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Everything posted by Marko

  1. Welcome aboard man. I fish that area quite often in the fall and its been nothing to brag about. Hit one run head on and thats when i hooked quite a few of them but other then that its nothing to brag about.
  2. Happy B-Day man all the best. Nice looking presents there
  3. HAHAHAh classics LOL Thanks for the laugh
  4. I remember a guy on here looking for 50-60 L of wine for something....thats a lot of wine.
  5. Figures its going to attack and bypass a Microsoft based program.....
  6. Looks like somebody dropped a ball in outgoing final inspection hahah The more i read about it the more stupid it sounded...really. Just make the rods to look normal
  7. MIllions or billions whats the difference.....just couple of zeroes lol. Jokes aside the situation looks fairly bleak for auto industry in canada. Maybe the outlook would be a bit better if GM made car that you can rely on for couple of year and not worry about changing parts after months of use.
  8. I was watching this on tv last night and this guy in senate was speaking and he said that Toyota and GM sold the same amount of cars last year, where Toyota posted 17 Million dollars profit whilte GM lost close to 30 millions.
  9. http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=3999932 Here is a link for an incredible video i came across today, i am under the impresion that its real and i am just completely stunned by it. ENjoy
  10. IF i were you I would take Revo back to BPS with the flyer and ask them for your PFD. If they dont give it to you or start comming up with random excuses why they cant do it, take your money back and go spend it somewhere else. Its about time they stop screwing people around and stand by their offers and promotions Norton sucks, you can get free antivirus programs on the internet.
  11. Its funny that he complains about it but he knows all about fairly new topics that have been discussed on here. He must be here often enough to know whats going on around here.
  12. I wouldn't mind sharing an ice hut with that brunette.
  13. I caught two perch after i figured out how to full the fish out. Went into a tourney and played for 15 minutes and didn't catch anything.
  14. Works for me as well. Uploaded game and installed it. Caught two perch 30 and 35g lol
  15. Ouch no wonder he was downing that stuff like it was juice. Now i never had a trebble stuck that deep in my hand but would it be easier to push the trebble through your hand and then cut it off. After that then just pull the hook out? That just looked awfull.
  16. Ohh Ice fishing sucks . Cant wait for the summer and 25 degree weather again. Great fishing man and a great report
  17. Right click and save image as, then i guess you can save it wherever you want lol. I dont even know what happened there
  18. Rainbow fishing later in the year is my only guess or they sell it around. Just my guess tho
  19. I dont know how much time you spent fishing in the fall but when salmon start running you`ll see the ugliest things happen. snagging fish and ripping them up looking for eggs and just leaving them to rot on the shore, often you`ll see big males ripped up as well because some bozo thought it was a female its really discusting. Keeping baby rainbows is just as bad and especially bucket of them, like mentioned above thats not the worst thing that happens daily
  20. Gotta keep your head up, looks like you are surrounded by good people and good friends who care deeply about you. When everything is said and done i am sure you`ll come out on the top. Best of luck !!
  21. HAHAAH @#@$@$@ got me good ohhh u got me good. Lucky i wasnt drinking my coffee
  22. They were booed in a lot of places for being drunk and and Axl is known for stopping concerts for smallest things. I have not heard the new album but did hear new Metallica album and its prety good compared to the last one *shudder*.
  23. Yea thats 100% true and I got into shouting matches with people for that. Its unbelievable how little respect some people have for fishery and for wildlife. Snag the fish and rip the eggs out and leave the fish to rot on the shore....whats wrong with this picture.
  24. I knew Bronte was open just didnt realize it was open all the way to 407.
  25. Boy does that guy look rough. Looks like some kind of cancer or something awful.
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