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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Some really beautiful pic's Joey, thanks for posting.
  2. Like I said in my post Mike the tabs do very little to slow the boat down. Performance is enhanced hugely though. She kicks along at 30mph with 3 guys and gear now.
  3. I may just paint it geen and brown and hide it better. Still a pain though...
  4. Yeah it's bull. I'll definitely let you know bud. Terry that's exactly what I thought. My guess is if anyone actually complained they'd be forced to take action just as in my case. There's 3 carb's on my motor, each carb has a screw. DO NOT touch the top 2 screws, it's the bottom screw that you adjust closest to the throttle linkage. Easy to get at no problem at all.
  5. As some of you guys know I was struggling to get the speed down on my '07 40hp 4 stroke Yamaha. I was at my camp with the family last week and finally had time to work on it. Ultimately the best improvement was achieved by adjusting the idle screw. By doing that I got the boat down to 1.8mph going forward, and 1.6 backtrolling. I also installed Nauticus Protroller Smart Tabs and was keen to see what improvement I'd get with those: http://www.nauticusinc.com/nauticus_pro_troller.html Do I like them? When they're in the "up" position the improvement in boat performance is remarkable. My boat now goes up on plane instantly with very little throttle, maybe 1/4 throttle max. Prior to installing the tabs my boat surfed and pounded over even the smallest waves. Doesn't do that anymore. The tabs push the back end up and keep the nose of the boat down eliminating the surfing. Very smooth ride, very impressed. Now in the down position for trolling they're just not worth the money imo. As mentioned by adjusting the idle screw I was able to get the speed down to 1.8mph going forward. With the tabs down speed dropped to 1.6. Not enough of an improvement to justify the extra cost as far as I'm concerned. I'd recommend the regular "smart tabs" for an improvement in performance, but stay away from the protrollers. Now, about the legalites of caching boats. Earlier in June BillM and Moosebunk were up at the camp and they helped me drag a small 12' tinny down into a back lake near my camp. This particular back lake is accessed via the lake my 74 year old uncle has his camp on. The main reason I put the boat there was for him, so that fishing this lake would be easier for him. There's a long trail leading to the lake, at the end of which is my boat and 2 others that look as though they've been there for 20 years. Most people don't go this way as there's a shorter trail to the right that skirts a series of rapids.. Anyhow I brought the family over for a day trip last week. Amazingly when I got to the end of the trail I found stickers on all the boats from the mnr. Basically stating it's illegal to cache boats and they must be removed by Oct 1st or they'll be seized by the crown. I can only assume that someone with a more eco-tourist bent and an axe to grind found the boats and called the mnr in Kirkland Lake. I honestly cannot believe that someone would do that, but whatever. Considering the staffing situation I'm amazed the mnr would take the time and manpower to fly into a lake and do that. It's a part of the culture in northern ON, everybody does it. Don't really understand what the issue is. In any case I've now got to make the time to head up there in late Sept to take care of the situation....time that I don't have. I will be calling the mnr to express my feelings on the matter. As far as fishing went last week it was outstanding. There's a large clay flat on my lake and I caught walleyes consistently all week long trolling harnesses in 25-30' of water. Beyond the boat issue the trip to the back lake was a huge success and both kids caught a bunch. Here's a nice walleye that my 5 year old caught (she was proud of herself ) and a few we kept for dinner.
  6. Outstanding, what a great experience. I've done it myself and I know, it's not all fun guiding. It's usually long days and a lot of work. If you can I'd definitely go back next year. I'd assume you'd get more days on the water... Cheers
  7. Yeah that's what I noticed they're the biggest I've ever seen, very pretty. You're lucky to have such a great spot to go to!
  8. Yes he is , just not solely in charge. He's still taking a cut from the sponsors.... Anyhow who cares. For what its worth the site works fine for me.
  9. He's still running it, that may have been a big part of the problem. Lack of attention...
  10. Quite a trek, did you get any big eyes?
  11. Both spots are now filled. There's a few people I've left hanging waiting for an answer and for that I'm sorry. Was out of my hands as the last person took a while to commit. Thanks everyone who showed interest, wish I could accomodate everyone. Mike
  12. That was part of the training with ORCA (Ontario Recreational Canoe Association) back in the day when I was an instructor. I'm talking an open canoe here, not a yak.
  13. There's tons of great shops out there. When I lived in Dundas I used to give Steve Burns in Burlington a fair bit of business. One day I went in looking for a very specific Avid rod I wanted. He didn't have it, but he handed me the catalogue and said "Look it over at home, let me know which rod you want and you can have it at my cost". Sweet thought I. I thanked him and left. A week later I was back in the store with a list of six different St. Croix rods I wanted LOL! There was a noticable pause, then he says "sure no problem bud". All at his cost. No way was I expecting that at all. On another note since moving to Grimsby I've frequented Grimsby Tackle a fair bit. I can see why many of you guys like the place, their selection is very good. On the downside I'm guessing the dude behind the counter needs to get to know you before opening up. He's always uncomfortably silent and not overly friendly when I've been in there.
  14. You and my wife Joanne would hit it off famously. Jo, are you sure that's not you?
  15. Agreed. You should really be joining me next week bud, I mean it's only fair. (Very cool btw. Could you repost the Georgia Satellites clip? Can't see it bud.)
  16. Wise LOL! You wanna come to the Attawapiskat next week?
  17. You didn't overlook anything, you gave credit for the article.
  18. I remember vividly what I was like at your age: Almost all birthday and Christmas presents were of the fishing variety. Any money that I did manage to hoard, I'd spend days pouring over various fishing catalogues agonizing over what to spend it on. I know how much 200 bucks is to a young guy like yourself, but the reality is it's a drop in the bucket. Said it yesterday already, but hold onto your stuff and build on it. If you're just dying to buy some gear and money is tight, do what I did when I was in my early teens, get a part time job.
  19. Right on looks like a blast!
  20. Well not boring exactly....more like redundant. Plastic baits like that have been around forever. Yes they do work, generally not as good as the real thing. (Fast water being a notable exception). Also much of what he said about roe was based on using skein chunks on the left coast. Totally inapplicable to our great lakes fishery and the way we fish bait...
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