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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Chin up Roy, have a great evening.
  2. What a joke, but I'm not surprised.
  3. That spot is one of my pet peeves. They're poor excuses for fish ladders but there is one on each side of that dam. It's illegal to fish within 75' of the downstream edge of any fishladder or fishway. All you guys that fish there are doing so illegally. You can check it out if you want, it's right in the regs. Sooo many people do it with total impunity that it seems to be accepted practice. I'm guessing that most people don't even realize they're breaking the law. I've called the MNR many times on this but apparantly they don't care.. (For what it's worth there's far better spots for steelhead further downstream anyway)
  4. Ahhh Wayne this not something I wanted to read. I'm speechless. Jennifer is obviously a strong young woman and will beat this. She and the rest of you are in my prayers. Please keep us informed.
  5. I drove by your place around 9pm last night enroute from fishing. I should have stopped in, I was so hungry I was going blind. LOL! I ate a box of crackers when I got home.
  6. It was tough to watch. They ould lose every game and they'd still be my team. If I were you I wouldn't be too quick to jam it down our throats, it's a long season.
  7. I'd need to know who's making the blanks for them before I'd consider one. (would be nice if they weren't red too )
  8. Exactly. Considering the time of year you should be able to do better than 8-10 less.
  9. Wow! You gotta be kidding me. Congrat's on the win though!
  10. I've travelled around and seen a lot, but nothing compares to the chaos I encountered on the roads when I lived in Manila. Locals drove wherever there was an opening...wrong side of the road, sidewalks, anything was game. Stop signs, lights, etc. were nothing more than a suggestion. Traffic was so congested at times in the city center they actually had entertainers performing at traffic lights to try and ease the tension. Filipinas wearing white suits with giant foam fingers dancing around and gesturing ala Steve Martin. Pretty comical actually. I'm very thankful to live where I do. People complain about the QEW, but in comparison it's not that bad. That traffic circle looks like a piece of cake LOL!
  11. Just what I was thinking too. That's old school
  12. Homeland security and Canada border patrol beware. You're gonna have a flood of smugglers and illegal aliens dressed up in deer suits going for a little swim.
  13. It's impossible to tell from the picture whether your fish had the funky looking dorsal fin common to gizzard shad. I don't know man, there's a lot of different shad species that actually do hit. American shad come to mind although I thought they were confined to the St. Lawrence in the great lakes region.. Who knows
  14. Guess you better start planning the parade route eh? twit for tat. It's a long season, enjoy the turnaround while it lasts.
  15. Gorgeous fish. Congrat's on having the wherewithal to make a move like that. Hope it works out for you.
  16. Have to say Erik is 100% correct at least in my experience. The only explanation is your fish wasn't a gizzard shad.
  17. Great stuff Ryan. Speaking of steelheading the next month is prime time if you want to hook up.
  18. MEH, personally I don't see the attraction of reeling in what amounts to a drift sock. (at least this time of year). But I have to admit that looked like a lot of fun and the company was even better. Nice shootin' boys, well done.
  19. Unreal. Good for you bud, that's one heck of a fish.
  20. Great recap, amazing bud. Looking forward to possibly seeing you next month.
  21. My place is 7-71/2 hours north, and also water access. For me the longer drive is a complete non issue. If I were you I wouldn't let that deter me. Especially if the property is better and it offers better fishing and hunting. You'll find a way to get there plenty of times if you buy it, trust me. Where there's a will there's a way. Also bear in mind property taxes are SIGNIFICANTLY less in an unorganized township. That's a big plus. Since my place was purchased it's literally been rebuilt from the ground up. Yes it was a chore to haul stuff over but it was a labour of love.
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