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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Incredible performane! Hope Bernier is okay, but very happy for Reimer.
  2. Not real familiar with the Montreal, but I can offer you some thoughts. With an expected late spring and super cold water temps, there are 2 hard and fast rules to follow when it comes to walleye on the opener. 1.Water temp is key, find the warmest water in the system and you'll probably find fish. Even a difference of 2-3 degrees is enough to trigger fish. 2.Fish will almost certainly be shallow. I regularly fish 4-8' depths this time of year.
  3. I was prodded into a low carb diet a while back and I would kill for some poutine right about now. No telling what I might do for a beer.
  4. Speaking of Ranger is it possible it took him this long to get his game back? He's been playing amazing lately. Almost a different player.
  5. 2 fights by Clarkson? A goal by Ranger? unreal They sure do seem to play better when they're physically engaged.
  6. Pffft...no you don't. You're welcome to join me anytime, dead serious.
  7. Hey, I'm still not over Dave Hodge being canned.
  8. This video was like an omen. Was heading home from a walk with the kids and dog today and a white panel van shot right through a sideroad from my right to left without even slowing down. I came within a hairs breadth of t- boning him. First thing I thought of was this video. So close.... It was the same damn sideroad where I had the incident last week in the whiteout.
  9. No one said they were the same fish. However the former scientific name of walleye was Stizostedion vitreum. They're now classified as Sander vitreus. Don't see where Brad is wrong in what he said. I'd suggest you do some research before you dredge up a 5 year old post just to prove how misinformed you are. (Welcome to the board )
  10. No the place you've been to is in Arntfield. This place is better.
  11. HAHA! Right on, I know exactly where it is. I've gassed up there a bunch of times. Big bonus with that place is there always seems to be an attractive female working the pumps.
  12. My place is close to Rouyn, I'm going to check that out! Any details on exactly where it is?
  13. Muskoka Dark Billy, but then I do believe you're already familiar with that one. What I'd like to know is why do you always bring swill on all of our trips?
  14. That's a damn tough thing to go through. Very sorry to hear Lew. But you're right, 18 is a good long life.
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