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Everything posted by Raf

  1. I put them on our fwd Mazda last winter and they worked weil. started at 13/32" and they are down to 10/32" this year. I estimate I put nearly 15k on them last winter. 3 seasons for me if I am lucky but more than likely 2 and a bit.. but I drive more than most. i was impressed with them enough that I got a set for our grand cherokee for this winter.
  2. check around on the highlander forums for alternative ways of fixing this problem. it's likely just the blend doors/servo and the heater core is fine since the other side is blowing hot. i had a similar issue with my old grand cherokee that had auto climate control. the blend doors/servo went bad on it. the proper way to fix was to take apart the dash something like 10 hours labour, however i discovered that you could cut a small access panel behind the glove box and access everything. cost to repair was a cutting wheel for my dremel and the parts.. something like $40 total. then glue the access panel back into place.. about 1 hr of my time. i could deal with a panel i cut behind my glove box, which i could never ever see, for those kind of savings and the wife could deal with heat on her side again.
  3. i 'cheat' and open up the liftgate on my jeep. rear seats folded down, i see everything. also learned by putting my hand on the bottom of the steering wheel and just turning it the way i want the trailer to go. works for me. short trailers, like you rent at uhaul, get me because of how responsive they are compare to the longer boat trailer i am used to.
  4. if those were my choices i would get the generals.
  5. hear good things about the generals another tire to consider is the firestone destination a/t. had them on my jeeps the last 5 years and very happy with them and will likely replace them with the same. they should be about the same $$$ as the generals. duratracs are an excellent tire as well but they are much more of an aggressive tread design than the generals or firestones = increased noise and fuel usage and perhaps overkill for you since you spend most of the time onroad. more $$$ too.
  6. hopefully its cost effective to repair but it seems modern tvs have been turned into disposable pieces of poop.
  7. even if ottawa did have a successful season, which won't happen -- ever. they're still ottawa. it'd be like that kid in the special olympics. noone cares. bush league franchise.
  8. dion vs karrlson i don't know about you but i'll take dion over karrlson any day on a playoff team let's look at their stats so far. phaneuf: goals: 1 assists: 5 points: 6 +/- : +8 hits: 51 blocked shots: 30 karlson goals: 4 assists: 7 points: 11 +/- : -7 hits: 19 blocked shots: 12 karlson is a defenseman right? your #1 defenseman to be exact, at a minus 7??? LOL
  9. The sens play at the Canadian Tire center? Really? The lighting on national TV looked atrocious. Everything about this organization is bush league, the rink, the town, the location.. Send the franchise down to the AHL where they belong.
  10. everyone has their favourite braid, but they're all pretty much the same when it comes to abrasion resistance -- not as good as mono. braid's strength lies with pull strength for a given diameter and lack of stretch. i know you said you'll be using wire and that's just fine.. just a fyi, the whole fluoro leader trend that moved over to freshwater muskie fishing all started with saltwater guys using them on their fish toothy fish.
  11. i think that's the key everyone's different. whatever works, i say do it i had no problem 'quitting' with ecigs but my wife not so much, she still feels the need to cheat a couple of times a day but it's still an improvement from a pack a day habit. i started at 18mg, went to 12 and now i am at 6. if and when i get to zero it'll be time to evaluate whether or not to stop the ecig too i also started with the evods but quickly found them 'lacking' for lack of a better word -- dont think i could have stayed the course with those. i quickly moved to rebuildable atomizers and i build all the coils myself. as for the ecigs themselves, they come in all shapes and sizes. the more they look like traditional cigs, the crappier they are -- both in vape quality and battery life. smaller form factor = smaller battery = need to recharge more often.
  12. it was basically down to the pilot and the diesel grand cherokee when i bought my last vehicle. i would have bought either one as both suited us well but found a better deal on the diesel GC than I could the pilot.
  13. is there ever a dock there? i've only used it in the fall and don't recall ever seeing one.
  14. a 16' tiller with carpet/decks + 50 4-str + trailer will be well under 2000lbs. my 15' tiller with 40-4 stroke (carpets, and decks) + trailer is propably around 1k lbs. i would still opt for something that can power all four wheels though. when i had my old cherokee, 95% of the time i could pull out boats even a 17 Lund just in RWD on gravel but the 5% i couldn't, i was sure glad i could flip it to 4x4.
  15. my spaniel does the same thing in tall grass / bush albeit just to see where he's going LOL just about fell over the first time I saw it, pretty funny.
  16. I'd argue that statement all day when all the weight lifts off the drive (Front) wheels when you are trying to pull the boat out. At least with a RWD the weight (and traction) shifts to your power wheels. definately get AWD for piece of mind unless you only launch on perfect concrete launches during perfect weather between May and end of October.
  17. buffalo looked like they belong in the same bush league as ottawa.
  18. you're a better man than i. it it was wall covering mart (ie. a local ma & pa) i'd definately mention it walmart though? 'honey, start the car'.
  19. indeed. my place is $50/month but it's near arthur. your best bet would be to look at the local paper or find a local farmer with unused barn space.
  20. not sure where you live/how much true snow driving you'll do the blizzak$ are great but wear fast, like bill said, any winter tire will be better. i got some sumitomo winters for cheap on our mazda, they do just fine. if you are just driving in the gta in the winter i wouldn't $pend on the blizzaks.
  21. Awesome.
  22. I'm not sure I see significantly higher maintenance and definately no higher fuel cost of a diesel compared to gas? From Apr-Nov diesel is 1-4 cents / litre cheaper than gas where I am.. and 1-4 cents higher in the winter months. Lets call it even. The oil change runs 150-200 at the dealer - ~100-120 if you did it yourself (10 quarts of fancy stuff) but the change interval is 10000 miles (16000 kms). Glow plugs can go.. as can spark plugs. Fuel filter is supposed to be changed out a little more often on a diesel than a gasser. The new diesel require the urea be refilled which is pretty cheap. Everything else pretty much equal?
  23. are you sure the TPMS is bad? make sure tire pressure is right on all tires.. including the spare if yours came with a full size spare. there are two different TPMS systems in these trucks. a basic and a 'premium'. the premium shows the tire pressures of all the tires. the basic will just illuminate if one of them is down. http://www.wkjeeps.com/wk_tpms.htm
  24. I actually use a DNS spoofing service. $1.99 / month. For the cost of a double double we get Pandora, US Netflix, no gamecenter blackouts etc etc We cut the cord with Rogers a couple years back so it makes sense for us. adfreetime.com There are free alternatives but you get what you pay for.
  25. I didnt have that issue Dave. Auto-renewed just fine but I dont go in through the rogers portal or want anything to do with them. It's 79.99 US if you're in soviet russia It was $99 last year as a European.
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