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Everything posted by PERCHER

  1. Its a sad day.Are prayers are with the family and friends.Dan
  2. Terry you did well .Sylvan makes a fine boat.Now get out there and enjoy fishing in comfort.Maybe I should hitch a ride with you this fall at Quinte .Looks alot warmer than an open tiller.By the way when is the gang all heading up this year?I dont want to wish the rest of the summer away but I cant wait for those fall quinte walleye and the OFC get together.Congrats on the ride shes a beaut!Dan
  3. LeXXington It was nice chatting with you at the boat ramp.I was the guy with the lund that gave you a hand loading your boat.Next time you need a a partner shoot me a p.m I would be more than happy to go ou fishing with you.Dan
  4. Have a great holiday.You better rest up because you are going to need it for when you get back and come out this way for some big lake O muscle.Dan
  5. Way to go buddy!!!!!!!I guess this means you will be doing all the boat driving while I fish
  6. Replace both spark plugs.They are most likely foweled from trolling.Thats very common on 2 strokes.
  7. Its Quinte its all good.
  8. Way to go Sam.Its always nice to get out with the wife for some fishing.Keep up the great posts.Dan
  9. Lets go Mike.I have a big Salmon with your name on it.Should be a good time.Just bring yourself and leave all your gear at home.Dan
  10. Roy has got that right.Great report.Thanks
  11. Its nice to hear that there is still some good people out there.
  12. Great report Jen!Looks like a fantastic time.Dan
  13. Welcome aboard.Give the Quinte area a shot.
  14. This is what I do.When you first take off make sure the motor is all the way down.When the boat planes out slowly trim the motor up.Be carefull not to over trim the motor or it will over rev or not draw water.On rough days leave the motor all the way down.This will stop it from pounding waves.If you have any questions shoot me a p.m.Dan
  15. Looks like a great deal to me.
  16. Nice pics there Shawn.Nothing like an early mornig on the water.Dan
  17. 3" Plastic pvc tubing and 2 end caps from your local Home Depot.No more than 10 bucks.
  18. Great first report and welcome to the clan.
  19. Way to go there Sonny.At least you didnt get skunked.I have always wanted to try Erie for bass or walleye.But have never had a guide to show me the way.Dan
  20. Great report and pics.Your son is going to make a great fishing partner.dan
  21. Have a great time.Cant wait for the reports to come rolling in.
  22. Outstanding report Jen.Its always nice to get out on the water.Dan
  23. Great report cuzz.Glad to see Ryan had a great time.Looking forward to seeing you guys at Quinte in 2 weeks.Dan
  24. Best of luck Buctail.
  25. Good luck Shawn.But I dont Know whow you will out do the last outing.Dan
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