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Everything posted by AzuluSpookd

  1. I was out on GB today going for Lakers and Whities.....there was lots of snow when we arrived at 0800....when we left at 1200, there was none at all, it was all SLUSH!! No sign of snow anywhere!!
  2. Sounds to me that you're trying to justify him not paying for it by using comments such as..."even though he has spent thousands" and "not appreciated how he was treated"...."Some donut charging him with theft".... Give your head a shake . Were you hoping that everyone on here would say, "Thats great! He shouldn't have to pay for it! Good for him!" ???? I wouldn't consider it taking a "deal". Come on. Get real.
  3. Great show. Only downfall is that they can't say the others contractors or companies names.
  4. Nice fish, DTM!! Are you gonna be around this spring on Round Lake?????
  5. Wow...nice fish...!!! How did your trip on GB go last month?
  6. There's a thread on FishOntario with someone by the name of "aniceguy" that posted a stringer of Bass on that small lake. I tried to copy the link, but I can't. Oh well.
  7. Didn't you have a stringer of huge large mouth from Little Lake a few years ago on the July long weekend?
  8. Great report GCD. Gotta love that Humminbird. I got rid of my Lowrance and purchased the Humminbird 787c2 and absolutely love it. I also just purchased the 343c portable icemachine yesterday and can't wait to try it out. Love humminbird's set up and technology.
  9. How'd your trip go last weekend?
  10. There's no fish in Lake Simcoe !!!!! No, we marked a few but didn't get any Wayne.....Andy's not a leader.... ....... He's a talker.....
  11. You must be talking about Cigarettes? I've quit for a while now. One of the hardest things that I found was when I would have a drink or two, as well as a with coffee. I used the patch and followed it right through til the end. I also used a Nicotine Mint, called Thrive (Nicorette ones are way too expensive). This solved my issue with drinking a few beer or having coffee, because I didn't care for having the Nicorette gum in my mouth while drinking, but a mint isn't so bad at all. I still carry the mints around with me now and continue to have them. I don't have any cigarette cravings anymore.....I just take a mint when I feel that I am getting grumpy (Usually end up being told by the wife to take the mint )
  12. Too bad they couldn't drain in directly in G Bay....we could use it
  13. 4 of us were out today. Anywhere from 5" to 1" of ice Got out to 85 FOW.....and one area you are in 5" and 10 feet away is 1". Won't be doing that again.
  14. Wow...did the driveway twice yesterday and this morning, the snow was OVER the top of the snowblower I haven't seen this much snow fall in one day in a long long time!!!!! ...............shouldn't have sold my sled
  15. Yeah Terry....I wouldn't be going out there right now, thats for sure. I've got almost 8 inches of snow on my deck, if not more and there was none on it yesterday!!! Its the real fluffy stuff, so these cold temps the next few days will help with the ice build up for sure. By the end of the week, should be fine.
  16. Not sure you want to try there .....yet.... Before the "thaw" there was a village out there.... After the thaw....no huts remained, they were all pulled into shore....there is a very very strong current there, as they had opened up the locks at Port Severn to drain some of the water from the overflow... With the snow from last night and happening today, I wouldn't suggest going out there at all.
  17. Did you notice on that link...when you click on Additional Info...who the author is????
  18. That was good Brian, thanks for posting. This country needs to get rid of the "Carter Defense" and actually get tough on this.
  19. I love Lowrance products...I have the X67 and the iFinder H20...however....when I wanted to upgrade this summer to a GPS/Sonar...I did a lot of research and I opted for the Humminbird 797c2. This unit is better than I could have imagined....no changing card files if you go into a different area...no need for a different power source for the external antenna and the ultimate feature is the Birds Eye view. This is amazing. I love it. If you can see the demo of that view online, check it out. Plus...buying it on Ebay saved me 300.00
  20. If you're into Pike, than that is a great spot for you to go. I've never caught any Herring in Penetang Bay, However....just around the corner in the much deeper water....Lake Trout grounds....that is where we've had luck catching the Herring. Hundreds of them just a foot or so under the ice....its quite an amazing site.
  21. PIKE, PIKE AND LOTSA PIKE I've fished it for many years, catch the odd good sized perch.....but mostly pike,
  22. It was definitely a nice morning out there, a little slushy to say the least It was nice meeting you Terry, i'll have to sharpen those blades on the auger for you guys next time Always a pleasure fishing with GB....aka.....Chatty Cathy
  23. Nutbars
  24. One of those falls where I thought....and I stress thought....I would be fishing out on GB til early mid december.... I'll start winterizing my boat today GB....I'll check the ice out tommorow and let you know There's always next year.....and the year after...and after.....We'll have to get out for a fish or two Irishfield.
  25. Glad you have nothing better to do. Maybe you should have been out on GB to try and catch your second musky
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