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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. I don't know. Like my Scottish grandmother used to say, "you can't put a quart into a pint pot!"
  2. Yep, that looks like the same plane. Checking for licenses was the first thing they did with us LOL! Amazingly we both had them with us. Amazing because I usually always leave wallet/papers, etc, back at the cabin on these trips. They told us we were lucky, if we didn't have them on our person we'd have been ticketed.
  3. I doubt it. They didn't fly in just to check us, they were doing a milk run of all the outpost camps in that region. We were their last stop of the day, they'd been into a dozen or more earlier.
  4. I told the tale last fall in my Windsor report, but in mid September the MNR flew into the lake while we were there. How they even knew we were there is a mystery as it wasn't supposed to be even an operating camp yet. It was around 7pm in the evening when they landed. We were out fishing and drove over to see what was up. There were 4 of them in the plane and although everyone looks happy in the pic, it wasn't all that pleasant of an experience. They pretty much gave us the third degree and the kicker was when he asked to check my thermos. He opened it and sniffed, then said "we have a problem". He was convinced I had Bailey's in my coffee. I told him I wished it was, but it was actually French Vanilla Coffeemate (I know, I need to turn in my man card LOL!) They then wanted to check our cameras to see if we had any incriminating evidencve on them. All in all a most unsettling encounter and honestly the VAST majority of the sportsmen who fly into these camps are just that. Honest law abiding anglers who if nothing else are an enormous boost to the local economy. The whole thing seemed to be a giant waste of tax payers money imo. In general I love the MNR and what they do, but in some cases it seems common sense is lacking.
  5. How was the dog on the drive? That's my biggest issue with my dog on long drives, she whines non stop LOL!
  6. Have fun buddy, and wear lots of sunblock!
  7. I sure hope not, the cost would be prohibitive. If they did aquire him where would he play? Not on the first line, Kessler is a shooter not a playmaker. Then what might happen with Kadri? The only way aquiring Kessler makes sense is if Kadri is part of the package and I'd hate to see that. We need defense, not more offense.
  8. No excuses here. The Habs won it fair and square, but were lucky to do so. We'll get 'em next time.
  9. Big change from Grimsby to Thorold, what brought that on?
  10. There's an exceptional seasonal fishery for trophy sized fish in the late fall. Trolling certain key areas with large floating Rap's, you'd be shocked at the quality of the fish. "Quinte like" comes to mind. Only problem it's oftentimes a night fishery and it can get pretty chilly up there that time of year. Hardcore angling at its finest.
  11. Good stuff Mike! I've used your smaller bucktails myself with great success for pike.
  12. If this was the old west you'd be a hangin' judge.
  13. I've fished it many times downstream from hwy 69. In general I'd say it's pretty similar to the French. Beautiful scenery, pretty remote feel and definitely some good fishing.
  14. Hey Jeff bear in mind if you rent a boat to navigate down the lower French you're only allowed to go so far for insurance and liability reasons. You're fine if you stay in the Ox bay area and explore a bit up and down from there.
  15. I agree with that. For many people it's a black or white issue, there is no gray.
  16. Some people are so quick to pounce. So because I'm affiliated with OOD and OFAH I'm not entitled to an opinion? And I wouldn't assume anything regarding the views of the aforementioned organizations. Nobody can ever say I don't speak my mind, and that won't be changing anytime soon. If I've offended your sensibilities perhaps you need to broaden your viewpoint? I personally respect everyone's view whether I agree with it or not. My opinion is the MNR is using the notoriety of said catch to make a point with the public. Being so grossly undermanned and underfunded, YES I do believe they could be doing better things with their time and our tax dollars. But as I said everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  17. Okay Glen. Everyone's entitled to their opinion.
  18. No doubt. You'd have been whipping home, passing the overly cautious with abandon, when BOOM all hell would have broken loose. However you may have escaped unscathed since you'd have been leading the pack.
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