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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Now that's funny! I have to say though I'm 100% opposed to an ice fishing season for walleye, for all the reasons that Randy/Nana expressed.
  2. I own 1 Riverkeeper and have another on the way, they're an elite reel, absolutely love them. Super light and 5" diameter which I prefer. (47/8" actually but close enough ) The builder Robb Marquette is also a great guy and stands behind his products. I also have a custom Paines Fall coming which should be ready next week. Adam will custom build a reel to your personal spec's and the quality is as good as it gets. You absolutely can't go wrong with either reel! I'm tentatively heading to Ohio next weekend to meet and fish with Adam. If Paines Fall is your choice I'd be happy to talk directly to Adam on your behalf to help facilitate the process.
  3. Thanks to you, Ron and others for standing up and representing the rest of us. I for one appreciate it! Absolutely amazing that they pulled the race card. Great to see.
  4. Sounds like you caught yourself a nice salmon there bud LOL! Was actually at port yesterday myself with my 3 year old in tow. He bugged me to death 'till I brought him over there, then he lasted 5 mins in that cold wind before he wanted to go home. Kids.
  5. I touched on this earlier in the thread. By all rights they should be called ouannaniche. Nothing is suggested. it's a documented fact and a part of history that Atlantics once thrived in Lake O.
  6. Yes you can portage into Indian and yes it's worth it.
  7. Us southern folk are far from perfect but at least we're mostly literate.
  8. You would never see me slagging someone who just died tragically, personally I would have a little more decorum. I'd be happy to oblige. You're buddy seems a little young and more than a little immature. Any comments directed at him had absolutely nothing to do with the tragic incident and everything to do with his own misguided comments and opinions.
  9. As a matter of fact biologists reclassified them a few years back. They're now officially a salmon.
  10. You know that jury duty you were whining about? You won't need any underhanded tactics to get rejected. Just be yourself, you'll be fine. You've got a lot to learn kid. I've spent months alone in the wilderness. Yes there's risk involved but in my eyes I take more of a risk every time I drive on the QEW. Properly prepared with the correct mind set and skills and it's very safe.
  11. Pretty harsh clofchik. The steelhead and kings seem to be thriving nicely alongside the atlantics in northern lake Huron. Why exactly would other species need to be eliminated in Lake O? My comments are based on personal experiences catching these fish in the last couple years. We had a day out east last year where huge numbers were caught. Opened my eyes for sure. Exactly what are you basing your venomous comments on? Self indulgent pie in the sky daydreaming? You've got nerve I'll give you that.
  12. Okay, then what exactly is your interest in this issue? No personal stake whatsover?
  13. Now figure out the odds of both happening to you on the same day. (Side note, but vinnimon pm'd me. He wanted me to pick 4 numbers for the lotto on Fri, he's buying the ticket. This board is great LOL! )
  14. Actually the returns have been nothing short of amazing at least in my opinion. Very encouraging. From what I've seen the powers that be should be encouraged to continue. We don't have to look very far here in ON to find an already established fishery for atlantics. One that thrives and provides fantastic sport. The mid summer fishery at the St. Mary's rapids in the Soo is nothing short of spectacular. No reason whatsoever we can't enjoy a similar fishery down here.
  15. A good recap, except our great lakes steelhead aren't anadromous they're potodramous. And another thing since I'm being such a stickler. The so called atlantic salmon that are being stocked right now will never see the salt. Historically the original "atlantic salmon" were potodramous as well never travelling to the sea. Shouldn't it be called the ouannaniche restoration program?
  16. In theory it's not impossible but the odds of you winning the lottery and getting struck by lightning in the same day are better.
  17. 1.What you're suggesting is unfortunately impossible. 2.Steelhead and rainbow trout are genetically identical and both spawn multiple times.
  18. It's perfectly obvious who decided on the number. It certainly doesn't make it right. Who lobbied for the outrageous limits?
  19. Awesome, something to look forward to.
  20. I thought all canines had wolf DNA? How do you differntiate between what's inherent in their genes and recent crossbreeding?
  21. I'll say this, 300, 500 what difference does it make? Regardless of whether they're lowly panfish I can't wrap my head around such ridiculously large limits. Who for the love of God needs that many panfish? The answer is no one. Unless of course you're subsidizing your trip by selling fish. I don't care if the ecosystem is actually enhanced by such large scale removal of panfish. Bottom line it's wrong.
  22. Has someone been sending you nasty pm's? Don't worry about it bud, it's only harmul if you keep and kill them. Just like in the late fall the smallies are vulnerable in the winter 'cause they school up sometimes in pretty big pods.
  23. Fantastic. I thought it would be good but it was a total guess. Glad I went with the colour preserver I think.
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