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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Yep sure would. Until then I'll just let Bill carry the beverages. He's an animal.
  2. Do you think they'd deliver to Algonquin Park? (plastic bottles only) One can dream.......
  3. And you would know the difference. Ziiiing LOL!
  4. I'll respectfully disagree, but hey when the team's winning everything is peaches and cream. Could the Boston game be the turning point in their season? Right now it's looking like maybe.
  5. Addition by subtraction. Don't know what games the Franson lovers have been watching but the guy is brutal, easily leads the d-core in bone headed plays. At least earlier in the season when Ranger was being thrashed it was clear he at least had some hockey IQ, but his footspeed was lacking. No excuse for Franson. His breakout passes are scary. He'll stand there like a statue behind his net then 9 out of ten times slap a super long pass through a maze of players, most times giving the puck away. He's big, but as soft as butter. When pressured in his own end he almost always fires the puck blindly around the boards where it's intercepted. I could go on. The kid has a blazing slapshot from the point, easily the best on the team, but that's it. I'd prefer my defensemen actual defend once in a while, especially when we already have Reilly and Gardiner. I want him gone, can't stand him. I'd rather see one of the Marlie kids play instead.
  6. I'm really careful with the ones I have left, they work! I've got a couple of fire tiger weedless versions that are lethal. As an aside I always tip my weedless spoons as well when fishing for pike. For future trips try these oversized salt water pork ripple tails. They're super tough and last forever and they add scent and texture that the fish seem to love. The white and red colors are deadly. http://www.unclejosh.com/P/STUBENWORMSTRIP/771
  7. That's a Rapala Minnow Spoon. They came in both a single hook weedless version and yours which had a treble. I've still got a bunch of the weedless ones and use them all the time. Great lures!
  8. When I lived in Port Carling many moons ago, we fished it all the time for whities. Don't know about these days....
  9. Yamaha or Honda would be my choice as well.
  10. Money well spent you'll love it I'm sure.
  11. And the burro relaxed with a smoke and a drink after his encounter.
  12. The original video which I couldn't find he was taking a leak in the field when the burro attacked him.
  13. Can't believe he sat there for so long . Animals are unpredictable....
  14. Lots of people don't. I was never in a rush when I did my long extended wilderness trips. I had no shedule and could do whatever it was I felt like. I've always said only the grossly rich or really poor can do a lengthy trip like that. (I was in the latter category LOL!) For the average person it's impossible to take 2-4 months off and I feel incredibly fortunate that I was able to live this type of lifestyle for a number of years. On long expeditions every day is a new adventure, as unless you're windbound you're travelling and seeing amazing new sights. Yes there's physical labor involved but it's taken in stride. As you get stronger and stronger you revel in it. On my solo trips I ate when I was hungry, slept when I was tired, fished whenever I felt like it and answered to no one. Trust me that's a great feeling. Everything needed was carried on my back - food, clothing, shelter, transportation... It truly hit home at least to me how little one needs in life to be happy. These trips also changed me as a person profoundly. They instilled such a deep sense of accomplishment in me I realized that I was capable of anything. I could go on, but I'll stop. This is actually one of my favorite topics and I tend to ramble.
  15. Most of my solo trips involved both flatwater and some serious river running and I always had two standard straight shaft paddles with me. I'm waaay more comfortable using that style than anything else. On one trip to Quetico which was all flatwater I used a bent shaft paddle and loved it.
  16. What reg's are you talking about? Covered for what with a training permit? I have a 3 year old German Shorthair that I run for an hour every day. Would love to know if I'm breaking any laws LOL!
  17. It will. I think I'm looking forward to this trip even more than the Sutton. Still, it's a far cry from a 30-60 day canoe trip. Bill and I will be travelling and fishing on the Asheweig with the Oji-Cree of the Kasabonika Lake First Nations. I'll be documenting the trip and Bill will be taking photos.
  18. I miss being in the bush for that long, can't even begin to express how much. Those trips that I did...were the highlight of my life.
  19. Brad thank's so much for posting this! I paddled the Fawn solo as part of lengthy expedition, although the difference in my case was I navigated the river upstream. One of my favorite all time trips. On that same trip I also paddled the entire length of the Asheweig, another very similar river with the same quality of trout fishing. This coming summer after a 20 year absence I'll be returning to the Asheweig. I cannot wait!
  20. Trolling the big water aside with levelwinds or casting for salmon in the harbours which I don't think you had in mind when you asked the question, there is absolutely zero need for such deep spools when fishing freshwater. Many reels do have what they call braid spools now, but many still don't and it's definitely one of my pet peeves. I find that almost incomprehensible LOL! In 35 years of steelheading landing countless large powerful fish that's never happened to me. The "working" line on my centerpin reels is never more than 100yds.
  21. Both great options I agree. The drive isn't anywhere near that far to Lady Evelyn though. Realistically it;s 61/2-71/2 hours from Hamilton. I know because I live in Hamilton and drive by the cut off for Lady Evelyn enrout to my camp all the time. I think Horwood would be 9 tops, maybe a bit less. To the original poster shoot me a pm, I can help.
  22. Spend a little extra money on a Curado. It's a proven performer and won't let you down.
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