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Everything posted by mpt

  1. My bud's been going to Rice Lake and connecting lakes for 20 some odd years. He said they changed the regs from unlimited (I think) to 300 per person but only a few can be over 7 inches. It doesn't sound right and I thought someone here would know for sure. He says he's not going now.
  2. If you rent a car you'll see more casinos. Valet park for $2. There are major streets running paralel to the strip which remain lightly traveled. the strip is usually very busy, especially at night when the orange barrels come out. Most consruction work is done at night because the sun is a real bear out there. Anyway use the paralel streets to get close to any casino you want to experience and then go to the strip and use the valet parking for the casino. If you don't want a car there's a monorail from MGM along the strip I think to Balley's. Many casinos are associated and they will have shuttles amongst them. Across the street from MGM is NY/NY and they have a nice roller coaster but don't miss the roller coaster on top of the Stratus. My kids said it was quite exciting. If the coaster is down they still have a demon drop. Freemont street also.
  3. http://www.fish307.com/augerbladeexchange.aspx Try this co. if you don't mind the exchange. Much more reasonable than new for my blades anyway.
  4. This happened to me also. The year my mother died after a long illness I shot a 7 pointer maybe a 2 or 3 year old deer. This is the biggest rack taken in 25 years from camp. Mind you the camp is more about comradery than hunting the numbers don't lie. Thanks Mom!
  5. If it only has 1 barbel it's in the cod family.
  6. Don't smoke. Boil in salty water ~1/2 to 1 Cup salt per gal. Then dip in butter.
  7. Great post. Good luck trapping this year. Do you / can you trap wolves? It seems there are quite a few around Nippissing.
  8. OOOPs, Sorry I meant this.... Oh Lord.... There he is... it feels like a big one.... please don't let me lose him... I've ever caught one this big befoe I promise not to horse him and if I land him I promise to release him... and make a graphite replica if my wife says it's ok. Thank you for the rapalas... Amen
  9. This one?
  10. I stand corrected but thanks to Terry for posting. The pictures still don't seem right. Nice fish BJE, no fake picture there.
  11. Being from Chatham I'm sure you've heard of the Detroit Free Press and it's esteemed writer Eric Sharp. Torch Lake is his backyard. I'm sure he'd have written about this. I can't post the picture but go to the website and look at pic 5. Is the guy's hand cramping up or is it a pose position?
  12. Nice fish, I'm sooo jealous. The pinks were introduced, I believe, due to a power outage. A life or death situation but was blamed on a net failure or something like that. The St. Mary's id the only place in the world to catch the pinook.
  13. Being from MI I'm sure I would have heard of this before this post. The guy standing in the holding net doesn't look like he's in MI.
  14. http://www.michigan-sportsman.com/forum/sh...ad.php?t=300605 has a lot of info from a trip 8/23
  15. Sounds like a great family outing. I hope you had a camcorder for the kids fish.
  16. Comming back from Nippissing to MI we needed to load up this pontoon. Everything was fine until we got lost in Sudbury. I don't know where we were at but it was like trying to make a left hand turn on a bowling ball. The pontoon ended up on it's side and we needed help to get out.
  17. Did you read the story about the guy that was brokedown? The motor wouldn't start and bad weather was approaching. He had caught 2 20# muskies and had them on a stringer. He put each on a lead and then attaches them to the middle of the boat. In the front of the boat he sets up a rod with lure to dangle in front of the fish. The fish try to catch the lures and in the process tow him to shore. Supposedly true...
  18. Poor man's lobster is correct. Ling or burbot is very similar. A lot of fish dipped in butter tastes like lobster but drum has the same texture. The problem is with the amount of flesh from the fish. You really only get backstrp meat off the fish. A 26 in. fish will give up 2 - 1 lb tails er I mean straps. BBQ in foil and garlic butter....
  19. Moosey nice post and congrats on being a very rich man.
  20. Don't forget the vent. Sometimes birds like to hide from the cold in these.
  21. I've had good luck with Fish307.com. They have an exchange program that worked for me.
  22. Ferguson or Howe. Nobody would fight Gordie. I remember Fergie flipping ice chips over the boards on Grapes in the pre-game. Cherry just kept his mouth shut so that should be enough testament.
  23. Try this link. http://www.walleye101.com/7%20steps%20part%201.htm
  24. mpt


    the guy that eats wierd food was there to eat puffins. Don't miss that delicacy.
  25. mpt


    the guy that eats wierd food was there to eat puffins. Don't miss that delicacy.
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