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Everything posted by Entropy

  1. 10 to 15 cm !!! by Thursday morning for where I live ... I'll be ok, I'm driving my Chev Tracker with 4x4 and what's called a trail tire (great in the snow) {thanks Walmart !! } My wife on the other hand, this will be the first time this year that she will be driveing the big old pickup truck with no 4x4. I hate driving it in the winter, after I got the Tracker. When I do I'm 'white knuckle' all the way. In the past when it was my daily vehicle I was used to it. Bring on the Traffic Mayhem !! Entropy
  2. Ya, perhaps. The cop I was talking to said he was there to 'finish it off', I should have handed him the buck knife, "Get to it" A co-worker of mine said she drove by it at 6:55am and that it was on the road with it's head up. It had a few broken ribs, 2 front legs were broken, hide on the shoulder was ripped, and one antler was broken away from the skull (the actual skull around the base of the antler was broken). A bud of mine once came upone a car and deer (with the deer still alive) and took it upon himself to finish the animal, he could not stand to see it like that, who knows how long it would take for the police to get there. The driver of the car felt awful, he offered to, 'finish it' and the driver really wanted him to. He had an axe, and made due with that. Said it was harder to do than he thought, .... felt bad, but I guess it had to be done. Is this 'finishing it off' legal? What would you do? Entropy
  3. The gloves are good for both First Aid and Deer, the Knife for 'back off get your own vehicle' and Deer, and the tarp for Emergency Situations and Deer. This would have been the first one, apparently you have to call the MNR ?? Entropy
  4. It is gone....... I guess that saves me some work.
  5. Ajax
  6. I’ve got a Deer knife, latex gloves, and a tarp in the back of my SUV, just for an occasion like this. It’s a 12 pointer !! At 7:35am the Police were going to help me load it up.... Entropy
  7. A deer was hit near near my place of work, it was alive at 7:10am I got there at 7:35. At that time I would have taken it, but only had 20 min left to get to work. So, I left it there. I do have 1 hr for lunch and could go pick it up. So, Would 4 hrs be too long to not have gutted a deer, and would it still be safe to consume ?? PS. my lunch starts in 8 min, so a quick reply would be appriciated. Entropy
  8. Uncle Buck, what would 3 of those set me back?
  9. I have just found out that cleaning a doe is easier than cleaning a buck. Entropy
  10. I just got a Tag for the Dec. hunt (bow, muzl). My bud lent me a compound bow, so it looks like I’ve got some practicing to do and some broad heads to buy. Come on #3 !! Entropy
  11. It has been a good season.
  12. I got a Black Cat for X-mas last year, tried it out for a couple of days and found that it produced less heat then my farts.... It seemed as though the heat only partly rolled off the front and went straight up. I took it back. Might buy one that mounts to a 5 to 20 lb tank a Mr. Heater or something..... saw some on sale a month ago at Princess Auto for about $50. I'll keep an eye open. Entropy
  13. Thanks guys, I should have the chops back sometime next week.
  14. My '91 merc 25 hp had a thermostat and in cool weather would not piss untill I had her up to about 1/3 throtle for a bit. and on cold days would piss then stop and piss again, the thermostat was doing its job. The first time I tried it, it threw me off, thought that I needed a new impeller, took it to the mechanic and he told me about it having a thermostat, felt stupid, but went fishing! Entropy
  15. I guess I’d better buy a lottery ticket. I was out deer hunting Saturday with my Dad, and shot another deer. This was a spike buck. Photos to come once I finish off the role of film. I just got a bow from a friend to use for the rest of the season. Does anyone know if I can buy an additional deer tag still. Fire up the Grill & Plug in the 2nd Freezer !! It's Hunting Season !! Entropy ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Got My First Deer Yesterday !! I managed to leave work at a fair time yesterday and got to my deer hunting grounds. I was there for an hour watching 2 fields. One I have permission to hunt and the other I do not. I was keeping my attention on the field which I had permission to hunt and then all of a sudden a deer shows up in the next field! It took her about 10 seconds to move on and she was on legal ground!! I lined the shot up but at first did not have a safe backstop so I lowered my shotgun and then she was gone, and reappeared just past a small clump of trees, now with a perfect backstop. I had the backstop, a good ‘vitals shot’ and took it. Success! She quickly went down. I’ll post the pics once I get them off the 35 mm film. Fire up the Grill, It’s Hunting Season !! Entropy
  16. Yep, a $1500 pickup with .... $3000 worth of repairs over the last 2 years, towing a $6000 to $9000 boat. Entropy
  17. Yep Jen, we all need to enjoy (somehow) what we have/do on a day to day basis. Entropy
  18. LOL Ya I guess So !
  19. Here they are: Entropy
  20. Just saw the Rona flyer, those portable garages are on sale for $230 ish, they do the trick. Entropy
  21. This one was about $200 to $220. They went on sale at 8 am and were sold out by 8:15am. I had to work but my mother called and said she would go stand in line for one at 7:30am. There were 8 people there in line before here and about 40 after her!! Entropy
  22. Well, I hate to say it, but the boat is officially in ‘storage mode’. I was hoping to get down to the Bay of Quinte to do some world class walleye fishing, but I gave into my concerns about the well being of my boat. Since the last time I had it out it has not gotten to dry out, to the point where there is some .... mold, ....no ..... what’s the word ..... mildew on some areas of the interior. I had it out and it got soaked, and with the cover on and the amount of rain we had over the one week and a half there it stayed damp. So, with it finally being reasonably dry last Sunday; the wife and I backed it in the Scugog River in Lindsay, dumped some fuel stabilizer in, and took it for a good long run up to Fenelon Falls, when we got back to the boat launch I fogged it and pulled it out of the water. I bought one of those 12 x 10 x 20 portable garages at Princes Auto when they were on sale, so she’s backed into that and all sung as a bug for the winter. The only thing left to do is drain the lower unit and fill it back up again, pull the batteries, and leave some moth balls around in old margarine containers. This is when having a small aluminum with a 9.9 or 15 hp motor would be awesome. But alas, poor me can’t afford one yet. Good luck with your rig ! Entropy
  23. Yep, someone was using this thread. I don't think it supported there argument. Cleaning it up right now. Entropy
  24. I called a couple of Sundays ago about some people camping on a piece of crown land posted "no littering, no camping", who were ... imagine this, camping and littering. I got a call the next day from the C.O. and within 2 days there was a garbage can on site, more signs up, and all the garbage was cleaned up. I think I we take a picture, and email it in, along with a call, it will help. Entropy
  25. Put an Evinrude Etec (advanced 2 stroke) 60hp on it and you will notice a difference !! Or Mercury Optimax .... do they make it in a 60 hp?
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