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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Being a weather guy I can tell you the answer is easy. It's impossible to predict the appearance of a tornado.
  2. Ken O'brien? HAHA! Really? Unless I'm thinking of a different Ken O'brien that's a hilarious choice.
  3. Some of you guys may remember Moosebunks post on the Attawapiskat last year. Numbers of trophy pike and huge walleye to boot. Earlier this summer I became aquainted with a gentleman who's building a brand new camp on a completely virgin, never before fished stretch of the Attawapiskat located about 80km's upstream from where Bunk fished. After talking to the man I actually booked a week at the camp next June.. Now here's the kicker. I received a call from him today and he's asked if I want to come up for a week around labour day at a very minimal cost. I'm flying in with another member, Jason (Basskicker on the board) on Wed Sept 2nd, flying out Tues Sept 8th. The flight is out of Nakina so we're driving up on Sept 1st and grabbing a motel the night before. The outfitter has asked me if 2 more people may be interested as it would help him offset the cost of the air charter. Just to let you guys know the sole cost to go on this trip is to pay part of the flight cost in. The flight out is taken care of. There is no charge for the use of this brand new camp and all the equipment. To put this in perspective, a trip to the Pym island camp where Bunk went runs $1700 plus tax per person. For this early Sept trip the cost will be $500 each. A once in a lifetime opportunity imo. Jason and I will still be going even if 2 more don't join us and at no extra cost. I'm simply trying to help this guy offset his flight costs as he's been very generous with me. I'm offering this up to my fellow OFC members publicly because frankly it's my association with OFC that has created this opportunity. PM me if you're interested or email me directly at [email protected]
  4. Right. Either that or a Pornado.
  5. Beauty fish. Would you happen to know Pete Addison? I know he worked on the assessment program as well.
  6. Congrat's bud and thanks for sharing those images, pretty remarkable. Too bad we missed each other earlier in the week...I was waiting for your phone call y'know. Fishing was decent, fished a new back lake by myself and did well...
  7. My longest canoe expedition was 115 days and I fished every day to survive..
  8. Glad you guys had a good time, there's a lot of smiles all around in those pic's.
  9. Actually no it comes down to fishing certain seasonal patterns and targetting strictly big fish. The late fall planer board bite at Quinte is one example. Another is trolling oversized floating stickbaits in high percentage areas at night in the summer. The moon phases are key if you want the largest fish...
  10. How ironic. When I was last up at my camp in early July I bolted a new 40hp 4 stroke to my transom without really thinking. In my defence it was getting late the bugs were swarming and a storm was brewing.. Anyhow I installed it a bit too low. The cavitation plate needs to be at or near the water line. What you described is exactly what I'll be doing when I get up there on Saturday.
  11. Yes. This happens frequently and is not anything to fret over. I usually wrap a cloth around it and use either channel locks or vice grips to turn the nuts.
  12. They bite better for me early, late and at night in midsummer. It's not a myth when you're talking midsummer walleye especially on pressured lakes. I catch them during the day as well, not too many instances when I don't, just not as many. On my lake the difference between daytime and nightime fishing midsummer? A bunch of smallish eater sized fish compared to a handful of giant brutes.
  13. Left to its own devices life will find a way. That's a remarkable story.
  14. Usually better early morning, evening and especially at night on busy lakes midsummer. However I've caught lots of fish mid summer on bluebird days as well. A couple of basic rules of thumb. 1. Fish a bit deeper mid day and 2. Fish in the shade. The shaded side of a mid lake hump, the shaded side of an island or shoreline with good structure, etc..
  15. When they get Floyd, Adams and Long back it'll be a dominating defense. Definitely nice to see it's be a long last few years.
  16. I remember that game vividly, 1986, with a rookie Mike Kerrigan at quarterback. They went on to win the Grey Cup that year.
  17. Exactly! No one likes to be twisted, pulled, squished and pushed around like GUMBY by their local government! Oops you said "NIMBY" cocept. Nevermind.
  18. Yeah yeah . You wouldn't know that unless you clicked on the link.
  19. How do you know it's the same product unless you clicked the link? C'mon admit it that banner tantalized you.
  20. "31 year old computer geek?", "An all out feeding frenzy that's almost better than sex?" HAHAHAHA! I'm crying here
  21. Worse still: Someone asking the location of a secret atlantic salmon lake and how to best line them using marshmallows. (Or was that a secret brown trout lake? ) An OFC nightmare.
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