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Everything posted by Fisherpete

  1. Looks great! I'm gonna have to build one of these...
  2. Ma'am can interpreted as an old reference... Which as we all know the ladies hate to hear. Don't see why it would bother a 29 year old like Joey though.
  3. Crap - forgot to measure it - the stuff I have at work (I forgot to measure, will tomorrow) is at least 3/4" if not 1" thick. I'll take some measurements tomorrow. Can get a few pieces for whoever wants some.
  4. Cool video - love the underwater battle shots. jds63 - I use 10lb powerpro braid as my main line and 10 feet of 20lb floro leader - have never had it break on the ice.
  5. Great report Jer. My grandfather is the one who got me into fishing, taking me perch fishing from shore in the Keswick canals, and then for pike in Cooks bay. I still remember the feeling of amazement when he hooked a nice pike, handed me the rod and made me bring it in all by myself. He passed when I was only 9... I miss him a lot and always think of him when out fishing.
  6. Wow - great catches! Love the specs, and that last carp is a bruiser. Nice muskie too - it is not a tiger though. Just a barred pattern, many fish from Scugog and other lakes have it. Pointed tips on tail fin. Cheers Pete
  7. What size do you need? I am thinking of doing the same thing for my boat this year and may have something at work. I think it is the right thickness, will check tomorrow. Pete
  8. Beauty greaser B! Andrew and I had some fun out there yesterday as well. Went to a whitey spot, I went 3/3 and he went 5/6... most of them between 10am and noon. Crazy bite window. Smallest was around 4lbs, biggest 6. I also caught a bonus beauty laker... on my ultralight perch rod... 4lb test... 10+ minute battle! Came in lust like a whitey on bottom... hovered... then SMASH game on! I'll add some pics later. Pete
  9. I think I had the same Ugly Stiks you are talking about at one point - 6', medium heavy action? Stiffer than a lot of rods, yes, but it truly does not have the stiffness to drive home musky sized hooks. I'm talking about hooks like the 7/0's that come on twin ten inlines. Trust me, I lost a ton of muskies because of those rods - they would hit - I would try set the hook - and a few seconds later off. I had a day on Scugog where this happened six consecutive times! If you are casting smaller lures like a Mepps #5, or others with thinner wire trebles, it will work. The Ugly Stik is a tool that you can use for the job. But it is not the ideal tool for what the OP is asking for.
  10. You will want a big rod for the Tranx... Like cowanjo mentioned it pairs very well with the 9' St. Croix Big Nasty. $400 though...
  11. Medium sized farm animals.
  12. True... but he's fishing LOTW...
  13. Ugly Sticks and many other big spinning rods do not have the stiffness required to drive the hooks home when a muskie or big pike bites... I use an 8'6" Ugly Stick for catfishing with circle hooks - it has a very soft tip which is what you need for using circle hooks... For pike and muskie you want that rod to be stiff. Jeez that sounds wrong lol
  14. I used one of the Shimano Compre muskie spinnning rods (3/4-2oz) for the first five years I fished for them... With a 3000 sized reel. It did the job for most lures, but a 4000 sized reel would have been even better. 50lb braid. I landed a lot of fish on it... Up to 48". I still use a similar setup now when Pike fishing... Pete
  15. Here's his Facebook page, Andrew (Lunkerhunter) can send you his contact info. We went out with him the past two summers - you won't be disppointed!
  16. Go out with Darcy Cox. You will learn a ton.
  17. Just wait for the next SAIL 15% off sale...
  18. This is the reel by the way... it's SWEEEEET!!! Amundson TMX4 Trend Mooching Specialist
  19. Anyone seen the Rapala 10'6" mooching rods for sale around here?
  20. I used to have every lure in every colour possible - but have really downsized in the last two seasons. as Raf said, not necessary. A few proven performers, used properly will catch you plenty of fish. I do have a good selection of blades however, but they vary in weight and blade size as well as colour. Casting in heavy weeds and rocks - lighter. Deeper structure - heavier.
  21. I had a Curado 300 EJ, which is the beefed up version of a Curado. Overall it was NOT a great muskie reel. Very weak drag does not allow for effective hooksets. Higher gearing is not ideal for hard pulling baits. You will burn yourself (and the reel) out fast trying to reel in blades with a Curado. Read the other current post on muskie rods and reels - there is a ton of discussion about muskie reels there. If I was just to have one reel, as Lew said it would be a round Shimano. Whether it be a B, D or TE series, so long as it is in the 400 size. What is your budget? As for tackle, I just finished texting another budding muskie fisherman a list of lures - he said he wanted to start with 8, and what would I suggest. This was my list: 1) Twin ten - natural colour 2) Twin ten - bright colour 3) 9' Grandma or similar crankbait 4) Muskie sized spinnerbait (M&G, Northland Booty Call or similar) 5) Top raider or similar 6) Suick or Sledge or similar 7) Shallow Invader crankbait 8) Hellhound or similar glide bait There is no true deep diving lure on that list, but for LOTW I don't even use them. I would add a big plastic or two (Bulldawg, Titan tube) to that list, but to throw them you might need a different rod. Hope this helps Pete
  22. Thanks for all the info guys. I added it simply for the fun aspect... cause it looks like a blast! I'll start out with it on one of my rigger rods and go from there. Bill - thanks for the warning... they are called 'knuckle busters' for a good reason I'm guessing LOL! Cheers Pete
  23. Yes, yes and yes. Everything will happen later... I'm hoping Lake O does not stay cold all summer like last year either...
  24. Yikes Greg Not where you want to be on LOTW after dark... But at least you guys caught the big one LOL Pete
  25. I have just added a mooching reel to my salmon arsenal for this summer. The concept seems very cool, can't wait to try it out. I've seen them in use on many shows, usually in the west coast. Would love to hear some feedback and tips from those of you who use them. I was planning on just using it with one of my current downrigger rods, any drawbacks to this? If that's not the best way to go, does anyone have a suggestion for a mooching specific rod? Thanks Pete
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