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Everything posted by Entropy

  1. "Jan 8" will be my last update untill monday morning, --> for those that were interested and PM'd me. Entropy
  2. Jan 18 - 9:00pm Walked out onto the lake could hear some breaking as I stepped out off of shore. Walked out 100' drilled 3 holes along the way, there was anywhere between 4" to 5", however 25% of that was white ice. I will be out (after first confirming the ice is safe of course), Friday evening, Saturday and some of Sunday. Play it safe, check often, be able to float, have picks, a rope, and a partner. Entropy
  3. On what lake was that??
  4. Jan 18 eve --> 2" of clear ice, 1" of junk ontop of that. Made it home last night with 1.5 hrs of daylight left. Popped a few holes in, didn’t get anything, but then again I was only in 2.3 to 3 ft of water with no weeds or structure around. After you scrape the snowy slush off the top there was only 2" of clear ice, didn’t really want to venture out to “the spot” yet. Saw a guy touring the shoreline on a new Skidoo. Let’s hope for some thickness for this weekend. F.N. & SHR I might not be able to make it out Sunday morning, I have a house warming to go to at my “Best Man’s” house Saturday evening, might not even see Sunday morn. Lol, I saw another guy out near where I was, had a floater suit on, great idea, he was out always. I’ll have to invest in one for next year. He didn’t appear to be catching much, maybe a few perch if anything. Had my FRS radio on CH 19 nobody out there from here. As for Sunday Morning, I might (“might”) be up and at it. Where are you guys thinking of meeting up? View Lake ?? If I’m alive I’ll head over, have a radio on so I can find you guys. Awww, this house warming thing is becoming a bit of a thorn, might have to call it an early night, heck it will cost me the evening bite and morning bite, that’s a lot of fishing time to lose. I’ll be out Friday evening, within 300 feet of shore, and a buddy of mine is coming down for Saturday morning. I’ll have my FRS on ... Entropy
  5. spooningleads to forking Sunday, January 07, 2007 Yay...I'm pretty. I won a beauty contest and I won $10. Isn't that exciting. Monopoly is too kind. Posted on Sunday, January 07, 2007 at 4:34 AM UTC | Comments (0) Saturday, January 06, 2007 Puzzling! I found this article very interesting. I knew that there are a lot of artifacts that archaeologists uncover all of the time and it takes scholars years to decipher and figure out their meanings. But, I didn't realize that there are so many mind-blogging artifacts that still are baffling scholars to this day and that they defy all known information about the past. Posted on Saturday, January 06, 2007 at 10:20 PM UTC | Comments (0) Sunday, December 31, 2006 Almost 2007 Last post of the year! I work from noon to 5pm today, which sucks. Then, Bree and Rusty are coming over and the we are all having dinner before we head over to Rusty's parents' house to ring in the New Year. That should be fun, yes? Honestly, I have no idea. I'm probably going to be bored out of my mind. Oh well. *shrugs* I have so much laundry to do. Frank keeps telling me that it is bad luck to start the New Year with dirty www.deadbattery.com I see nothing about deadbattery ?? lol
  6. Maybe next time the wind will not be as bad, and I can travel it without getting as wet. Thanks
  7. "I got a manual auger (8") you are welcome to" That would be great... the club sure could use it's own. You are on the other forum too, right? Entropy http://forums.fishontario.com/thread.jspa?...5&tstart=30
  8. Could be any number of things, I had a truck that did that once too, 97 Sonoma (sp?). I thought that because it would start the bat. had to be ok. Not the case, some ('of the newer') vehicles need a battery that is in good shape to simply run. Sorry I can't help you more than that. Entropy
  9. Went there twice last summer, the first time it was windy, due to it being so shallow it gets rough quickly ( actually had a couple waves break over the bow of the boat when coming out onto the west side of the bridge. I bogged down more than once on the ample weed growth that comes with it being shallow. The second time I went it was windy again, didn't even bother putting the boat in the water. Is the west part better (less weeds and deeper) than the east? Entropy
  10. Jan 16 -10 pm Stepped out onto the ice, heard some cracking, chopped a hole and noticed that there was a 1" layer of white ice (likely the snow which has melted and froze), and then 2" of clear ice under that. So, a total of 3" of ice, but like I said that top 1" did nothing but sluff off when tapped. As of last night it was a no go for walking out (for me). Hoping for this weekend, but I will not be going out into deep water. Entropy
  11. was on the discovery channel about 1-2 years ago, I'd love one. Can anyone spot me $100 000
  12. Nice fording there!! I"LL BRING MY TRACKER UP
  13. Jan 15 eve Checked the ice last night walked out 5 feet and the ice was really cracking under me. It only took one hit with the driveway scraper to punch through. Not good. Hopefully these cold nights will help it a bit, although the 2 inches of snow on top will hinder the progress. Entropy
  14. Thanks Nemo. That launch just up the river from the WWR has signs posted all along it, with curbs in place "NO BOAT LAUNCHING". Any idea why that is there now? Any where else to launch?
  15. Left my buddies house (Kirkfield) in the early afternoon, drove up hwy 35 Noticed that the Gull River was totally open, got to Moore Falls. Both Moore and Gull were wide open, should have brought the boat or at least the canoe. Took a few casts in Moore - Nothing. Then I began my “Tour” Headed up Deep Bay Rd. - Gull had no ice at all, could have driven a boat around the whole thing. Checked out Devil’s Lake, it had some ice not enough to walk on. Continued up to Little Bob Lake Rd. Saw a peddle boat below the dam, should have tied a rope to it and pulled her out, strap it to the roof and call it mine (forgot my tow rope at home). Little Bob had some open spots and much frozen. 4 Wheel drive paid off, much better than my pickup truck (2wd, no limited slip).. Very happy with this Chev Tracker. Checked out Big Bob Lake, it was mostly covered with a couple open areas. Drove up past Minden and Took a few casts in Mountain Lake (open), Twelve Mile was open / partially covered. Toured around the east side of Mountain Lake (wow, I now know where they got the name from), and past Horseshoe Lake, and down past the Minden White Water Reserve ( wonder if I could make it through that in my canoe... might lose a rod.) Stopped in at Minden Bait and Tackle, but by this time it was closed. Got at bagel and coffee at Tim Hortons and headed back down home (Scugog). The outing was enjoyable, have learned that the rest of the vehicles I buy WILL have 4 x4. Sorry no pics, (Anyone want to donate a digital camera?) If anyone knows where there is a boat launch on Mountain Lake or Horseshoe Lake, could you P.M. me, I would appreciate it. Entropy
  16. Might be ok for the weekend, but should be good to go for next. Weather: http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/c...es/CAON0562.htm or http://forums.fishontario.com/thread.jspa?...21&tstart=0 Entropy
  17. I see the dock, but where is the boat?? Stick it in go for a tour.
  18. Report coming sometime today. Was fun.
  19. Jan 14 --> mid-day Lake covered with ice, went out 10 feet, way too thin, was cracking under me. Not safe yet, might be by the weekend... Keep your fingers (and toes) crossed. Entropy
  20. Jan 11 --> evening = lake is mostly skimmed over. Still not safe. Fixed the 3 holes in the old alum last night, .... what now? Entropy
  21. congrats
  22. very nice
  23. Close Simcoe too. Much presure and still open.
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