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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Well I opened up a special savings accout yesterday to set aside some money for the camera that I really want. The Rebel XSI was tempting because of the price, but that was about it. I dropped my camera in the river recently (again LOL!) so just to get me by I found a smokin' deal on a brand new Canon SX260 HS. $180 all in. Not too shabby eh?
  2. I have nothing worthy to add here. Just...since this was posted I can't get this song out of my head. So now I'm inflicting it on you LOL! <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/gRlj5vjp3Ko" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  3. Hey, that's good news for the rest of us! Welcome back.
  4. Thanks for the input guys. I think for the price I can get the whole package for it's too hard to pass up.
  5. Glad to see you're heading up there Erik, have a great trip! PLEASE tell me where! I've only ever bought it at Starbucks where it costs a fortune.
  6. I'm delving into the world of DSLR's and I can get this camera very cheap. What say the experts? Also in a related question what lenses should I be looking at if macro shots and portrait type shots are being taken? Thanks guys!
  7. I'd just put it right in the gas. Swapping out the plugs is a good idea too.
  8. If I launch my canoe in there will the gel coat melt off? Just wondering.
  9. Back in the day when Italo told you about it? I grew up in Carlisle, and used to bike over there as a kid. That place was a shadow of its former glory long before Italo started spreading the word. LOL! The creek that flows out of it used to have really good brookies in it when I was a kid too. Slowly over the years bass infiltrated the creek and it warmed up dramatically in the summer because of the reservoir. Wasn't too thrilled about that... You couldn't pay me to fish there now, it's just too saddening. I prefer to leave my memories untarnished.
  10. Run a can of seafoam through it before you try anything else.
  11. Hey I never left! Have you not seen my latest report? It's a dusey!
  12. Totally hardcore. I can't believe you went all that way with 4 days off, by yourself to fish Longlac in a kayak LOL! Seriously man HAHA! I agree with your assessment of Longlac, but you REALLY need a boat, some camping gear and some time to tap its potential. I've driven by that spot you fished probably a dozen times in the last 3 years, and yeah there's always a few boats fishing that spot. Figured it had to be decent. But then really good walleye fishing is easy to find up there. And in a setting that's much more isolated than right in Longlac. Drop me a line next time you're thinking of heading up there. I can recommend a few really good spots that are a lot more kayak friendly.
  13. It's too late, you've been infected. The process of change has begun...
  14. Very nice. And you're right life does change, but in a good way. You have two beautiful kids. After seeing your little girl the other day I think dad will have his hands full in about 13 years. She's a cutie.
  15. Very nice report, inspiring actually.
  16. Very nice fish, and Terry you've got waaay too much time on your hands.
  17. Don't mean to make light of this as it's a serious situation, but it brings to mind something that happened late last year in T.O. on a film shoot. A friend of mine works in the film industry and was invloved in the making of a grade b zombie flick. A bunch of the zombies were up on a scaffold waiting for their cue, when it suddenly collapsed and fell 10' to the ground. Nothing life threatening, but there was a bunch of minor injuries, a lot of blood, and major pandemonium. As my buddy said "It was madness, we couldn't tell who was hurt and who wasn't....they were zombies!!!" For some reason I found that kind of funny.
  18. Who needs a boat? Nice bass!
  19. Cool report. I've lived in and around Hamilton my entire life and have never once fished the harbour. I'll have to throw a canoe in there and give it a shot.
  20. Well, like I mentioned earlier it wouldn't be for 9 more years. No way is the guy going to play that long, he'll be retired long before that contract expires. Because he signed it prior to turning 35 once he retires the contract doesn't count against the cap. His cap hit is 5.3 mil, a very reasonable number for an elite starting goalie. I'll take Lou at 5.3 per for the next 5-6 years any day of the week and twice on Sunday. This caliber of goalie is not usually available, and under normal circumstances the cost would be way too much. It's a unique situation that doesn't occur every day and here's hoping Burke can take advantage of it.
  21. Thanks for the kind words gentlemen, glad you enjoyed! Have you ever ready Misery by Stephen King? He is doing my bidding. Bwah Ha Ha!
  22. Gillis has grossly mishandled Luongo. He publicly humiliated him which prompted Luongo to request a trade. I believe Gillis is likely asking too much, but then it's his job as gm to do so. But being backed into a corner and more or less forced to make a deal is his own doing. It may not happen right away but Lou will be gone before next season, and no the return won't be huge for Vancouver. That's the way I see it anyway.
  23. You've been through a lot in your life and you continue to handle adversity in a way that I greatly admire. That was neither rambling or boring. Thank you.
  24. Good stuff Brad! A shopping cart? Really? That right there is an episode of Trailer Park Boys in the making.
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