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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Great game, great team, very proud!
  2. You stayed up all night? Awesome! Enjoy the game, GO CANADA!
  3. Looks cold! You guys are better men than me, don't think I'd have even fished.
  4. Actually Rick I kind of feel like a dropback myself. Old, beat up, scarred and tired. My spawning days are behind me. You feisty young chromers swim on past....I'm done.
  5. Phil Robertson's got nothing on you!!
  6. Is that really you in your avatar?
  7. Looks like a gorgeous day! Wish I could have been there...
  8. I lost the fish because we jerked around with it for 20 minutes trying to get the perfect shot LOL! Your photos really made the piece shine my friend, good job.
  9. Thanks for the feedback Doug, glad you liked! Jay Passmore is a name I havn't heard in a while, he used to tie flies for me way back in the day. One in particular, a pale yellow hex nymph was just dynamite on steelhead. We'd place orders of 100 flies at a time with him 'cause we'd burn through them so fast.
  10. Thanks guys! Havn't seen the piece yet myself, going to have to get a subscription LOL!
  11. Seriously? That's great! Can't wait to see it.
  12. Oddly enough I feel like I know you too and we've never met.
  13. Good, I'm not the only one then.
  14. Thanks Ryan, I didn't realize the March issue was out yet. I'm guessing subscribers get it earlier. There was really nothing of any significance said during the interview, they were just looking to drum up some interest in the piece and get people to buy the mag LOL!
  15. Thanks guys, it's really not that big a deal though. It was just kind of funny, I have no problem talking, anyone who knows me knows that. But it was a lot different being on the radio...
  16. When I was really small, around 10 years old, my uncle and I were waiting to fly in at a float plane base on Remi Lake sometime in June. Suddenly mayflies started hatching everywhere and the lake came alive with surface feeding whitefish. My uncle loved whitefish and he went berserk as did I trying to catch them with small spinners and such. Finally we switched to a red and white bobber, single small hook and a live mayfly. We'd lob them out into the melee then slowly twitch and drag the live mayflies back towards us. We ended up catching a bunch and it was honestly more memorable for me than the actual fly in trip.
  17. Thanks for the vote of confidence buddy. I think "too" is the operative word.
  18. Can't believe this thread was revived! Well obviously polar bears. Which polar bear encounter though 'cause there were two. One on the Sutton with Bill a couple years ago and another soloing on the Winisk system many moons ago. The Winisk encounter was infinitely more terrifying.
  19. So right out of the blue Randy Jennings from Angler and Hunter radio calls me up to interview me about a steelhead feature I wrote for the March issue of OOD. It was a little unnerving, not sure how I came across.... Methinks I'll be thankful for editing.
  20. That was my first thought. Gotcha.
  21. What's a cheese dream? I think I understand upping the Pepsi amount. Hours in boat? Depends on weather really. Who's D.D.? It's guaranteed to be a good trip!
  22. Smarty pants. For a real curve ball how about some juvenile Atlantics?
  23. I don't get it. How do you not notice that A. Your line isn't in the water and B.You have a hook stuck in your armpit all day LOL!
  24. Some good fishing there, well done! So how was the ling in your opinion compared to walleye? Good, better, worse? I have my own opinion, just curious what you thought.
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