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Everything posted by Fisherpete

  1. Awesome - thanks guys! Dying to get out somewhere... Anywhere lol
  2. Cliff - any chance on getting another Balsam ice report from your bud on South Bay? Would appreciate it! Thanks Pete
  3. Thanks Cliff. Not the answer I was hoping for, but saves me half a tank of gas tomorrow! Guess it's time to put the boat to bed for the winter...
  4. Will do Brian! Thanks
  5. Great season Steve! Great fish across the board. How big was the muskie you are holding? Crazy dark green colouration on those as well.
  6. Neat pic Mike!
  7. Now that is pretty slick Brian! My only thought is the wheel size/clearance enough on messy roads to roll well. Where did you get the aluminum angles? How thick is the material? It looks pretty beefy. I have been looking for stuff like that for a boat project I have in mind for the spring.
  8. I was thinking that same launch Josh, let me know if you hear anything! Pete
  9. LOL I actually was thinking about the ice fishing for muskies thing last night... Jig a pounder bulldawg with a 2x4 as the rod...
  10. Anyone know if there is ice on Balsam, Pigeon or Sturgeon? Was thinking about heading out in the boat tomorrow if possible. Cheers Pete
  11. I threw one for a few minutes that a friend bought, excellent action on it, similar to a Hellhound but you just do a straight retrieve with it. I don't fish glide/jerk baits much but I will probably have one in my box for next season.
  12. Beauty!!! Looks bigger than a 40" for sure... I would guess 43-44". Good to know they are still hitting blades... I'm guessing the water temps were in the low 50's?
  13. Lol Mike! Gross!!!
  14. Hahahaha thanks for the morning laugh! Lemonade AND Oreo cookies... Lucky them!!! And good call on holding back the laughter...
  15. My 30hp Honda weighs 185lbs and I'm pretty sure it bouncing around without a transom saver on the back of my last 16' tinner contributed to that boat's demise... that hull was only 330lbs. The hull around the support braces from the transom to the rear floor had stress cracks all along it. I guess it really depends on the boat. Bigger, better built boats can probably handle it fine, but for what they cost, it's pretty cheap insurance. I have one on my 16' Legend now, no problems after lots of towing.
  16. I'll second what Lape0019 just said - I have a 45lb on the front of my 16' Legend Prosport (not a heavy boat) and it is good for most days, but there have been a few windy days out there when I would have been better off with more power... if your boat has the space and you have the funds, go with more power. If I have my boat for a few more years (which I likely will) I will be upgrading to at least a 70lb with the universal sonar/ipilot. Spot lock is such an awesome feature. I was watching an episode of Lindner's fishing show last night and they had the unit which you can have follow the depth contour lines from your sonar at the touch of a button - just amazing! Pete
  17. If I am not mistaken 55lb is the highest powered trolling motor that will run off of 12V... You get into a second battery at that point. As for the fishfinder working with it, you need to find a trolling motor that has a transducer built into it that is compatible with your unit I have heard that it is better to run your fishfinder off a separate battery than the trolling motor, not sure exactly why though. Voltage spikes maybe? Interference?
  18. Congrats Brian - not an easy journey, you are doing great. I'm one of the lucky ones, never even tried a cigarette in my life... I watch many of my friends and co-workers struggle with the habit every single day. Keep it up! Pete
  19. Nice fish - very clean.
  20. Matt - I will keep that in mind! Andrew - I learned to smile from Lew - that IS my happy face!!!
  21. Another solo mission... could not have asked for a nicer weather day. Fish were pretty active, hooked 3, landed 2. The one I lost jumped a good 4 feet in the air thrashing like a madman and threw my bulldawg! Had a few other follows, and many follows by other species as well... what is a walleye doing chasing a bulldawg??? Trying to get it's number??? First fish was a 45", the second 43". Had audiences for both fish, they were impressed at my camera setup and how easy I can take decent muskie pics when solo. I put in a full 12 hours fishing hard the whole time, I was hoping for a few more than two but I guess I shouldn't complain too much with the season I am having... 45" 43"
  22. Very nice muskie - keep fishing there and it won't be long till you break that PB again!
  23. For 5hp more I would not do it. As others have said too many benefits with the 4 stroke for a minimal gain in power. If it was a 40 maybe...
  24. Wow very nice ride B, if you don't mind can you PM me details of what you paid for it? I know what my bro paid for his Ram 1500/4x4 V8 Hemi, just curious how much cheaper the V6 is. I'll be in the market for a truck in a few years when the Escape gets retired.
  25. I've had a thrashing muskie attached to my forearm via the crankbait hooks still attached to it's mouth. This is when I discovered that Canadian Tire bolt cutters suck. Bad. I purchased a pair of Knipex cutters the next day.
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