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Everything posted by zeeter

  1. Looking for two 13 inch taper lock boat seat posts. See pic for details. Thanks
  2. Thanks for the info. Hopefully, more CDN coverage will come. Very impressed with the shading.
  3. Thanks for the info! I m really impressed with the relief shading. I just purchased two new Helix’ and they came with a Navionics + card. I also have Navionics on my phone. Would I be able to get this feature or is it only available with Navionics Platinum? Thanks
  4. Anyone else having technical issues with the webinar?
  5. Thanks. I d be interested in any tackle swap shows in and around GTA. London as well.
  6. Thanks, guys. What's the location for the Fort Erie one?
  7. I attended a tackle swap last year and really enjoyed it. I would like to attend more this winter/spring. If you know any upcoming tackle swaps, please post! Thanks
  8. There are maintenance tutorials on YouTube which explain the best. For replacement parts order through Mike's Reel Repair. Great service and Canadian.
  9. I have a Nucanoe Frontier 12. Incredibly stable with lots of open space around my feet. Very customizable. Gets the transport wheels. The Nucanoe Pursuit is quicker and longer. Worth looking at. Not meant for long portages.
  10. The CDN Tire Wetskins suits are great for the money. I ve also had mine for quite a few years. They go on sale every couple months.
  11. L'amble is the most beautiful lake in the area. There are smallmouth off drop offs and some lake trout. Not a great fishing lake from my experience, but Bancroft is a great bass area. Search the old logging roads.
  12. What depth of water were you getting them in?
  13. Really enjoyed the swap. Are there any more in Southern Ontario coming up?
  14. I kayak the Grand River a lot with my Nucanoe Frontier 12. It is very stable for standing and there's more room by my feet than other kayaks which I like. It is not meant for portaging. The wheel attachment on the back is a must. If I were buying an individual kayak I would look into the Nucanoe Pursuit 14. Faster, but still very stable. Lots of room for mods.
  15. I ordered a bunch of stuff directly from Nucanoe. They shipped quickly but i got nailed on duty charges. I heard of the store Outdoors Orientated. They have the fasteners on their website. Never been there. Let me know how it works out if you go. http://outdoorsoriented.com/collections/kayak-fishing-accessories/products/yakattack-track-hardware-1
  16. Thanks for the help, guys!
  17. Hi Guys, Planning on launching out of Fort Erie and heading over to Buffalo for some smallmouth in US waters. When looking up the required safety equipment it mentions the need for a visual distress signal (eg. flares). Is there an exception for Canadians? Also, do I need to bring my passport? Haven't done this for a few years, so just wondering if the rules have changed. Any help appreciated. Thanks.
  18. the ufish app is not great. WFN has a basic one and also a fishing log/journal one that you have to pay for; I think it will be useful in the summer (planning to buy it then). Cabelas has one for their products. Haven't found one from BPS yet.
  19. It hits 37 mph with 70Hp and the max HP for my boat is 75. 90HP would be fun though !
  20. I have a 167 Princecraft Pro Series with a 70hp. It's a great boat and I've really enjoyed it. I fish erie a lot for smallmouth and when there's a bit of a chop the bow starts to go up and down (porpoising). I've adjusted the trim and that hasn't seemed to solve the problem. My speed is slowed down to under 10 mph. I've been looking into different options to solve the problem, most notably installing a hydrofoil or smart tabs. From my research it seems smart tabs would be the better choice as a hydrofoil can put unneeded stress on the motor. I've heard that a hydrofoil can make steering at higher speeds more difficult, but my boat is a semi-V not a deep V. Any suggestions on what I should go with?
  21. Just got an iPhone 4s and have spent most of the weekend playing around with it ! Does anyone have a good marine weather app for the Great Lakes? I already have the Weather Network, but was wondering if there are others out there that anyone would recommend. Thanks. Zeeter
  22. In rural areas a good option is always Rogers Internet Rocket Hub. My parents live in the country and use this - it works really well for them. Most often if you can get a cell phone signal in the area then it will work. It's a lot cheaper than getting a receiver installed on your roof from a rural internet company. If you find you don't get a strong signal with the Internet hub then just return it. My parents pay around $35 - $40 per month. Here's the link: https://www.orderrogers.ca/rocket/hub#/overview
  23. Between the Sioux and Wawa there are usually no gas stations in the winter. Make sure you have enough gas !
  24. Stradic...
  25. Use clear silicone for the edges or any seams. The silicone is far better than glue because it flexes. If you're putting a patch on you can glue it on first, but put silicone around the edges.
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