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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Thanks for the input Jay! If you bring a shotgun make sure it's loaded with slugs and not birdshot. LOL!
  2. Thanks Roy! Not leaving 'till next Monday though, so still a bit of time.
  3. You're right it's a preprogrammed message that includes your waypoint. Something as simple as "everything's fine, having a great time" or "send help asap we're in trouble!" would cover all the bases for me.
  4. Thanks Nick. Apparantly you can send a personal message too. As long as it functions as advertised it seems like it would be cheap insurance.
  5. For anyone travelling off the grid in an isolated area it seems like it would be a fantastic product. It allows you to send personal messages and call for help if need be at a fraction of the cost of a sat phone. I'm considering grabbing one before heading up to Hudsons Bay next week and was wondering if anyone had any experience using them. http://www.findmespot.com/en/index.php?cid=102
  6. Great pic's and even better smiles, looks like a great trip. Where did you guys stay on Temagami?
  7. If worst comes to worst that's not such a bad thing. If possible we should go over a map together before you go.
  8. Dan, Dan, Dan... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/JoqDYcCDOTg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  9. Great fish and very cool video. You're so calm and collected except for that angry growl at the 1:18 mark.
  10. Dan it's such a great opportunity, I'd love to see you go. Chance like this doesn't come along all that often.
  11. You still scrambling to make that trip on the 18th? Was wondering. Hope it works out for you Albert. I thought of Gerritt immediately myself but was told he couldn't make it.
  12. Great report and some nice bass. That's some wicked looking slop you were fishing!
  13. Glad to see everyone smiling, looks like a lot of fun.
  14. A friend is up there right now for a week doing some musky fishing. I'll shoot you a pm with the lowdown when he gets back next week. Cheers
  15. Rub some candle wax on the male end of the ferrule.
  16. Awesome thanks for the report! 12 hours of fishing the entire week though? What did you do the rest of the time?
  17. Yes I have. Don't mean to burst your bubble but it's a shadow of what it used to be. There's a large native community on the lake that does a lot of netting. The first narrows is as good a place as any to try for walleye. Lindy rigs with a live minnow or leech would be the way to go. The smallmouth population is largely unaffected if that's your thing.
  18. Thanks for posting the video, great looking fish!
  19. Yep I've seen it before. This one was standing on the side of hwy 11 with its arms straight out. I thought it was a hitchhiker 'till we got close. LOL! Your bear had a sense of the ironic though. Funny story.
  20. This thread won't die. Glad you liked it guys! Thanks for the kind words John. My wife wants me to take the kids away. Anywhwere, she doesn't care. She usually helps me pack.
  21. What a great trip! That's quite a story, your wife catching that walleye like that. Great looking family bud.
  22. So many great stories! Camped on an island on Agnes lake in Quetico park I emerged from my tent to find a massive wolf, pushing 1800- 200lb's standing 20' away staring at me. I froze and we locked eyes for probably 30 seconds. No menace from the animal at all, then it slowly turned and walked away. It was almost a religious experience. Another time on the Frog river (big trib of the Winisk) I had three polar bears raid my camp at night. That was most definitely not a religious experience LOL! Only animal that truly gives me pause. I've got a million more stories. Gonna stop now before I get too chatty.
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