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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Drove through rain of biblical proportions this morning. Every river, creek and ditch pure brown and churning mud. As expected our chosen river was running high with just a tinge of colour though. Smacked the poop out of them (all bright bullet chromers) all morning then the rain changed to snow. More than 6" fell in a very short time. Was a total blizzard LOL! We poked a bunch more then packed it in, my hands couldn't take it anymore. Despite the weather it was a great day 'till we got my Accord stuck in a snow covered pit of oozing mud LOL! Tried to dig it out with the butt end of my snow scraper. Wasn't working too good LOL! Finally after wallowing in the mud for an hour or so and the snow still falling hard I broke down and called a tow truck. In 20 minutes we were out and enroute to the nearest powerwasher. Tomorrow and Friday will be absolutely on fire, wish I could go. So that's my story. Sorry to hijack your post Scott, but I wanted to tell the tale.
  2. Sounds great. You're going to be a busy guy come ice out. Regarding the Sept trip to Richter all the slots are filled.
  3. Been using micro tubes under a float for steelhead for many many years. Never as you described though. Not surprised, tubes catch everything that swims.
  4. Just saw this now. Prayers and positive thoughts sent for your uncle and cousin.
  5. Many guys will keep the fish only for their eggs, then the fish gets tossed. At least this way the fish a chance at survival.
  6. Incorrect. In Ontario if you milk a fish for it's eggs then release the fish, those eggs count as one fish towards your daily possession limit.
  7. Yeah right, he's not leaving the old camp, just building and opening a new one!
  8. This is copied and pasted from my original post at the top of the page: "It goes without saying that if this piques your interest for a trip of your own, give Eddie a ring." Obviously you don't have to wait 'till September LOL! You can book Richter anytime you want for a trip of your own. The camp should be completed by late May and from that point on he'll be open for business. Eddie's contact info is on the website which Rob already posted. The price as mentioned is $1495 Canadian dollars tax in. Eddie is probably the guy to talk to if this is something you're considering. He's a fantastic individual, runs a great operation and will work hard to make your trip a success.
  9. Alright Gerritt's confirmed! Two more spots open (although I have a few guys on the fence right now)
  10. Kickingfrog and lookinforwalleye are confirmed. Still a few guys on the fence. Step up now if you want to go.
  11. Sorry I thought it was understood. It's walleye and pike same as the Beteau camp. Don't know if it's a trophy fishery or not. No one's fished it yet.
  12. Dude that's awesome! As far as deposits it's not a huge rush. When the spots are all filled I'll contact Eddie and we'll likely send them in then.
  13. Just book it!! (it's easier to ask for forgiveness rather than permission. ) Meh, it's almost a year away, you can do it!
  14. It would awesome if you could swing it! Rob (Kickingfrog) "may" be on board already.
  15. Hey bud it's the same price as Eddie's Beteau camp, $1495 Canadian tax in.
  16. So I just got a call from Eddie, it appears as though he's aquired a new lease to open a new camp on a brand new body of water that's never been fished before. It's on Richter lake which is directly west of his Beteau camp on the Attawapiskat and just south of Lansdowne House. According to Frank Moonias the elder who's giving him the lease the lake has never been fished by natives as it's inaccessable and obviously there's never been a camp on it. It's approximately 4km long and 2km wide and has a substantial river flowing through it which appears to give you access to several more lakes both upstream and downstream. If anyone's curious here's the latitude and longitude: Degrees, Minutes, Seconds: 52° 5' 57" N 87° 53' 0" W Decimal Degrees: 52.099° N 87.884° W UTM Coordinates: 16U 439475 5772451 Topographic Map Sheet Number: 043D04 To me it's a no brainer. So anyway he's offered me Sept 3-10 to come in and check it out. If anyone is interested in joining me on this adventure shoot me a pm. I think we're looking at a minimum of four maximum of 6 people for this trip. The price will be the same as the Beteau camp. It goes without saying that if this piques your interest for a trip of your own give Eddie a ring. He'll be flying in asap in May to construct the new camp and fly in boats, motors, gas and equipment. It may be a rough camp but it'll be up and running for the 2011 season. Cheers
  17. Very nice Chris and it's great to see Cliff made it out with you. This past weekend probably 70% of my fish came on crankbaits. Sometimes as you discovered it's the best way to put fish on the bank. Nothing like the way a steelhead smashes a lure, it's electric.
  18. A tip of the hat to a very classy gentleman and a great coach. RIP Pat.
  19. IMO opinion skein is far superior scraped, dried and tied into bags than loose mature roe...anytime of the year. Softer with more scent = more fish. Tie it up and use it now in the rivers. As far as the rainbow skein being too immature to use this time of year, it really depends on the fish. Many of the seemingly stocked domestic strain fish I've been catching recently are full of very mature beautiful skeined eggs. I've been fishing this roe tied up the last few trips and have literally destroyed fish with it.
  20. Sorry Court I guess I assumed you were asking about fishing right at the dam. Most guys down there do. My apologies. Laszlo is right too. If it's steelhead you're after there's way better fishing in other areas especially a bit further downstream.
  21. There's fish ladders on either side of that dam. It's illegal to fish within 75' of it. It's right in the reg's yet everyone does it. People have been charged there before although obviously it seems to be accepted practice and a blind eye is turned.
  22. Awesome sounding day, congrat's! I hiked up into the glen on Saturday myself, had an absolutely stellar day too. That fog was pretty wild until it burned off.
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