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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. So asks the publisher of Marine Mechanic magazine who I'm guessing is the author of the piece. Wouldn't it have served your purposes better to dredge up this post then lay claim to the copyrighted story? Perhaps offer to further enlighten our board members with your expertise? And in the process perhaps gain some recognition for your publication? This serves no purpose.
  2. Well that was 41/2 minutes of my life I'll never get back.
  3. Depending on where you live you might want to try Aikmens in Mississauga.
  4. Definitely not much of a nose. He drools a lot though.
  5. That looks exactly like one of my co workers.
  6. Thank you sir! When you say it's a bit of a bugger to find, exactly how hard? LOL! In any case if I'm successful in finding and removing the pins I'll have the lower end with a long shift rod attached to it? Will it be hard you think to fish it back up through to re attach?
  7. Exactly. It's more a case of fine custom built rods vs. big brookies. Sorry Chris you lose!
  8. Can't believe Bill hasn't seen this and chimed in. 5 of Diamonds is entirely believable. He's caught almost all his fish on one over the last month LOL! Walleye, pike, lakers, and brookies.. I've caught tons of smallies on spoons when targeting pike. However I rarely get "blowups" on them when night fishing.
  9. Wouldn't bother me in the slightest. I actually removed foam from 2 bench seating areas in my Lund SSV, cut holes and installed hatches to increase storage.
  10. Thanks for trying to help bud, I'm a little under the gun here. I've only got Wed before work and Fri morning to get this done and get it over to Mississauga for repair..(Thurs I'm taking the kids to Wonderland). Won't have time Monday before leaving for Nakina.. Anyhow I'm not seeing any schematic. If I don't have to remove those linkage bolts how else would it come off? Havn't done this yet but I'd guess popping it in reverse may give me more room to play with. Are you sure you don't have time to swing by Grimsby?(If it helps sway your decision Port D is teeming with chrome kings. )
  11. So shortly after I arrived home from work this morning my new to me motor was delivered. I'm not the most mechanically inclined and with zero sleep, zero patience and the onset of a cold my skills are zero as well. In any case I need to remove the lower end as there's some work that needs to be done on the cavitation plate. There's a series of 5 bolts that come off then the lower unit can be pulled away a few inches. Here's what it looks like: A little further up is what I believe is the throttle linkage. This (I think) is what I need to detach somehow to get the lower end off: I'm at work right now and won't look at it again 'till tomorrow, but can anyone offer any advice? I sure could use some! Thanks, Mike
  12. Okay, now that you've elaborated...Sometimes juveniles will have an orange colouration in their fins. I've seen it more often in smallmouth but it's not unheard of with largemouth. Remember they are members of the sunfish family.
  13. This is the one and only time your parents are wrong. Keep your stuff and add to your collection. There's a time and place for everything.
  14. LOL! (He meant a search on this forum, not a general google search. Even so a general google search on cleaning bearings isn't likely to cause any pornados on your work computer. )
  15. Wayne you've had quite a summer, condolences to you and yours.
  16. Rob, the way I always fish eyes at night is slow trolling floating stick baits. If you can't troll slow enough going forward try back trolling. I usually use either larger sized floating Rapalas or Husky Jerks. Sometimes the jointed ones work better for whatever reason. Either use a Rapala knot or a cross lock snap so the lures action won't be impeded. I also sometimes play with the eye of the lure a bit with pliers. If you bend it down slightly you'll get a much more erratic action. A lake like you described I'd first key on any windward shorelines. At night troll as close to shore as you can without getting screwed up. Beyond that any shoreline that has visible rock should be good. In that type of lake rock sticks out like a sore thumb and attracts fish like a magnet. Also, in shallow, reedy, dishpan lakes many times I've found walleye by looking for subtle reed points. If reeds is all you've got look for any irregularities. Good luck!
  17. Glad to hear the fishery is still strong. I fished it once 25 years ago and did well. Looking forward to a report!
  18. Have a great time! Are there still monster walleye in Gull?
  19. Ahhh just give in buddy, what'ya need to train those clowns in Halifax for anyway?
  20. Thanks guys. I still have one spot open. There's someone that wants to go and is trying to swing it but it's entirely possible I'll still need to round up one more guy. I understand it's tough at such short notice....
  21. Hey Roy are you related to Dan Quayle?
  22. Hey everyone, as it stands right now I've got one of the spots filled and another probable. Wish I could accomodate everyone who replied... Thanks, Mike
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