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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. I would have thought you'd already be covered for that Dave!
  2. I'm sure you are Matt... just some humour for a Friday night. You should come up in the fall.. and hit GBay with me!
  3. Thought I'd help.. our 3 had nothing but nightlights to get to the can in the night.. both daughter and son in dark basement most of their early years and had to go upstairs to go. ...oh.. and mine would only pull them out once and break them ....
  4. Don't worry Roger.. supposed to be snowing down here again tomorrow !!! Far cry from coming out of the school of Architecture yesterday, in Cambridge, and it was 28* C!
  5. Just thought I'd quote it before he changes his mind Blair !!
  6. Plug in two or three hallway nightlights and they'll see just fine (for less money!)
  7. Yep Don.. it was about the conservatives grabbing at straws to help balance their uncontrolled budget and somehow it got to here. Don't worry.. open water is abound and a few species are either open... or will open soon !
  8. It's offical... youngest is now a Master of Architecture, in Architecture ...after defending her thesis this afternoon!! !!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. irishfield


      Thanks everyone.. maybe now that we're done with University tuition fees and the 16 years of same invested in 3 kids.. my pocket can start to recoup and they'll all keep me in the life I'm accustom too! LOL

    3. spincast
    4. icedude


      Congratulations man to you all & your youngest here !

  9. "Lindsey Buckingham and Friends" was purdy damn good last night ! 2.5 hours non stop !

  10. Definitely sad when you can't spell the first word correctly.
  11. A famous last name.. and a " I don't like politics" behind him as his only claim to fame. Should make a good liberal leader!! lol

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      80% Liberal vote?,they must know something we don't .

  12. Back it in a little further Shawn... maybe you can start something! LOL
  13. Yep.. signed sealed and faxed. If they really cared... you wouldn't be able to take your emission FAILED vehicle to North Bay to sell it. Same locked in atmosphere up there as down here...........
  14. We talk about that gene pool here often.... Considering the brick didn't come off the wall... glad you didn't have a big party on that deck!
  15. Pick a spot and have fun! http://www.lio.ontario.ca/imf-ows/imf.jsp?site=clupa_en
  16. Thanks Bill... not my cleanest work, rushing to get Emil back on the road, but nobody should have their head in the battery compartment to view it anyhow!
  17. BTW.. don't buy the 3M4200 quick cure at CTC.. very disappointing this morning to find it was already hard in the tube! Cutting the tube in the center got us enough to do the repair and the 2 hour cure hopefully happened before he launched in 2 hours and 5 minutes!
  18. Well as much as I hate getting up on a Sunday morning... Emil was right on time at 7:25 and the rush was on to get him out of here so he could be on the water by noon. So technically two things I hate.. getting up and rushing a job, but we got it done the best we could. Should last from here on out and if not the boat will fall apart around the repair. The previous "Marine" repair facility that he paid good hard earned dollars to, that replaced this rivet twice, had buggered that hole up so much that I had to open it to 5/16 diameter to clean it up. Probably should have gone up to 3/8ths.. but at that size we may as well have put a rubber transom drain plug in the hole! lol A short piece of angle to continue the exisiting angle down a bit, to give a few more rivet spots, and also to make the backer plate sit flush. A new hole drilled between each existing, some sealer and some new rivets. 5 out of 6 rivets almost the right colour to match the boat right out of my parts supply... the big purple one.. not so much! Hopefully the fish were biting today...... ....oh and if you ever need a helper setting rivets, that Emil lad is pretty damn good at keeping the bucking bar square and in place!
  19. Old people, every day people... get scammed into risky investments etc. It's not limited to pro athletes that aren't the only ones that don't do their homework. As for a hate on for the amount of money they make.. go back to my first post on this thread and give that some thought.
  20. If you go with the 858 combo.. there is a $100 mail in rebate that I just got an email about from Johnson Outdoors. Doesn't include the 898 though...
  21. No they go broke.. because the generally start with minimal money and one day suddenly get handed a golden egg. Then they eat every omlette they can get out of that egg and forget to save some for later years when life returns to reality. The training staff and "gophers" that are generally underpaid... they're the only sad part of the story.
  22. So they only lose 41%.... man, what a deal! As someone that has handed over about 51.8 % of my income, to our great government, since I was 25 years old..... I shed no tears (well on their behalf anyhow!)
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