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Everything posted by Entropy

  1. Not a blue fox but nice not the less.
  2. Might be heading to a cousin's cottage in Minden in the next couple of days, only problem is that I have to drive off road down a trail. Anyone know how many inches of snow is on the ground as of today? Thanks, Entropy
  3. Report. There are more open spots, lots of wind might mean some break up, about 2" of water on the ice in some spots. Got out with my boy yesterday and did not catch anything, but we were not in the right spot, waiting for better ice. Entropy
  4. I've got 6" infront of my place, going to go get some pinheads. Just drilled holes 20 ft apart out to my weed line. It's go time for me. Entropy
  5. The Weather Network is now calling for freezing rain this eve, better top off the chain saw. Should top up the lanterns too. If you are worried about your cottage freezing -> I bought a Home Sitter a couple of years ago that calls you through a land line when the temp is too low, or too high, or power goes out, or there is water on the floor. It called me at work this last spring and saved my finished basement. It was quite the sight getting to my road and seeing the Police, Fire, and Hydro One at the end of it. Entropy
  6. Last night when the power was out I was standing on shore and could hear geese honking away and waves crashing, it was that large open area. I think it opened up and got larger durning the wind. It has likely gotten smaller by now, but is there none the less. Entropy
  7. Toe, tongue, I was close.
  8. part of your toe?
  9. Got the electricity back on after 12 hours today . Heavy wet snow/ice and a bit of wind brought a bunch of lines down. So glad we have a wood stove, kept the house at 21 deg C. We lit 2 tea light candles and 2 oil lamps. When the power went off at 2:30am my power failure alarm woke me ... it was then that I realized we only had 5 pieces of wood in the box for the stove, so we filled it. Tried to sleep, then went for a walk around the hood, then to sleep. We started the generator and ran extension cords at about 2:15 pm only to have the power come back on, then put the generator away and wrap up the cords. I did not have to dip too far into my reserves of gasoline and kerosene, will save that for the next outage. Anyone else "Survive" the day? Entropy
  10. There is a large patch of open water between Ceasarea and View Lake. Have not check ice thickness today, but will try tomorrow. I saw a portable hut and a couple of guys on the ice, south of View Lake today. Entropy
  11. There are now a few patches of open water on this side. Took a drive around and there was not a single person on the ice, eye'ing it up. Entropy
  12. At 3.25" 20ft out from shore today. Entropy
  13. There is one guy that 'takes off' from the Birch Island area and shoots across to the Ceasarea area on 2 - 3 " of ice this time of year, every year. Crazy! Two or three winters ago I saw a helmet and pair of gloves beside a hole in the ice out from my place, turns out the guy lived and got his sled out latter that night.
  14. Just punched 2 holes in the ice 10 feet out from shore and found 2 1/2 inches of ice. Also saw open water out in the 'deep' area. Might get a chance for pics over the next couple of days. Entropy
  15. They have a few, but cost is well over $100.
  16. Getting down to - 13 deg C tonight, that should add some thickness. Please don't judge your safety on the ice by this thread, check for yourself, check often as you walk or ride. Entropy
  17. Checked it out this eve and there is about 1" of good clear ice, just out from shore. It looked like there might be a bit of open water out there somewhere. Entropy
  18. Left for work in the dark and got home in the dark, hope to check and measure tomorrow. Located on easter part of lake. Sunday I was able to throw a 2" rock through the ice, looked to be about 1/4". Entropy
  19. Turns out "two years ago" was in 2006!!! How time flies!! http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1291&st=0 Entropy
  20. Wather was cold last Saturday with much wind. Sat night wind died, lake froze. About 1/4" on Sunday morning. Today I did not have a chance to see it, but the entire lake was clam and very glassy, might still be frozen and for sure will be this eve. Going to try to report daily or every other day like I did two years ago. See you out there. Entropy
  21. Wow!! 3 years a go some houses 5 km to my west needed new siding on their north and west sides due to hail. Our roof vents had good size dents in them from it, but not the vehicle.
  22. What are the Ch numbers for Fox, City-TV and PBS, they would round out my channels and then I would be happy. Are you using an old style antenna or a new digital type? Thanks!
  23. Whitbyboatguy, I'm over the 'ridges' so, am not sure if pointing to Buf and Rod would do any good. Are the more south of Toronto or past Toronto assuming my location is in ..... Lindsay. Toronto for me should be ... South West and Buf and Rod .... what SSW? Entropy
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