have mornings with a foot to 18" of snow, when even Midland has barely received a dusting. I run the all terains that come on the truck from the mfg. Have had a total of 7 or 8 different sets and vehicles since being on this property, with a 1400 foot laneway to get to the house from the generally unplowed concession road. I've never been stuck..... I even plow said laneway with a 7'6 blade and a truck with all terrains on it! Now with a lighter car... my Tbird SC wouldn't move with regular tires on it, it received a set of Mud and Snows every fall. Son same deal with his light little Ford Focus. ... and what Brian said! We're getting close to communism as it is, we don't need more shoved down our throats. Can't believe Quebec bent over so quick on the issue.
  5. Thanks Hun... there's a chance that the ice will come back off the sound this week!
  6. If I'll get one.... or if Joey will allow the entry?
  7. Mike... are you saying Peter got skunked again? Glad you had a good day out... I've had the boat at the door for months now and it just never works into the plan around here.
  8. But what if I get a big 'Ski before midnight that day??
  9. LOL.. Rick's a good lad in logistics, I'm sure he has an "angle" on it!
  10. Sorry Joey.. she's rode off two cars in the last 4 years, I'm not giving her my truck!
  11. Wonder how that would look ratchet strapped down to the roof of our son's gf's toyota?? She drives back and forth to University each weekend! (and NO.. I'm not letting her use my truck!)
  12. "walking on the lake is really fun" ! Priceless my friend!!
  13. I imagine you ran Terry off already.. but so can I, doing so every year on Temagami in depths to 140 feet. I use my Lowrance 102C off the bow of my boat and mark not only the jig but my swivel above it.
  14. The "local kids"... aren't they all yours? LOL Great stuff... living a wonderful life up there!
  15. Damn.. that gave me the shivers just reading the subject title!!
  16. One and only time I stopped when speeding Randy... about year 2000.. I left an airplane builders meeting in Brampton and stopped for an OPP on Airport road while driving my Superbird. He came up to the window and said to me in a stern voice .. "let me see your pilots licence" and I pulled it out and showed it to him. He was laughing to damn hard to write a ticket, went back to his car... pulled a U turn and took off, without even coming back to talk to me!
  17. I've never had a ticket in my life either Dan... in my younger years.. I just never stopped to see what they wanted!!
  18. Man.. once was enough.. stop rubbing the salt in the wound!!
  19. Lots of used finders come up in the classifieds here regularily... any one of them can be used for ice fishing (even using the transom transducer)!
  20. Nice welds!! .. ran about 100 feet of bead today myself!
  21. I just hope that nobody buys a ticket for the 2013/2014 season... to show them what everyone thinks. Like when the baseball lads went on strike. They use to fill the dome.. now you can get tickets for a dollar just to cover the liability waver on the tickets!
  22. 38.2 and you're supposed to hit Emerg Bigbuck!!! Have fun tonight folks.... got one here we're looking after ourselves!
  23. Stowmaster folding Muskie net. You'll never go back... make sure you get the storage bag as well. Ask Santa for it.. gonna set you back about $220 for the net and try to get someone to throw in the $30 bag. Brian at JB's did for me a few years back.
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