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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. That's crazy Edwin, wow! When I lived in Manila I was fortunate that I didn't experience any typhoons. Getting shot at on 3 separate occasions kind of made up for that though LOL!
  2. Looking forward to your report. Just a heads up from someone who's posted a number of lengthy reports with photos and video. I've had nothing but problems since the board switched their format sometime last spring I believe. I used to use microsoft word with the corresponding photobucket and youtube embed codes pasted into the document. It was then a simple matter of copying and pasting everything into my post. However since the format change the codes are always corrupted after copying and pasting onto the OFC board. When you try to edit them things get worse. The only thing that works for me now is to copy and paste the text into my posts then add the photo and video codes after the fact. Even that isn't perfect as some of the codes still get corrupted when the report is posted. I believe there'd be little problem with 99% of most reports. It just seems the really lengthy ones with lots of photos and videos end getting corrupted so you may not have a problem. In any case good luck, here's hoping you don't experience the same issues.
  3. Just remember Brian, the biggest factor bar none for late fall/winter steelhead is temperature. This time of year a 2 degree swing will usually turn the fish on. If you've had a fresh dumping of snow that will have dropped the water temp several degrees. Usually the afternoon is best on days like this especially when it's sunny out. Carry a thermometer with and check to see what the water temp is at different times. Jot that info down in a notebook for future reference, it can be very helpful. Cheers
  4. If it's only one day you can buy a non resident license for 15 bucks and print it off at home. Pretty cheap if you ask me. Bigger issue for a lot of people is needing a passport to cross now. I
  5. Drove through a virtual blizzard on the way home from Georgian Bay today, very unexpected. Mike considering where you live you should be fishing the Salmon river in NY. It's 10,000X better than fishing the ditches and it's closer to you.
  6. Fidel just alerted me to his post (havn't been on the board much lately). Great pic's bud, glad to see you had a good week in the bush!
  7. Without getting into details as it's just not worth it, Edwin was unfairly criticized on another board for supposedly copying someone elses design. An utterly ridiculous claim as is his reels are quite unique imo. I'm happy to give Edwin my support, the man deserves it. For those who are interested I've fished one of Edwin's reels since last spring and it's been flawless, just a joy to fish. Largest diameter reel I've ever fished yet also one of the lightest and smoothest. The only thing that took some getting used to was the lack of a clicker mechanism. Edwin's reels have a simple locking mechanism that's engaged by turning a small knob on the back plate. The only other reel I've ever seen that's even remotely similar are some of Al Taylors lovely heavily ported creations. Some of Al's reels also incorporate a locking mechanism. Once again well done my friend!
  8. Just saw this now and I'm at a loss for words. Very sorry to read this news, my thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved.
  9. Agreed 100% The mod's on this board let plenty of conversations continue that I'm quite sure they'd love to lock or delete. Just like a referee It's a subjective thing and not everyone will agree with the decision, but it's a recipe for disaster to let the inmates run the asylum. Grow a thicker skin or find a new internet playground.
  10. Nice bunch of fish guys!
  11. I believe bare foot wader on the board has fished Hilmer, you may want to pm him unless he chimes in. I've flown with Hearst a number of times recently and they're an absolutely first class outfitter from top to bottom. No doubt in my mind Hilmer would be a great choice for a family trip, especially being on a beach.
  12. A beautiful time of year to be up there and your photos captured it perfectly. Congrat's on the musky, that's gotta be a pretty big deal!
  13. Perseverence pays off. Well done bud!
  14. I rarely if ever use loose mature eggs. Almost always mature skeined eggs. They're softer and have way more scent. And yes they tend to milk out quickly and require more constant changing. I use a very light cure as well. If you don't cure them at all they'll turn white almost instantly especially in cold water. Color is critical at times as well. While I do have my two or three go-to colors, I always have a variety of different colors tied as well, You never know what's going to work best from day to day.
  15. I like the way you think Roy. So how about it Dave? Christmas is coming soon. (He's offered to buy them for me and mail them, but I havn't taken the plunge yet).
  16. Not the same spoon Roy, the one's Dave uses are only sold in Yellowknife. He's been teasing me with them for years.
  17. Damn you and your Wolverine spoons that I can't buy in Ontario LOL! Nice fish bud!
  18. You're not speaking for me with that statement.
  19. As I said in my post which you obviously didn't read, the rainbow eggs are too immature to be of any use this early in the season. I never said the guy did anything wrong. As far as myself, I harvest plenty of fish...none go to waste. As young as he is it appears as though Christopher gets it.
  20. Well done Ron, very impressive.
  21. On a somewhat related note I fished the Geen yesterday and was appalled at the number of fish being roped. I'll bet 80% of the fish caught on that river are killed, catch and release is almost non existant. One older gent killed a beauty 10lb hen right next to me his only comment being "hope this one has some good eggs". It's so early in the fall season there's no way the eggs in that fish will be anywhere mature enough. Total waste. Education is sorely lacking among many of our fellow anglers. I have nothing against keeping fish, but not indiscriminately. All the great work being done on that river by the Ontario Steelheaders and others is constantly being undermined and it's sad to see.
  22. I found a huge grow-op yesterday simply using Google Earth. It's called Jamaica.
  23. A friend stayed here last year and enjoyed it: http://www.cottageportal.com/Detail.cfm?RecordID=1299
  24. Didn't work for me last week, was looking for another one....
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