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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. If you're dead set on the tiny trebles and can't find them anywhere just buy a handful of small stinger hooks for jigs and cut the treble off.
  2. Lure nazi! (It's potent stuff all right, no denying that.)
  3. Stella's? Wow that's amazing. I never check for Stella's 'cause they're normally out of my price range.
  4. I'll trade them all for a big bag of that crappy egg cure you conned me into buying.
  5. 4000 series Shimano, either Stradic or Sustain. I picked up a 4000 Sustain for just over $150 shipped on ebay last month as well.
  6. I went in the Buffalo Gander with Dave just before New Years and they were sold out. Better check first. I did pick up a 3000 MGFB on ebay for $90 last month though.
  7. What a great story, it really deserves it's own thread. Nonetheless thanks for posting this! Did your group head up the river and try Pyagosk?
  8. I totally forgot about you Doug, save some for me please.
  9. Thanks! Now I just have to find my way to Epps. Now who do I know that lives up that way? Oh Biiiill!
  10. If it was me I'd be putting one size larger treble on them anyway. The stock hooks are too small.
  11. Ron Popeil has the market cornered.
  12. It'll go down in infamy just like the Bass-O-Matic 5000. MMMMM.....delicious Bass milkshakes!
  13. That's what I use as well to hold my snells. Pretty much standard. Cabelas. Your head will explode when you see how much stuff they have.
  14. Seriously? After months of renovating your house you're thinking of moving? I'm hoping everything is okay 'cause this sounds totally unexpected.
  15. If anyone's surprised they shouldn't be, the U.S. has a very strong team. If our goaltending improves I'm still cautiously optimistic.
  16. Nice fish buddy! I wasn't going to reply but figured I'd better. (Just in case you got your panties in a twist and left the board. )
  17. Wow those are solid fish. Well done Stephanie and gang!
  18. Right on boys. Nice to see that Cliff is alive and kicking.
  19. Great job gentlemen. Nice to see the huge smile on your lads face Emil.
  20. Thanks a bunch for taking the time to post that. Ahhh to be young again....those're memories that'll last a lifetime.
  21. Years ago camping on the Bad River my buds and I cleaned a mess of walleye for dinner. One of my friends had brought what he thought was buttermilk pancake mix to coat the fish with. As it turned out he didn't look at the packaging closely enough and it was in fact blueberry pancake mix. Having no alternatives we used it. The other guys gobbled up the fish. In my buddy's words "Hey they taste just like blueberry pancakes!" It was beyond vile, I didn't eat a bite.
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