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Everything posted by PERCHER

  1. Javex and water in a squirt bottle .
  2. Well my dog is 12 years old and she is hiding in the furnace room.
  3. The owners manuals come from the us and with shipping $25.00. Or you can wait a week or so and I will get you one for free. Dan
  4. For Ford try HELM.COM
  5. Awsesome report Kevin.Looks Like you guys smashed them this fall. We will see you in the spring for some Kings. Dan
  6. Dont feel bad I bought one to and since the wife touched it I havent seen it since.She loves it.The Galaxy is an awesome Tablet.
  7. Great show .Always good for a laugh.
  8. A really nice bunch of fish there fellows.I really like the bunch of quality walleye MTP caught.Good for you Mikey.I just dont have anything to brag about this year. Dan
  9. I second that Dax. They are a great bunch of guys at Bay city.Always treated me extremely well.My Opti was there for three days water tested twice when they figured it out as a colapsed fuel line do to ethenol.Charge was 0.It was a hard problem to find when the engine would loose power at wide open throttle only. Dan
  10. It was a good day .Thanks for the great vid. Dan
  11. Great report Kevin!!!
  12. If you want to hit the lake one day for salmon shout me a pm. Dan
  13. Sorry I should have sent a pm But my home computer is down and I am trying to work with my phone.
  14. I have to brand new never used 27 series Forf Motor caft deep cycle batteries.These batteries are awesome.They retail for over 190.00 each.If you want you can have the pair for $150.00. I will be leaving for Buckhorn Saturday morning and I will be there for a week. Let me know if this is of any interest to you and I will load them in the truck. We may even be able to get out on the water for a few hours. This is a deal for any OFC members only. Just shoot me a pm or email me at. [email protected] Dan
  15. If you have the room take a mig welder and weld a bolt to it>then heat the plug and remove it with a socket. Just an idea. Dan
  16. I really hoped you enjoyed your day.
  17. Dont hook it to the cavitation plate.Hook it up at the steering shaft and to the front bracket on the kicker. I have one on my 90 Opti and it works great. Dan
  18. Have a GREAT BIRTHDAY Bly.
  19. I couldn't have asked for a better day.Thanks guy's. Dan
  20. Happy Birthday Paul.Hope you have great day....And hope to see you and Joey in Quinte this fall. Dan
  21. Congrats on the big win.All the time spent on the water paid off.Did that fish show as a Toyota on the screen? Dan
  22. The best guy for walleye on Erie is Steve at Fishmasters located in Dunville. http://www.fishmastersultimatecharters.com/ Steve is one of the best Erie walleye guys or Lake Ontario salmon guys.
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