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Everything posted by Fisherpete

  1. Thanks Adam, they were my first pike thru the ice as well... I've had a few big ones on while perch fishing in Cooks Bay but you can guess how that turned out... zzzzzzPING! I had always pictured using tip-ups to be boring... I was wrong! It's great fun watching the flags pop and then battling these brutes by hand. Pete
  2. I have a new addiction... catching pike thru the ice! My first time out and I land my biggest pike from southern Ontario @ 37"! My buddy Scott landed a 37" as well... Andrew got a 33" as his biggest of the day. Smallest fish of the bunch was still 29"! I'll keep this report short and sweet, enjoy the pics
  3. MMMMMMM perchy goodness! Nicely done boys.
  4. Done Davey - both you and xxgoaler have been added.
  5. I lost some of my already scarce hair watching!!! Sheesh. Great game.
  6. Team lists have been posted here: http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=77299&view=getnewpost New members will continue to be added as they sign up!
  7. Sign-ups have been good... captains are in place... I'm thinking we can get this party started early! The weather is looking favourable this week to making ice too! I'll post up the team lists later today, we still need lots more people to completely fill out the teams! Encourage your OFC friends to join and make it a fun competition bvetween yourselves! The more the merrier (until we have 100 people). Get your tournament signs ready! Print it off, write it by hand, get a tattoo on your forehead... but whatever you do, don't forget to bring it with you on all fishing trips, because the time you forget it will be the time you land a giant! ***NEW START DATE FOR 2015 TOURNEY WILL BE JANUARY 10th, 2015***
  8. Wow, great fish - everything else this season will just be gravy!
  9. Very nice! Glad to hear things are happy on the home front as well. Now you just need her to start filleting the fish - then you are set!!!
  10. Great pics Joey - really like the snowy Owl ones. Even for fishing pics, I find it hard to just bring out a point and shoot anymore - started using the wife's Nikon J1 this year (which is by no means in the same ballpark as any of your cameras, but...) and the pics are so much better.
  11. HEYYY who you callin a freak??? Oh wait, that's me. Happy new year to you as well, and to all the members!
  12. Gotcha already Roy. Everyone - please sign up here: http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=77221 It'll just make it a bit easier for me to keep things organized instead of bouncing back and forth.
  13. 2015 OFC Tournament is up and running! Sign up today!

  14. Hello all OFC members! I have been allowed the privilege of running the 2015 OFC Tournament - and it is my goal to make this edition the most competitive and fun one yet! A big thanks to Christopher K who did a great job running the 2014 edition. It's not an easy job - as I am already finding out! To those who don't know what the tournament is all about - well it's free, it's fun and it gives you a chance to brag about your great catches even more by helping your team become the next champion! Read all about the tournament here. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showforum=44 The link is on the OFC home page. Please take a moment to look over the rules and feel free to PM me any questions! Oh yeah - it just so happens that my 2014 Team, Team 5 aka Team Five-Zero - are the 2014 Champions! To see all the 2014 final results, click here: http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=77229 Who dares challenge our dominance??? Bring it on! Sign up below and get in on a great time. I have some great ideas and additions for the 2015 Tournament... stay tuned! http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=77221 2014 Team Captains - if you would like to return as a captain, please PM me! Thanks Pete
  15. Dang nabbit Lew! I guess I should have posted this last night!
  16. Mine too Mitch - that's the first number I tried too! Thanks for trying to help though, appreciate it. Don't know what's going on with their phone menus, they are all messed up.
  17. I've been trying for days to contact someone there with no luck to find out if they are open - the phone menus are not working properly. Does anyone have a direct line to the repair shop? Or does anyone know their holiday hours? Want to drop by tomorrow or Wednesday. Thanks Pete
  18. For bass/pike jerkbaits I use a Rapala TS2 jerkbait rod - I think it is 6'7" or 6'9". Light and sensitive but has plenty of backbone. It is perfect for Xraps and such. Not expensive either, around $50. Not sure if they still make them though. Pete
  19. Seriously about the SAIL yawn - online boxing sale is a joke Hoping they put on their no-tax week again - they usually don't post it on the website but when you walk in the store the signs are up. Maybe Chrik K has the inside scoop?
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